Chapter 11: Returning to Earth

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(No ones POV)

You were walking along with Marble through the streets of Homeworld. You still could not recognize anything of this place besides the palace of the diamonds in the distance. You didn't even knew where Marble was taking you... You just felt quite lost... And it doesn't help that Marble was completely quiet like a statue.
The air between the two of you was a silent one. After all, this scenario was one of a soldier escorting a prisoner to his cell... There is not much to talk in a situation like that... But you still decided to try to get distracted from how different Homeworld was.

Onyx: So... You are now my replacement? Are you commanding the forces of Homewolrd?

Marble: No.

You were expecting a far more elaborated answer to your question.

Onyx: Just no? There has to be more than that...

Marble rolled his eyes in annoyance.

Marble: Listen, I am a formidable soldier. I'm not cut to command legions of gems.

Onyx: Hmmm... Or maybe Yellow Diamond is just afraid.

This choice of words caught Marble's attention. He turned his head towards you, looking at you with a raised eyebrow.

Marble: Explain yourself.

Onyx: Okay, look at it from this angle. Yellow Diamond created a super gem that betrayed her by acting under his own personal judgement, going against orders coming from the supreme authorities of Homeworld. Yellow Diamond then tried to punish that gem and she almost becomes the one receiving the other end of the sword... And then there is you. A new super gem created to be her best soldier... See where I'm going?

You heard the sound of electricity next to you. Moving your gaze to Marble, you saw yellow sparks moving around his hands. He was clinching his fists hard and his eyes were glowing yellow. You noticed his anger and a smug smile growed in your face. Even though you pulled a nerve, at least you got to understand Marble a bit more. He was a proud and loyal soldier... It was like looking at a mirror that was reflecting the past.

Marble: I would never betray my diamond...

Marble said in a cold tone. And after that, Marble refused to speak to you the rest of the trip. He only opened his mouth again to point the directions.
But finally, after what felt like an eternity... You two finally made it to the destination. However, you were a bit puzzled about it.
Both you and Marble were standing in a platform, in front of what looked like a green giant hand that was flying in the sky... While pointing at your location.

Onyx: What is that thing...?

Marble: That is your new jail.

Marble said while crossing his arms. And before you could make any questions, some kind of green bubble came from under the green hand and it began to fly towards the two of you. 
Unsure of what was that thing, you took a single step back for precaution. The bubble quickly made its way towards the two of you, only to stop a few steps away. But then... An spark of joy filled your whole being.
The green bubble quickly opened itself revealing a very familiar gem inside of it.

???: Onyx, it has been far too long.

Onyx: Let a supernova hit my face... Ash?

Ash: I'm glad to be able to meet you once more.

You could not believe your eyes... You could still remember how your plan was going to guarantee Ash's protection all those thousands of years ago. But to be able to see an actual friend after everything that happened... You thought you would never be able to see her again. Right now, even if it goes completely against hierarchy, you juust wanted to hug Ash tightly.
Unfortunately, Marble broke the beauty of the moment by pushing you foward into the bubble.

Marble: Take him to one of the cells. 

Those words made you remember the reality of the situation... Ash might be your old friend. But she serves Homewolrd... And right now, you are nothing but a prisoner with a few benefits. No matter what, things can't turn good.
Ash simply nodded to Marble before activating the bubble. You could tell it was flying from the movements. 
But now that the bubble was hiding the two of you, Ash immediately hugged you while fighting to hold back the tears.

Ash: I'm so glad to see you again! I thought the Diamonds shattered you! 

You didn't say anything in response. All you did was just hug Ash back... Sometimes, actions are stronger than words. Right now you just wanted to enjoy as much of this happyness as you could. Which unfortunately wasn't going to last for too long.
As soon as the bubble made inside the ship, Ash abruptly pulled you away from the hug. You wanted it to last longer... But you knew that Ash could get in trouble if anyone saw her like this with a traitor.

Ash: I'm sorry but... I have to lock you inside one of the cells.

Ash said with a lot of sadness in her voice. You placed a hand on her shoulder to try to cheer her up a bit.

Onyx: I understand... I'm just glad to know that you are safe.

The two of you began to walk across the corridors of the ship. All the green everywhere made you felt like if this whole place has been decorated by Emeralds... But right now, that doesn't matter. You decided to use what little time you had left to be outside the cell to speak with Ash.

Onyx: So... Ash... I did not expected to see you inside a... Well, hand.

Ash: Is something weird about it?

Onyx: Well... I remember that Blue and Yellow Diamonds had arms like ships... I think? A few things are blurried inside my head...

To be more specific, it was only one thing... How were you poofed? All you remember was a white light and then nothing more after that. There was no pain, no fighting, not even a sound... It was like ceasing to exist for what it felt like ages, only to find out that you now exist thousands of years later... It was just confusing and the more you tried to think about it, the more it made your head hurt.
Not trying to crack your brain, you decided to change the subject.

Onyx: So... You work for the Emerald running this ship?

Ash looked away while rubbing her shoulder. She was tense... But why? Did you asked her something bad?

Ash: No... I serve a new gem now... I wish it was an Emerald...

Now this made you feel very worried. You have seen both the faces of fear from your enemies and the body language of a person that is scared. You knew Ash was terrified of her new master just by looking at her gestures.

Onyx: Ash... Who is your new master?

Ash: I-I... You'll find out soon. 

Onyx: Ash, tell me now.

Ash: I can't...

Onyx: Ash, tell me right now! I want to know!


You took a step back in surprise. Ash never raised her voice like that to you before... She was experimenting a mix of feeligns. Fear, anger, sadness... This only made you wonder for how long has Ash been holding all of those feelings?

Ash: You are sometimes very impulsive... If I were to tell you who have I been serving and for how long, I know all you would want to do is look for her and shatter her. Onyx... I want to protect you from yourself right now.

You were unsure of what to do in this situation. You wanted to know the whole truth behind this... But you didn't wanted to reach that truth by hurting Ash. 
You looked at Ash's face... Her eyes were pleading for you to not turn on the flames and just do nothing about it. 
Feeling a horrible feeling of being powerless... All you did was look down and continue to follow Ash, not making any more questions about it.

A few moments later, Ash took you to your new cell in the ship. She placed her hand in the pad, turning off the energy barrier for you to step in. All you did was walk inside while looking at the floor...
Ash wanted to say something to you to try to cheer you up. But she failed to find any kind of words to say. Ash just activated the energy barrier, locking you inside the cell. She then proceeded to quietly walk away, carrying a heavy feeling of sorrow behind her back.

All you did for the next few minutes was just standing still in the middle of the cell. Just thinking about the past, remembering better times... Before everything went wrong. 
You thought to yourself that maybe you could have done some things different. Maybe you could have prevented all of this? But it doesn't matter now... You followed your code of loyalty to the most extreme extent and now you are paying the price for it. 

???: They brought you here...?

You could swear you recognized that voice. You slowly turned around, only to see another very familiar gem in the cell right in front of you. A gem that you thought was dead after the extermination of gems on Earth by the hands of the diamonds...

This had to be a joke... Right? This has to be just a sick joke orchestrated by fate... Right?! You thought to yourself as you tried to take a step foward while extending your hand towards Lapis, completely lost in disbelief. However, once your hand made contact with the energy barrier of your cell, you felt a sharp electrifying pain coursing through your entire right arm that snapped you back to reality. 
You quickly pulled your arm back and saw it glitching for a moment before going back to normal. The last time you felt something like that was during the end of your battle with Yellow Diamond.

Lapis: It's no use... 

Lapis's said with a voice full of sorrow. She didn't even looked at you... 

Onyx: Lapis... How are you here? I thought you... I thought you died.

Lapis: ...

You noticed Lapis's body tensing up for a moment... She clearly remembered something she just wanted to forget about.

Lapis: I don't want to talk about it... 

Onyx: Lapis...

No matter how many times you tried to talk to Lapis, she just refused to answer to anything. She just stayed in complete silence inside her cell. Whatever happened to her or whatever Homeworld did to her made a huge impact to her. This only made you feel more frustrated... How many gems that were once special for you are now suffering? And you could not do a single thing to help them out!
You just turned around and violently punched the wall. But surprisingly, your punch didn't even left a mark on the wall...
You were taking deep breaths, trying to calm yourself down. However, the sound of something heavy moving towards your cell caught your attention.

???: Well well well... Do you find your new room comfortable?

You turned your gaze from the wall towards the energy barrier of your cell. On the other side was another familiar gem that you easily recognized... But unlike with Lapis and Ash, you could have spent another couple of millennia without seeing this gem.

Onyx: Oh, it's you... Just when I thought this day could not get worst.

You glared at Jasper in anger. If it wasn't because of the barrier, you would be punching her in her perfect jaw. Lapis noticed Jasper and moved her gaze to look at her. But after a few seconds, she buried her face back between her knees.

Jasper: Oh, what's wrong?~ Can't you taste the irony of this situation?~

Jasper asked with a big smile on her face. She was going to take advanatage of the moment to make a mockery out of you right in your face.

Jasper: Look at you! You were once so proud... Yellow Diamond should have thrown your gem into a black hole so you would never return. 

Jasper crossed her arms while looking down at you. However, to Jasper's surprise, you remained quiet. You were not going to give her the satisfaction of making you more furious than what you already were before she arrived.

Jasper: What? You don't have nothing to say? Oh, well. I like it better this way.

Jasper leaned forward, now making direct eye contact with you. The only thing between the two of you was the barrier. If it wasn't there... The ship would quickly need to be repaired in every single area.

Jasper: If it was up to me, I would shatter you right here, traitor. But Yellow Diamond says that there is still some use for you... 

Jasper moved back, now standing straight. She then turned to the left, getting ready to leave.

Jasper: If you ever had honor as a soldier then limit yourself to follow my orders. Or else...

Onyx: Or else what...? You are going to shatter me?

Jasper: Heh... I'll let you figure it out for yourself... PEARL! LET'S GO!!!

Jasper shouted loud enough to make her voice generate eccho through the whole prison. After that, Jasper began to move foward, quickly getting out of the view of your cell. But then... Ash walked pass in front of your cell, heading towards the same direction as Jasper. Then it quickly hit you... Ash's new master was Jasper...

Onyx: Ash was right...

You said to yourself. 

Onyx: I do want to shatter her...

(Time Skip)

It has been a couple of days... During those days, you saw almost everyone you recently met. The same Peridot you escorted to Earth was part of this trip. Every time she walked near the prison was just to complain about Jasper. Peridot probably took a quick stroll in that area so the brute gem could not hear her... You totally understood Perdiot's hate towards Jasper.
Ash also has been visting you from time to time to check on you. But she never stayed for too long to share a conversation since she had to return to Jasper quickly.
As for Lapis... She still refused to give you a single hint of what happened to her. She did not moved at all from her spot... Or changed her position.
Jasper in the other hand went through the prison almost every two hours. Every time she went there was just to look at you for a few minutes. But oddly enough, she never said a single word to you. She probably thought that there was no point in having a talk with a traitor... Or maybe she quickly grew bored of seeing you humiliated.
But something was still bothering you... Why was Earth so important? First, you had to escort Peridot to that planet to do some scouting. Now you are heading there along with Jasper... A top class warrior... And why was Lapis here? 
Are they still trying to colonize the planet and terraform it? Is it related to the gems you saw on Earth? 
So many questions and yet you had no way to get a single answer...

Right now you were resting your back against the wall while looking up at the ceiling. However, you quickly noticed the sound of metalic steps in the hallway.

Onyx: Peridot...

You said without even looking. Peridot stood in front of your cell for a short instant before placing her mechanical hand on top of the hand pad next to your cell, turning off the energy barrier.

Peridot: We'll arrive to Earth shortly. You better get ready.

Peridot said before turning around and take a few steps towards Lapis's cell.

Onyx: Oh, I am ready...

After turning off the energy barrier from Lapis's cell, Peridot moved her gaze back to you.

Onyx: I'm going to get my answers on Earth... I one way... Or another.

Peridot noticed a few small flames coming from your body and took a few steps back in precaution. 

Peridot: Y-You better not try anything!

Onyx: Don't worry...

You said while getting up. The flames around your body quickly vanished, allowing Peridot to catch a breath of relaxation. But she quickly pressed her back against the wall behind her when she saw you taking a few steps towards her. Peridot was sweating bullets and she was shaking in fear... She told Jasper that the one with muscles should be the one to move the prisoners!

Onyx: I will obey orders... But you better not push the limits of my patience. I'm very close to the breaking point and frankly...

You took a couple of steps to the left, kneeling right in front of Lapis. Peridot quickly took the oportunity to gain more distance now that you were focusing in another gem.

Onyx: I'm hoping Jasper is the one to break that limit...

Peridot: H-Heheh-he... H-How funny...

Onyx: Hmph... Just go back to Jasper. I'll take Lapis there.

Peridot, not wanting to argue with the gem that can melt her face, just nodded and quickly left. 
You placed a hand on Lapis's shoulder. This actually got her attention and it made her look away from her legs.

Onyx: Let's go... Whatever happens now, we'll face it together.

You said trying to motivate Lapis. She still didn't said a word... But your words somehow did managed to make her move and get up.
You don't know what is waiting for you on Earth or how is everything connected. But the only way to know is to keep moving foward... Don't let the cold winds of the past extinguish your flame... And stay strong... Because things were just about to take a big turn.


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