Chapter 10: Thousands of years later

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(No ones POV)

You were very confused as you followed Peridot through long metal corridors. The Peridot who got you out of what appeared to be a prison didn't bother speaking to you or even looking in the direction you were. Many questions ran through your mind like "What is that prison for?". Gems don't take organic life as prisoners and you didn't saw any creatures inside those cells either.

Onyx: May I ask you something?

The Peridot turned her gaze from her floating monitor and looked at you. It was obvious that she did not want to speak to you because of the expression of annoyance on her face.

Peridot: It is necessary?

Onyx: It is for me. I'm... Lost.

Peridot: It's not a surprise. You have been suspended for more than five thousands of years.


A small amount of steam started to come out of your head. It was not really because of the amount of information received since relatively, not much had been explained to you yet. But the surprise of knowing that you spent more than a millennium without knowing where you were or what was happening was a bit of strong news to bear.

Peridot: That information is classified.

Onyx: Classified?! What do you mean classified?!

Peridot: It means information that-

Onyx: I know what classified means you little-

You clenched your fists tightly while taking deep breaths. It wasn't because you needed the air but just to try to blow some steam. You let out a breath as you slowly regain your composure.

Onyx: Could you tell me SOMETHING that can help me?

Peridot: I can. To get started-

The platform under your feet started to rise and float. Suddenly, a hole opened in the ceiling and revealed a long tunnel leading up to a rare light.

Onyx: What the-

Peridot: Obviously Homeworld's technological advances improvised a lot during the many years you were in suspended animation.

Onyx: So what you are trying to say is-

The floating platform began to carry you and Peridot towards the light at the end of the tunnel. You covered your face for a few seconds to protect your eyes from light. But after a few moments, you removed your arm from in front of your face only to be amazed at the things that were in front of you.

Peridot: Everything you know about Homeworld and our technology is now completely obsolete.

The platform stopped for a few moments. Before you could ask, it started to move back, following another tunnel.

Onyx: This is an interesting transport. Typically the elevators only moved from top to bottom... But you still haven't told me where you're taking me.

Peridot: I'm taking you to a warp pad. Once there, you will receive new direct instructions from Yellow Diamond.

Onyx: Yellow... Diamond...

Images of your battle against Yellow Diamond began to appear in your head. It was like a complete compilation of what happened that day but in the end... You still didn't knew what that white light was. You knew that something must have sent you inside your gem... Right? But if so, why didn't they shatter you? As all these questions ran through your mind, Peridot refocused her attention on her floating monitor.

Peridot: Please try to function properly. I know defective gems have trouble following instructions.

Onyx: Defective? Why-

You quickly realized what Peridot was referring to. Usually defective gems or also known as "Off colors" are gems that are unable to fulfill their original purpose. In your case, being the perfect soldier that would NEVER raise his hand against the Diamonds or homeworld. For short, Peridot was not only insulting you but she was also referring to you as an inferior. That was something you weren't used to.

Onyx: Oh... Defective...

Despite having an internal conflict about being called "Defective", you managed to remain calm... For now. Fortunately for Peridot, after a few moments both of you arrived to the warp pad. You were really surprised to see that one of the structures connecting Homeworld to other planets was still standing after your temporal time out.

Onyx: Is that-

Peridot: It is a portal that currently is being repaired on earth. In a few moments it will be operational again for use.

This generated more questions than answers. What happened to the gems on earth? Were they all destroyed? Why are they fixing a warp pad back to earth? You snapped back to reality when Peridot's flying fingers formed a screen in front of your face. The screen quickly displayed the image of an old acquaintance...

Onyx: Yellow Diamond...

Yellow Diamond was sitting on her throne while tapping something on a hologram next to the armrest. Vaguely, you managed to see what seemed to be some holographic prints of the earth and with some kind of strange mass inside of the planet.

YellowDiamond: It's been a while, Onyx.

Onyx: Apparently more than five thousand years...

YellowDiamond: You brought that on yourself.

The temperature slowly started to rise to the point where smoke was slowly coming out from under your feet. Peridot backed away a little just in case.

YellowDiamond: I need you to do me a favor.

Onyx: A favor? I thought you would demand me to follow your orders or else my gem would be more cracked than the moon of-

YellowDiamond: Could you be quiet and listen to what I have to say? I have other things to do and I never wanted to see you again on the first place. But it occurred to me that I could use you one last time for a small problem that I have.

Onyx: I guess your problem is related to earth, am I wrong?

YellowDiamond: You are not wrong. Anyway, I finally found a practical use for that organic trash dump. You see, what I want you to do is to accompany Peridot to the Earth and help her until her mission ends.

Peridot: ...What?...

Peridot seemed somewhat surprised. Apparently Peridot was never informed that she would go to Earth.

Peridot: But my Diamond-

YellowDiamond: I am informed that you have no field experience and the earth is a stupid planet. It will be a quick and simple mission, did I made my self clear?

Peridot: Y-Yes, my diamond!

Peridot made a diamond with her hands. It was odd for you to now not do it. But ignoring that, you had doubts about this little "favor".

Onyx: And when all this is over, what will happen to me? Back to the bubble? Public execution? Life imprisonment?

YellowDiamond: Exile.

Onyx: Exile?

YellowDiamond: Let me make this easy for you to understand. Help Peridot with this mission all the way and when everything ends, I want you to leave and disappear from our star maps.

Onyx: So one last trip to earth and that's it, huh?

You really didn't have much choice. Refusing to follow Yellow Diamond's orders would literally be your doom. But then again, Homeworld is very important for you despite all the things that happened... There was no other place for you in the Galaxy. But the choice was obvious. Although exile was sad and hard to bear, it is better than a horrible death and cease to exist...

Onyx: Fine... I will be part of this last mission on earth.

YellowDiamond: Good. I'll be waiting for your reports, Peridot.

The transmission ended and Peridot let out a frustrated sigh.

Peridot: Great... I have to work with a defective gem.

Onyx: Stop calling me that.

Peridot: Just get in the warp pad.

You and Peridot stood on top of the warp pad, staying there for a few moments. Peridot had her arms crossed and she was tapping the warp pad with her foot.

Onyx: You... Do know how to use this? Right?

Peridot: O-Of course I do! The reparations probably are not finished!




Onyx: You first have to-

Peridot: I-I saw manuals about it! But clearly this archaic technology does not work properly!

You rolled your eyes and activated the warp pad. In an instant, you and Peridot were traveling through a beam of light that was heading towards the earth. Peridot was looking around in amazement. Apparently what Yellow Diamond said about her and her lack of field experience was more serious than what it seemed. Peridot turned her head and looked at you.

Peridot: So... What should I expect from the Earth?

Onyx: Bad luck.

Peridot: I'm talking about potential REAL dangers!

Onyx: So you really know nothing about the Earth?

Peridot: As you obviously saw I didn't exactly had much time to prepare.

Onyx: Just stay close to me.

Peridot: Don't give me orders. I'm in charge of this mission.

Onyx(quietly): I should have let them shatter me...

After a few minutes, you and Peridot arrived at the Earth. You quickly saw pillars around the place along with multiple other warp pads. You assumed those portals led to other old constructions that were probably abandoned after the war. Peridot started to step on the platform to confirm that it has been completely repaired.

Peridot: Scout the area. I need to record my procedure for my reports.

Onyx: Just don't go too far. I don't know what could be-

You quickly looked down when you felt something climbing your leg. It was some kind of metal creature that resembled a spider.

Onyx: Watch out!

You quickly grabbed the mechanical spider that was climbing up your leg and crushed it with your hand. When you broke the little mechanical creature, a rare shiny juice came out of it and got sticked on your hand.

Onyx: EWE!

You shook your hand to get the sticky off your hand. Suddenly more mechanical spiders started to come out from behind the warp pad that you and Peridot used not so long ago. Ready to take care of the little roboting creatures you ignited your arm in flames.

Peridot: Stop it, you clod!

Onyx: Stop?! The place is not safe!

Peridot: You are attacking my Robonoids!

Onyx: Wait! So this things belong to you?

Peridot: They'll stop belonging to me if a certain clod doesn't put out the flames.

Onyx: Stop calling me a Clod!

In rage you kicked one of the roboinds towards Peridot. She quickly ducked, managing to dodge the unfortunate little robonoid. However, the sound of a gasp came from the other side of the warp zone. The sound came specifically from the small cliff that was close to the ocean.

Peridot: Well? What are you waiting? Go and check what that was!

Despite being angry, you decided to go investigate so you don't have to deal with Peridot. Even if it was just for a few seconds.

Peridot(quietly): I will report this later...

You walked towards the edge of the cliff, only to find a rather shocking view.

You couldn't believe what you were seeing. Although there were gems spying on the portal through which you and Peridot arrived, it was the fact that gems continue to live on Earth that really stunned you. Although you had many questions, for some reason you just stood there looking at the gems and the little human that for some reason accompanied them. They were staring at you in fear while you stayed frozen in place.

Peridot: So? What was that sound?

Onyx: It was... Nothing.

You just turned around and went back to where Peridot was. You really didn't have any ties that forced you to fight the crystal gems anymore. Maybe hiding this information is not good for Peridot's mission... But on the other hand, they did not gave you any information about it. But to your surprise, Peridot grabbed your wrist and quickly started to pull you towards the warp pad.

Onyx: Hey! I said it was nothing!

Peridot: That doesn't matter! This place was compromised!

Peridot pulled a strange green device from her hair (That actually happens) and activated the portal on her own. The two of you were back inside the beam of light that was going back to homeworld.

Onyx: You activated the portal...

Peridot: And?

Onyx: Well, you learn quickly. That's very impressive.

Peridot started to giggle with pride. You quickly understood that this Peridot must really like the praise of others.

(Time skip)

You and Peridot arrived back at Homeworld. But to the surprise of both of you, someone was standing a couple of steps away from the warp pad while waiting. The gem that was waiting for you and Peridot to return was not like the other gems that you had seen in your entire life. After all, you were sure you were the only male gem ever created...

(Ignore the glowing eyes)

Onyx: Who... Are you?

Peridot: Let me explain. After the events of your trial thousands of years ago, Yellow Diamond tried multiple times to create a new soldier to replace you. Sadly, all of her attempts to recreate the experiment that brought you into existence ended in failure... Or so she believed. The last experiment created a new soldier to follow the orders of my diamond. Although this gem doesn't resemble your skills, the results were highly satisfactory.

Onyx: So he is...

Peridot: Let me introduce you to Marble, the second generation of your kind.

Marble: Let's forget the formalities. Yellow Diamond gave me the order to escort Onyx to his "room."

Onyx: My room? You mean back down in jail?

Marble: A different jail.

You stared at Marble deep in thought. He was created to replace you but for some reason, you felt that there was something behind all of this. Regardless of that, you knew things will only get more and more complicated from now on. With gems still living on earth and a secret mission taking place on it, only the worst will happen in time...


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