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-Train Station

The scene transit to the scrapyard, where we see Steven and Zack. Zack sits on a barrel as Steven explained everything.

Steven: and now some freaky gem called ringmaster wants the powers of the diamonds. Meaning you and mean.

Zack: I see

Steven: really, no questions, no concerns

Zack: just one..... YOUR AND ALIEN

Steven: half alien but yeah 

Zack: so now I'm half alien, with blonde hair.  With super strengths speed and lightning powers. 

Steven: and you have a gem like me

Steven lifts his shirt to reveal his diamond. Zack pulls his shirt down to reveal his yellow diamond.

Zack: Huh, they come in different color. So how come you don't got pink hair.

Steven: Huh, well I don't know ok cause this haven't happened before.

Zack: well except you am I right [laughs] 

Steven: yeah, I guess

???: I'm glad you have found the first diamond host 

They look to the left and see it's nightshade. Zack sees nightshade as a threat and growls, his gem shines and his body surges with electricity.

Zack: another brim. 

Steven: wait Zack that's not!

Zack leaps towards nightshade and strikes with a lighting induced fist. Nightshade steps to the side as Zack crashes into a train car. Nightshade chuckles as Steven sighs.

Nightshade: he's quite energetic 

And explosion comes from the train cart. Nightshade looks over and see Zack in the air holding pipes. He throws them at nightshade which trap him. Zack dives toward nightshade with a flying kick.  Nightshade jumps and blocks the kick with his and launched him back. Zack hit the ground groaning as nightshade floats down and lands on a pipe. Zack pops up and lunged at nightshade. He kicks the pipe he was on but nightshade jumps away. Nightshade continues dodging hits from Zack.

Nightshade: hm, he's more skilled then you Steven

Steven: I wouldn't say that skilled

Nightshade then strikes Zack in the neck, causing the young lad to freeze and fall to the ground. 

Steven: is he

Nightshade: he is fine, a normal person would be unconscious 

Zack slowly gets up groaning. 

Zack: alright round two

Zack gets up and growls, he surges with electricity and shoots up. Steven gets in his way and stops him

Steven: hold it, Zack this is nightshade he's a friend

Zack: I though you said he was human  

Steven: no that's Lars, I was gonna tell you about nightshade, he's kinda a male gem who's older then most gems.

Zack: oh, your one of a kind 

Nightshade: eh yes and no. It's a pleasure to meet you Zack, you have a much fiery temper then young universe 

Zack: and you have a short of sensei vibe going for you too

They all look and hear police sirens in the distance.

Nightshade: I believe it's time to run 

Steven: wait is that-

Zack: you heard the gem man Steven. MOVE IT MOVE IT MOVE IT. 

Nightshade takes lead as Zack pushes Steven.

Zack: trust me when I say you do not want to get involved with this city's detective.

Zack and the others left the station as the police arrived.  The scene transit to an abandoned warehouse.  Where we see nightshade scanning the room.

Nightshade: hm, this shall do, now we can begin your training

Zack: what the training, against the brim 

Nightshade: the brim?

Steven: those shadowy creatures 

Nightshade: ah yes, not a bad name. But not only them, their leader is more dangerous than you think. I've seen him destroy countless experiments for his work. You'll need training to master your new powers when you face him. 

Zack: wait so you expect me to fight someone who cause this diamond to be embedded on me. And is now seeking the brim on me 

Nightshade: yes

Steven: now I know this is a lot to take in

Zack: oh nothing to it Im in  

Steven: really, just like that

Zack: dude this is what most people dream of having superpowers, plus the fact aliens do exist and now I'm half alien. I want to see where this ride goes. Now let's see what I can do

Steven: I think we should slow down 

Zack: oh come on Steven don't be such a worried wart. I got this 

Nightshade: good, now let's begin

Nightshade begins training Zack. 

-Steven Apartment

The camera pans to the door and sees the door knob shake. Then It opens revealing Lars. 

Lars: hey Steven, I made it. 

Lars then looks and sees the room is empty. 

Lars: weird, he said he'd be here 

Lars walks around when he noticed a feather on the ground. He picks it up as it glows gold.  He sways it around and noticed a patterned. The feather glows towards a specific location. It lead to across the city. 

Lad: hmmm

Lars decided to follow it. 

- River

The scene transit to an underbelly of a bridge. The river that flows through held within it a missile. It slowly opens and several brim swim out. The follow the stream to search for the gems.


We see Zack punching a dummy viscously. Steven watches a little weird. He hasn't gotten over the fact he's not the only one of his kind. Of the fact the kid he just met has the powers of yellow diamond. And then there was nightshade. 

Nightshade: good, concentrate, keep up the pressure 

Zack throws a final punch as the dummy flew into the wall. Zack smirks and stretches.

Zack: that was a fun warm up, what's next

Nightshade: I see you have a warrior in you Zack, but now it's time to channel your powers. Your power is that of energy, given form of lighting. You see those cans.

Zack eyes the cans and nods.

Nightshade: use your powers and fire a bolt at the cans.

Zack: got it

Zack aims his hand at the cans. His gem glows and energy swirls within his palm. He fires a large blast of lighting that was meant to be a small beam. It blew up the can and the barrel. Steven falls off his chair and sees the smoldering flame. Then nightshade with a swift swing extinguish the flames.

Nightshade: impressive, but you still need focus. For now I suggest you minimize the use of your lighting blast. 

Zack: yeah I hear yah, I'm not a fan of having an uncontrollable lighting blast. Get into enough trouble being regular me 

Steven: wait what kind of trouble

Zack: you don't need to know 

Nightshade: wait, do you hear that

Zack and Steven heard nothing as nightshade look at the door. He rushes and grabs the person on the other side. It reveal to be Lars, then the feather he held merged with nightshade.

Nightshade: hm

Zack: who's the spy

Steven: wait it's Lars 

Zack: wait that's Lars, you weren't kidding about the pink skin and hair, oh and if I'm dying and you can heal me, let me die cause I'm not doing pink. I have enough with the yellow hair.

Lars: Steven, what's going on 

Nightshade puts him down as he walks off. 

Steven: Lars, how you get here

Lars: I was in your apartment when I noticed a feather, it lead me here. What is going on here. And who's the gem and kid

Steven: the male gem is nightshade, and the kid is name Zack

Lars: wait gems comes in male now

Steven: yeah, there's a lot I need to catch you up on

Steven began telling Lars what has happened as nightshade trained Zack. Once he was done it we see Lars shocked face. 

Lars: wow Steven, I thought we knew everything after the spinel incident 

Steven: yeah, but it seems the universe has other things plans

Lars: and don't you think it's weird seeing a gem that's a boy

They look over to nightshade as he's seen mediating. 

Nightshade: you have questions, the time for answers will come. For now the both of you must train and prepare, for the coming storm

Lars: wait, me too

Nightshade: if you want lars, I have watched all of you and you have potential. Same goes for you Steven

Steven: wait I need training too. I'm pretty strong 

Nightshade: oh I know you are strong Steven, but you'll need to get stronger, fully master your powers. And I do mean "All" of your powers 

Nightshade looks at Steven, causing the young gem to get nervous. Then he notice the room was missing someone. 

Steven: hey where's Zack

Nightshade: oh the young lad left. His training went well. 

Steven: wait is that a good idea. He's not like me and when I had my powers I could barley control them. 

Lars: tell me about it

Nightshade: unlike you Steven, he seems to be doing well with the change. Plus he wasn't a kid with gem powers who constantly in danger with no stable power 

Lars chuckles as Steven blushes. 

Nightshade: but you earth teens are known for getting into trouble. Go look for him

Steven: got it.. wait I don't have his number

Nightshade: he gave it to me

Nightshade throws the number into the air and land in Steven hand. With that Steven runs off. 

- gym

We see the bounce of a basketball, then we see Zack bouncing the ball as he throw it in the net. He smirks and grabs the ball. He starts bouncing the ball as we see the doors open and reveal Steven, who look like he ran across town, which he did.

Zack: you good Steven 

Steven: no, I had to run all the a here 

Zack: why didn't you use your powers

Steven: the was trying to keep our secret a secret. Zack you shouldn't have left 

Steven walks over as Zack gets the ball in the net. 

Zack: if you're gonna talk then grab a ball.

Steven does so and throws the ball, it missed.

Steven: look I know this is a lot for you

Zack: nope I'm fine

Steven: you sure

Zack: Steven, I sure I gain yellow hair and a gem I didn't want embedded in my chest. But I'm looking on the bright side. I got lighting and super strength. And I in some destiny to stop an evil threat, it sounds like fantasy, plus it seems like the you're not fine. 

Steven: what no I'm completely fine

Steven shoots another shot as it missed, then Zack as he nails it.

Zack: Steven look I've seen and been through worse then you, trust me when I say your no fine 

Steven: [sigh] you're right. Look I thought all of this was behind me, I was trying to decide my life, but now with this and pulling you into this. I feel like I have a lot on my shoulders

Zack: geez Steven you must've had a rough childhood to think that Steven. Look dude someone should've told you that you can't have the weight of the world on your shoulder. You can't do everything at once. I learned you gotta trust your friends. 

Steven: yeah, kinda forgot that..... wait we're friends

Zack: don't even go there pizza boy 

They smile and continue to dunk. But whispers caught their attention. They look around and see various brim enter the building.

Zack: looks like we're playing a new game 

Steven: and it's called bop the brim

Zack: okay if we're working together you really need better one liners. And let's not destroy the place I like this gym

Steven nods and the brim attack. Zack punches one into the ground as it disperse. Steven creates a shield and pins a large group into the wall.

Steven: little help

Steven then sees something and screams, he ducks as a giant mat slams into the wall crushing the brim. Steven looks at zack who dust his hands.

Zack: what you said you'd needed help

Then several brim tackle him down.  Zack blocks they hits but was still pinned.

Steven: do you need some help!

A glow comes from the brim dogpile and then an explosion of energy.  Zack is seen punching his fist.

Zack: nope, cause I know when to call for help

Zack flex his brows as Steven rolls his eyes. Soon the brim were defeated and left the gym.

Zack: hah, you thought you could do this on you own

Steven: yeah well, lucky for you I'm a team player

Zack: that's the spirit Steven. We might make a man out of you yet, now come on let's get pizza

Steven: isn't it a little late

Zack: don't ruin the mood Steven

Zack walks ahead of Steven as he follows.

Boom that's it for the chapter. Zack and Steven had a little moment and battle some more brim. And Lars is now back and apart of the new team. And we still don't know who the other diamonds host are, but I think you already know. Next chapter need for speed turn to the need for rescue in, Thrill Ride.

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