The Legend

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Narrator: you've all have heard the story, the story of a Diamond, a Pink Diamond, but mainly her son, Steven Universe. A boy of two worlds, one of Humans and one of Gems. He never knew his mother side in the beginning, but through the course of his life he learned the truth, and through it his powers began to grow, as did his friends and family, The Crystal Gems. Through their struggles and hardships they have established peace across the entire Galaxy. And a year has past for the young hero as he learning of his human side. But he'll soon learn, that his story, is far from over. And so begins the legend of Steven Universe....And His Brothers.

Deep within space. A broadcast could heard. It a Steven universe broadcast,  a massive ship loomed over, opening up to capture the broadcast. It stands in dark room filled with multiple white eyes.


The door opens, the eyes dart towards the figure. His wild hair standing up as he walks to the device. Wearing spider like goggles and wears a cape that' has on a shoulder pads.

???: well well well what do we have here 

He plays the broadcast, he watched as an organic Said he was a diamond, and how he established peace around the galaxy. 

???: peace around the Galaxy aye, he be must be some big shot organic to be commanding over those hot shot diamonds


???: what, what do you me he's a diamond, it's impossible much less a reality.... Hm [scanning the broadcast] he emitted diamond energy, pink energy. Hahaha, I found Then, I finally found them, centuries of searching, oh thank whoever you are.[heard whispers] Steven universe, well Steven, it's time we got acquainted 

He smiles as the ship moves toward to origin of the broadcast. Scene transitions to rapid moving star, stopping to earth. Zooming into a bright luminous city. Inside an apartment. A young man was sleeping in bed. He gets up and walks around and heads to go restroom. He looked in the mirror to be known other than Steven Universe.

Steven: good morning, Mr. universe, time to start the day

He transits to the pizza shop where Steven is in a delivery boy uniform. He is Steve 

Boss: universe, we got an 2 order of extra large extra cheesy pizza. Need to be delivered to this address, move it move it

Steven: I'm there boss

Steven runs out the shop.

Boss: that universe, great kid, zoned out to much

Scene transits to Steven is running through waves of pedestrians. He arrives at a stop light and wait along with pedestrians. Looking at his watch and the light he was already losing time. He waits as the light change. People start crossing as Steven disappears in the crowd. Then we see Steven using his powers increase his speed, zooming past people before they can react. 

Steven: whoo!!!

He speeds past them heading to the address in mere seconds. At the address was a high school which was its graduation day.  One kid kicks the door down and walks down the step.  He lands down as we see his full look. A  black kid wearing a yellow cap backwards with the his hair sticking out. Wearing grey bagging pants with chains on the pockets, dark blue shirt with lightning bolts on them. As well as spike cuffs on his wrist.

???: oh yeah, high school is officially over. An I'm ready to party.

He slides down the rails and lands on the floor.  He looks around and spots another kid. He smirks and sneaks up on him. They kid had dreads and and has blue hoodie covering his head, inside was a grey shirt with the tidal wave logo on it. He were light blue jeans too.  He was on his computer working in somethings when he is grabbed by other kid.

???: ah, zack, put me down 

Zack: sorry little bro but I gotta mess around with ya the first chance we get. So how's you doing Jay

He puts the kid down as we now know their names. Zack and Jay Sparkson. Zack is the big brother while Jay is the little brother.

Jay: I'm doing alright, just glad high school is over and now we can finally have some fun

Zack: yeah but first I can't wait to grab a slice of pizza.

Jay: then lucky for you I just ordered us a large pie. 

Zack: and that's why you're my favorite brother. 

Zack then gives him a noogie. Jay laughs as he tries to free himself. Scene transit to the otherside of the school Steven stops behind a dumpster, looking around for the anyone and walks out. 

Steven: heh, five minutes to spare, with this last job I'll finally have enough money for me and lars to pay rent 

Steven runs to the other side. Then he gets stopped by some guys.

Person: Hey check it out, free pizza boys

Steven: sorry but this is for someone else 

Person: yeah I don't think 

Steven: thought as much 

Steven then jumps over them

Steven: cya 

Person hey get back here

The two chase after him.  As they chase Steven they turn the corner. Steven was so focused on them as he was charging towards Zack. Jay, who was behind his big bro notice this and back up. 

Zack: you bro what's wrong 

Jay: I would say that

Zack was confused until he gets body slammed by Steven. The people chasing Steven stopped and got scared. They run off just as Steven gets up.   

Steven: ah that hurts, wait  where's the pizza

Steven is then pushed off. He looks and sees Zack getting up, with his head stuck in the pizza box.

Steven: oh man I'm so sorry 

Steven helps him up when he notices everyone hiding. Then zack takes off the pizza box showing his cheese covered face. With fury in his fiery eyes. Zack growls stomping towards Steven.

Steven: woah, woah, hey didn't mean to, throw pizza onto you

Zack: oh you are so dead delivery boy

Steven: woah, woah, let's just calm down

Zack: oh I'll calm down, after I give you your tip

Steven chuckles and slowly backs up.  What he doesn't know  that Zack is know for being the school hothead and the will solve anything with his fist. He will get into a lot of fights. Earning the nickname Zap the Thunderstorm. He also Few seconds backing up Steven is chased by Zack. 


Zack: Get Back Here!!!!

Jay pops his head over the tree.

Jay: well that's a Zack for ya. Good thing we graduated.

Jay watches as he chased him around. The scene transit to the homeworld. Where there we're celebrating something. Every gem was gather, having a splendid time. The scene transit to the diamond right at the palace with spinel sitting in yellow's shoulder. 

White Diamond: gems, we are gather here today to celebrate our new way of life brought us by the beloved Steven universe.

Spinel then leapt on to the podium.

Spinel: so let's lite this candle 

Spinel pressed a button and fireworks were shot into the sky. They were glorious.  Everyone were in awe. Scene moves right and see the little homeworld gems and the crystal gems: Bismuth, Peridot and Lapis. 

Bismuth: [chuckles] now this is a celebration, never thought I'd see homeworld grow so much in a year

Lapis: yeah 

Peridot: oh look, there just time for the parade

Bismuth: A parade, the diamonds really mean "bismuth"

They watch the parade. Until a loud explosion shook the planet itself. Their attention was drawn to a large moon facing the city it looked different and head metallic and glowing features. A ship descends to the palace and diamonds.

Yellow: spinel, is this apart of the surprise you were throwing 

Spinel: let me thinking[muttering and calculating] nope, this wasn't it 

???: rubies, pearls, And gems of all kind, it with great honor I present you the marvelous, the powerful, the magnificent, Ringmaster.

A gem lands on top the ship and leans forward , eyeing all the gems on the ground. 

Ringmaster: look at that, all you gems are female like, amazing.

The Ringmaster wasn't no ordinary gem, it was a male like gem.  He had colorful skin like a ringmaster and a clown. And a wild hair.  He chuckles as eyes the diamonds. 

Bismuth: who is that

Peridot: never seen him before

lapis: I don't think anyone had.

Blue: who are you 

Ringmaster: oh where are my manners, I am the Ringmaster, a very older gem then your three

Yellow: older than us?

Ringmaster: and I'm here to spread my endless festival to the whole universe. 

Spinel: oh I'm beginning to like him

Ringmaster: and all inner fro make my dream a reality........ is your gems

All the gems gasped

Spinel: oh never mind

White: take our gems?

Ringmaster: well actually to extract their energy. Especially the one they call Steven Universe, he is truly a unique case, organic and gem, the possibilities. But don't worry, You'll still be in your light constructs. But a weak husk of your former selves. Now who's first

He states, whilst a massive weapon looking like an injector comes from the ship. 

Yellow: if you think we're just gonna-

Ringmaster snaps his finger. Several orbs fly from the ship to the diamonds. Yellow use to powers but are now affect. They wrap around the diamonds and hold them in place, spinel falls to the ground an watches as the ringmaster device powers up. It fires a beam at the diamonds extracting their powers. Behind the extractor, were three vats. Inside energy surged.... Slowly Creating diamonds. 

Ringmaster: being the genius I am, I know how to clone gems without those little devices you have. Now be a good little lesser beings.... And give me you power

He increases the power as the diamonds scream in pain. Scene transition to a screaming Steven being chased by Zack. 

Steven: can we at least talk about 

Zack: sure, stop and let my fist talk. 

Steven ducks under his fist as they run through the school. Scene transit to a kid sitting on the edge of a window. Reading a book as we see him have white pale skin, lion( and Greg universe) like hair. He were a black shirt and dark jeans. Wearing a grey jacket to complete the look. Then the Jay runs into the room.  Breathing heavy as he spots his friend.

Jay: oh hey Zane, have you seen Zack and one kid he's chasing 

Zane, the kid, he points over him as they watch Zack chase Steven. 

Jay: oh there they are, we should really stop them

Zane: maybe, but hey if zap feels like it he'll just get tired an ear till he sleeps.

Jay: hey, Zack isn't like that.

Zane gives him a look.

Jay: okay he is like that, but he's gonna get in serious trouble 

Zane: alright let go, hopefully gives the kid a black eye

Jay shakes his head and runs down.  Steven continues to run until he's grabbed by zack. Who smirks and laughs, recoil his fist as they crack.

Zane: alright that's enough zap

Zap: what, he hit me with pizza

Zane: first of all you probably deserve form some karma, and too, he's a pizza boy, he's already suffering 

Steven: hey 

Zane: and third, now that we graduated we'll be in a lot more troubled then detention

Zack looks at him then Steven and grows and drops him. 

Zack: fine let's go, your lucky pizza boy

He walks off.

Steven: well that was interesting 

Jay: sorry about my brother, he can be a little

Zane: hotheaded, reckless, annoying, stubborn 

Jay: Zane!

Zane: what they're facts

Jay: any hope you have a good time pizza boy

Steven: it's Steven 

Jay: well hope you have a great time Steven, I'm Jay, and the walking bookworm is Zane

Zane: hey, alright let's go, I see Zack already scoffing down the second box of pizza

Jay: Zack, your suppose to share

Zack: I am stress eating

Zack yelled offscreen as Jay and Zane chase after.

Steven: heh, weird guys 

Steven walks off. Scene transit back to homeworld where the ringmaster is continuing his work as the diamonds powers were almost extracted. He smirks as the diamonds are almost complete. 

Bismuth: hey high and mighty 

Ringmaster looks around  then down to see the crystal gems.

Bismuth: if you think we're just gonna watch as you undo all our hard work.

Peridot: yeah 

Ringmaster: and you are?

Bismuth: I'm bismuth, this is peridot and this sweet girl is lapis

Lapis: hey 

Ringmaster: no your names

Peridot: we already told our names

Ringmaster: no I mean your names, how can you tell you guys apart........ seriously, man these gems are more outdated then I thought. 

Lapis: I'll show you outdated

Lapis flys to the top of the ship. Ringmaster rolls his eyes and pressed a button. A platform opens up and out of nowhere a dark tendril grabs her pulling into the ship. 

Peridot: lapis

Bismuth: that does peridot fling me up their 

She smirks as she uses her powers. Then the ringmaster convinces working until he hears a thud. He looks an sees bismuth and peridot land in the ship.

Ringmaster: hey, I just buffed that 

Ringmaster summons his weapon a drill blaster. It fires ice beams at bismuth.

Bismuth: woah, this guy means bismuth, peridot, stop his machine[dodged a beam of fire and runs off]

Peridot: I'm on it 

She sneaks past ringmaster, who focused on bismuth, and makes it to the machine.

Peridot: with my intelligence this will be an easy task to free the diamonds and reverse the, oh clods

The weapon and the tech was more advanced than what she seen.  

Bismuth: peridot, how's it going, [dodges beam] whoa 

Peridot: I might need more time 

Bismuth: I got it 

Bismuth changes direction tuning toward ringmaster, forming hammers in both hands. He fires multiple rounds of fire and ice.  Bismuth avoids them and strikes ringmaster back.

Ringmaster: nice move 

Bismuth: thanks, now do us a favor and let the diamonds go, 

Ringmaster: yeah I don't think so, oh boys

He bangs the floor. A platform opens up lapis flies out and fall to the floor. Injured and tired.

Bismuth: lapis, you okay

Ringmaster: you should worry about your yourself. 

Ringmaster fired her into hole. Lapis gets up and flys grabs her just in time. 

Ringmaster: ah just when things were getting good. Boys, time to help with your creator 

Lapis and bismuth look down. Multiple eyes come from the darkness. Lapis groans as bismuth braced for what's to come. But before us came a large sound caught everyone's attention. Peridot caused the machine to malfunction.

Ringmaster: what did you do

Peridot: save, the day eat that ah, what is he exactly 

He rolls his eyes. Then he sees the machine explodes, the shockwave sends the gems flying off. Lapis Carrie's bismuth down, once in the ground then they catch peridot. Ringmaster coughs when see a glow from smoke. Walking closer he see three miniature gems of the diamonds.

Ringmaster: yes, the power of the diamonds, in my hands, with it I'll take the final run, do I can-

The diamonds were just in his reach when shine bright then flying off in a beam of energy. Like a warp beam. 

Ringmaster: oh come on, you can't just do that, I spent a millennium  looking for the diamonds doing unspeakable things to planets, finally found out one of them has reincarnated into an organic offspring. Finally found these stupid diamond daughters and steel their powers just for them to fly out of my hands, what kind of suck planet is this.

The eyes from the darkness whispers,

Ringmaster: what, what you mean they searching for something.... Wait, wait, I use the Boy biometric signature to make this invention work, it must've work to well, now the diamonds clones are heading to closet thing that match the similarities. The boy, Well mister Universe, looks like we're gonna get acquainted after all. Cya gems, good to cya, but now I got a date, with destiny. 

Ringmaster laughs as the ship teleports to moon base as it flys out of view. Leaving the gems shocked. The scene transits to the to the asteroid belt. A dark figure is meditating, in remote silence. The colorful beams of light passed it.  Once the light stopped the figure opens its eyes. It gets up and walks out the darkness. It remembers a a gray skin figure with black markings and feathers and clothes. He were talons and owl like hair. Finishing the look was on his left shoulder. It was a black and gold gem. His clothes resemble a gi of a sensei. He watches the beam of lights and is shocked.

 ???: ringmaster? He's finally done it, I must find them, before he does. [sigh] and it looks like my time of solitude has come to an end.

The figure teleports out of sight.  Scene transitions to the back to earth. Steven walk inside his apartment. He flops on to the couch.

Steven: wow, that was, something, I wonder when Lars gonna come around. I might as well[yawn] get some shut eye

Steven then falls asleep. Then scene transitions to sunset and we see Zack walking down the street on his phone. 

Zack: you serious little bro, your going to leave your big bro

Jay is on the other side of the phone packing his bag before hitting the road. 

 Jay: yeah Zack, don't worry I'll be okay, trust me, I feel a lot safer when surfing in the water

Zack: alright, just be careful, 

Jay: I will, love ya bro

Zack: love ya too bro,[hangs up] man what to do now that I'm out of school 

He turns left into an alley. He stops when he hear the something. He looks around seeing he just walked into an ambush. A couple of bullies all out from 

Zack: guys, you really don't want to do this

The bullies laugh before pouncing, we hear grunts and punches. We hear a laugh and Zack walks out of the alley. He chuckles and walks off. we look back to see the bullies all beaten up. Scene transit to night as Steven is still sleeping until someone taps his head.

???: universe, Steven universe....Wake up Young Diamond!!!!

Steven leaps off the couch hitting the ground. He looks around, not noticing the person behind him. Steven notice him and forms his shield and throws it. But the figure catches it like it was a ball. Steven glows pink and rushes the figure. But he disappeared, Steven looks around an spots the figure on the ceiling. Steven jumps at him as the go around the room over and over.

???: enough 

The figure appears before Steven and strikes blows in crucial parts of Steven body. Steven then fell to the ground and stopped glowing.

Steven: what you do

???: I'd strike pressure points on you body neutralizing your powers and weakening your body.

He states holding Steven by the shirt, he sits him down and he sits on a chair. Steven then notice something.

Steven: wait you have a gem

???: yes, I am a gem, like you young one

Steven: but wait aren't you-

???: a male, yes, it might quite shock, but let me assure I am not a rare case, you may call me nightshade, my gem has no name but it goes by [gem name for black and gold]

Steven: well I'm steven and why are you here.

Shade: cause you need help

Steven: oh I see, look shade, my meltdown has been over, so far my powers have calmed down, so I'll just show your the nearest warp pad and we'll-

Nightshade: you misunderstand universe, I'm not talking about your incident, there is a grave threat coming to you, an ancient threat far ancient then the diamonds

Steven: but wait I don't get it, how can there still be threats, I established peace throughout the Galaxy 

Shade: Steven, you merely establish that you exist, and there are threats for more dangerous then the diamonds, and his name is ringmaster 

Steven: [snorts] ringmaster?

Shade: not as y as it sounds but he's far more dangerous, his twisted mind has knowledge of every gem, and that very reason is why he see you as the most valuable prize for his studies, and as we speak he has extracted the three diamonds powers and are now flying to earth to meet its equal, you. And he won't stop at nothing until you and the diamonds in his laboratory.  L extract your powers, and use it in his sick enjoyment 

Shade finished talking as Steven is left speechless 

Steven: how, how am I gonna even stop that, or where to find these gems.

Shade: you may not have to, I believe they are going to earth to search for host similar to you, find the host and come to me, and I will help train them and you for the coming threat 

Steven: wait you know about diamond training 

Shade: know it, my best friend was a diamond[laughs] look for the lights universe.

Steven: k, wait you knew a diamond 

Steven sees the nightshade is gone. He was shock, until he sees a night light, he runs to the balcony and looks into the sky. The cloud disperse as three beams of light descend into the city.

Steven: you gotta be kidding me

Then a sonic boom sends the diamonds flying into different directions.  The yellow diamond defends down into the city. 

Steven: well that's one problem solved

Steven jumps off the balcony towards the light. Scene transits to the scrapyard. There was a crater. Inside was Zack, unconscious. His cap was blown to pieces as his black hair revealed to be a long healthy Mohawk. But no longer black as it was yellow. And the shocking part is his chest had the yellow diamond in his chest( and before you think about it no it does not cover his whole chest just between the peck).  Zack gets up groaning as he see his now yellow eyes.

Zack: ow, what hit me

He stumbles out of the crater and sits down. He turns and sees his reflection in a broken mirror. It takes him a minute to view his full look. 


He step back and trips on a soda can. He then unexpectedly fires a lightning blast at a scarppile. He looks at the aftermath and then at his hand as it sparks.

Zack: geez you take one nap and suddenly you have lightning powers

-Flashback: 10 mins earlier 

Zack was laying in the scrapyard as he usually does with no care in the world. The only place to see the stars

Zack: [sigh] my brother I heading to a surf contest and Zane is doing his own thing, you think that my bros would stick around, it's not like I don't worry about them, maybe I should fly solo too, not like anything gonna happen in this dump, hey what's that

Zack looks to see a shooting star. He decides making a wish when the star grew brighter

Zack: I'm gonna take a hunch and say that's not a star.

The clouds disperse when he sees the beam of light heading down.

Zack: no it's not[screams]

The beam consumes him, the diamond is them embedded into his chest as his eyes glow as does his hair. The beams is absorbed into him as he falls into a crater falling unconscious.  

Flashback Over

Zack: u remember,  I got hit by a beam of light and now I got this gem piercing in my chest and dyed hair, and not to mention weird lightning powers. What is this a superhero origin.

Before Zack can figure this out. He hears a terrifying sound you don't want to hear in a scrapyard. Junkyard dogs. Looking to his left he sees the dogs barreling towards I'm. He gets up and starts running. As he runs the dogs catches up. But then the diamond glows. Electricity surged within him and the and runs out the Junkyard with great speed, to the point he looks like a laser beam. 

Zack: woah 

Back to the crater Steven lands done.

Steven: this is where the diamond landed here, what this

He sees the scorch marks and follows it. scene transit to space. The moon is slowly following the diamonds location. 

Ringmaster: what this, one of the diamonds have found the pink diamond, ah if only I was closer.... Oh wait, boys, get ready to launch

Outside the moon fires a torpedo. With it speed it reaches the other within minutes. Back on earth Zack is still running until he is tackled into a wall.  He groans and sees the busted wall.

Zack: how am I not broken in pieces. Maybe this diamond ain't so bad

Zack walks out of the wall and down the alley, scene transits to the train station. he looks at his hands, they spark with electricity. Zack points and concentrates, he then fires electricity into a train cart. 

Zack: now that's awesome, wonder what else you can do.

Zack looks at a train cart and smirks. Walking over to it he grabs the edge. And lifts it off the ground. Lifting it like it was merely a feather.

Zack: sweet, super strength, [drops it] now this is off the hook. Whoohoo

He jumps, but his powers given him super jump. He jumped high into the air, he sees the whole city from high up. 

Zack: wow, that's amazing, this is amazing.[sees a bright beam]  Wait what

He then sees the light pass right by and hit the ground.

Zack: hah, you miss 

Zack lands down and runs to the crater. He sees a rocket in the crater. Then the rocket opens up. A burst of brimstone and sulfur burst out.  

Zack: freaky 

Then the clouds hit the ground. Then the form into something, two skinny black  humanoid creatures with skeleton body and hind legs. With white and snarly growls and producing smokes 

Zack: oh that's all kinds of wrong

The creatures then attack Zack. Zack used his speed to dodge. The creature prove to be tough and fast as well, becoming smoke to keep up with Zack. They slash the Zack various times. 

Zack: okay not cool not cool.

Zack continues running, until we see from a different direction Steven is following the trail. When he turn the corner, then the Steven gets tackled by Zack as they stumble across the ground.

Zack: ugh, what the, pizza boy

Steven: wait, you, oh just great 

Zack: you pick the worse time to tackle me

Steven: you tackled me

Zack: oh don't jump to conclusions 

Steven: well how about- wait

Steven spots his yellow Diamond as they get up.

Steven: you have the yellow Diamond, just great

And explosion catch their attention. They see the smoker creature reconstitute.

Zack: oh great these things

Steven: ah what are they 

Zack: don't know, they smell like sulfur brimstone, so I'm thinking of calling them Brim

Steven: that's a, a little retry good name.

Zack: thanks, so we're surrounded, what we do

Steven: get behind me

Zack: hah, yeah right

Zack runs towards the brim at great speed. Behind the brim a cloud started to form. Zack throws a punch as a brim takes it. Zack looks up and sees the target was a hulking brim. Big, muscular and robust( and by that I mean combine Jasper and bismuth beefiness) 

Zack: oh that's a big brim

Brim punches Zack sending him past Steven and hits a train cart. The bulk brim charges at the two and attacks but it's blocked by Steven shield.  Zack then sees the Steven gem.

Steven: you okay

Zack: wait, you have a gem too, 

Steven: yep, and the names Steven universe 

Zack: now that's a last name 

Steven: thanks, what's your last name

Zack: Sparkson 

Steven: fitting 

Zack: I know right

Steven is them pinned by the brim.

Steven: a little help

Zack: sure. 

The brim growls until he sees an incoming zack performing a roundhouse kick. It lands sending him into a cart, the brim look at their brother then back at Zack. Who chuckles as his eyes glow. He rushes one and deliver a vicious uppercut, it launch high into the air. He grabs another and  slams him into the ground and stomps the brim to dust. Zack laughs a blast several with his lightning. There was nothing but smoke as Zack smiles. He walks to Steven when a brin came out of know where. But is quickly turn to dust by Zack fist.

Steven: wow, your good

Zack: what, you thought I was a bully who didn't know how to fight. But anyway I got one question...... what on earth is going 

Steven: actually off earth, you may want to sit down 

Steven then explains his story. Scene transit to the space. Ringmasters is reported that his brim are destroyed and the yellow diamond signal has been lost.

Ringmaster:[yells] I can't believe my creatures were destroyed, the diamonds powers must be powerful then I thought, no matter, there's more then one, after all I did send more then one missile.

Ringmaster laughs as the scene transit to the stars. 

Narrator: it's only the beginning for Steven as hell deal with forces he didn't know exist, and the true power of the diamonds. So begins, The Steven Universe Legends.

Boom that's it for the chapter and the beginning of something legendary. Steven has met the first diamond kid, Zack, and they didn't have a great introduction. How will this play out. And who exactly is nightshade. And this Ringmaster and his horde of brim. And why are there both dudes. Next chapter, more questions then answers in, Training.

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