Chapter 5: Revenge

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(no ones POV)

Another day, another psychological torture. Since Lapis moved to your temple, you haven't had too much time to think about the Rose's offer. There were only two days left before you have to give Rose an answer. But you still continued with your daily tasks while enjoying the company of Lapis and Ash. That for some reason, there was a certain tension between them. But despite this, they seemed to get along most of the time. Right now you were on your throne while reading reports from other colonies. Ash was by your side, although her attention was on statues badly placed at the entrance to the throne chamber. She wanted to change these statues when the opportunity presented itself. Lapis was inspecting the war trophies that you gained over time.

Lapis: These are a lot of trophies.

Onyx: All those trophies belonged to warriors who fell before me. 

Ash: But none of those warriors had a chance against you, Master Onyx.

Onyx: Even so, those warriors fought with courage against me until their last breath. Organic life forms or not, a warrior is a warrior.

Lapis: Why do you respect warriors so much? Aren't you scared that they could... You know... Shatter you?

Onyx: I respect warriors because I have been at the front of many wars. I have seen many comrades die in front of me and I have defeated countless opponents on my way. As sad as it sounds, the participation of warriors is the first and last step for peace.

Lapis: That SOUNDS sad.

Ash: It may be that way. But that is why warriors have such low ranks among the gems. Because unlike a Sapphire or my master, they can be easily replaced.

There was an uncomfortable silence in the throne room. None of you wanted to continue talking about this topic. But fortunately, an unexpected event interrupted this situation. Suddenly, an explosion was heard outside the temple that shook the whole structure a little bit. A Topaz soldier quickly entered the throne chamber and formed a diamond with her hands when she stopped in front of you.

Onyx: What's going on?

Topaz: Sir! One of the cargo ships crashed and exploded near the entrance! We are doing what we can to stop the flames before the cargo catches fire!

You put a hand on your chin and tried to think of something quick. Your whole temple was full of soldiers, no one who could extinguish a fire. But there was someone who could do that...

Onyx: Lapis, I need you to stop that fire with your water! 

Lapis: What?

Onyx: With your powers to manipulate liquids, extinguish a fire is going to be Rubies game for you!

Lapis nodded and was about to leave, but you held her wrist.

Lapis: What are you doing?

Onyx: You will need more help to save the cargo! Ash?

Ash: Yes Master Onyx?

Onyx: I give you the power to order the guards to do whatever you want! And if any soldier refuses to follow your orders, tell me and I'll talk with that gem... Got it?

Ash: Understood!

Lapis: What are you going to do?

Onyx: I have to inform the Emeralds that something happened with the cargo ship. Now go!

Ash and Lapis followed Topaz out of the throne chamber, heading out of the temple. You went to your throne to use the communication board that was in front of it. But suddenly, you heard the sound of a stone falling against the floor from one of the pillars of the throne chamber in the background. You looked around the place. But you didn't find anything. Something was out of place and you knew it. You heard the sound of someone preparing an arrow to shoot it and you rolled on the floor, dodging a laser arrow. 

???: Damn it!

You looked at the ceiling and saw a blue Emerald whose gem was on her forehead. This Esmeralda had a bow as a weapon and from what you could see, she could shoot electric arrows, as if they were lasers. You pulled out your sword from your gem and started to deflect some of the arrows that Emerald was shooting at you. Suddenly, Topaz Soldiers entered through the front door to help you. Finding herself outnumbered, Emerald had no other choice but to escape from the temple. She shot an arrow in front of the soldiers to create a smoke screen. Then, Emerald shot an arrow at the nearest wall, creating a hole to the outside and used it to escape. You swung your sword and cleared the smoke inside the throne chamber with the wind pressure. You could see Emerald escaping into the forest where you had first encountered Lapis.

Onyx: Soldiers! Check each corner of the temple for intruders! I will chase that Emerald! 

Topaz: But sir-

Onyx: If this is an attack, then we can't let the crystal gems take this temple! Prepare the defenses and keep everyone on their guard!

You jumped through the hole in the temple and started chasing the intruder into the forest. This could be a trap. But if so, at least you could keep the others safe from the trap.

(Time Skip)

You had followed the Emerald for a couple of minutes now. But you lost her trail when she started jumping from tree to tree to leave no traces on the ground. Suddenly, you began to hear many steps around you.

???: Apparently he fell straight into the trap.

You looked to your right and saw an Amethyst with her gem located above her hand, almost on the knuckles.

???: You were right, Em! He is stupid enough to go to a battle where he is going to be outnumbered on his own!

You looked to your left to see a Topaz who was armed with a war hammer and a large shield. Her gem was located right on her shoulder.

???: This is General Onyx! An evil, stupid, and full of pride monster!

You looked up at you and saw the Emerald you were chasing not so long ago. She had her bow in hand and was standing on the branch of a tree.

Onyx: By the way you are describing me I can tell that you are part of the crystal gems, Am I wrong?

Amethyst: I'm Amethyst, the one with the bow is Em, and the one with the shield and hammer is Toph!

Amethyst/Em/Toph: And we are the crystal gems!

Amethyst leapt into the air and started to spin like a hedgehog to crush you. You jumped in the air to dodge Amethyst's attack. You landed on the branch of a tree and saw how Amethyst made small crater with her attack.

Amethyst: We are here to take revenge!

Amethyst took out her whip and swung it towards you. You jumped from the branch of the tree, dodging Amethyst's attack once again. You landed on another tree, only that this tree was behind the branch in which Em was standing. 

Onyx: I'll take care of you first!

You transformed into your fire form and then you fired a wave of flames towards Em. But to your surprise, Toph jumped into action and got between your attack and Em. She blocked the flames of your attack with her shield easily and then she landed on the ground. 

Em: On the contrary, we are the ones taking care of you!

Suddenly, Amatasita's whip wrapped around you. Amethyst pulled her whip, dragging you towards her. When you were in front of Amethyst, she hit you with a right hook to your chin, sending you to fly to the sky. Then, Em shot you a laser arrow, which caused a great explosion when it came into contact with you.


Lapis had extinguished the fire of the cargo ship and Ash was organizing the soldiers to transport the supplies to the temple. But suddenly, a Quartz soldier came to their location to inform everyone about the situation.

Quartz: Bring supplies to the temple fast! We are under attack!

Ash: What?!

Lapis: What happened?!

Quartz: A crystal gem attacked the temple. General Onyx chase her to the forest, but he still didn't came back and there are explosions in the forest.

Ash: Oh no...

Lapis summoned her water wings and started to fly quickly towards the forest, worried about what could happen to you. Ash wanted to help, but she knew that she and the soldiers wouldn't get there in time...

(Back to you)

There was a giant crater in the forest, created by the explosion caused by Em's arrow. Suddenly, you came out of the crater with a jump and landed on one of your knees while you had a smile of satisfaction.

Onyx: I'm fired up now!

Em: Let's see how long you can wear that dumb smile.

Amethyst started to spin like a hedgehog towards you once again. But just when she was about to hit you with her attack, you caught her, interlocking hands with Amethyst. You and Amethyst were applying more force into the arms in an attempt to overwhelm the other. But suddenly, you pushed Amethyst, literally lifting her off the ground with your strength. Amethyst recovered and she jumped back to take distance from you. Then, she used her whip to tie one of your arms , preventing you from escaping. Em appeared to your right, shooting many arrows towards you. You stretched your arms and created a wave of flames on your right, destroying Em's arrows. Then, you pulled Amethyst's whip, surprisingly dragging her in an instant towards you. When Amethyst was in front of you, you punched her in the stomach, causing her to crash into a rock. You fired a fire ball against Amethyst, taking advantage of the fact that she was stunned. But before the flames could hit her, Toph appeared in front of Amethyst and blocked the flames with her shield. 

Onyx: Always the shields.

Using your superior speed, you literally held Toph by the neck and even though she doubled you size, you lifted her off the ground. When you were about to punch Toph in the face, you felt how Em was pointing her bow towards your gem. You let go of Toph and started firing fireballs at Em. But she dodged each one of your attacks by doing parkour through the trees.

Amethyst: Toph, get out of there!

Toph rolled over the ground and getting away from you. Then, Amethyst threw a giant stone that was tied to her whip towards you. The rock completely crushed you, leaving you buried in the ground.

Em: Once he comes out, we kill him!

Toph/Amethyst: Right!

All the crystal gems were waiting patiently for you to come out of that hole. But unexpectedly, your hand came out of the ground and held one of Toph's ankles.


Amethyst turned to her friend's direction, only to see her gem lying on the ground and you running towards her while you had Toph's hammer in your hands. You hit Amethyst on the face with the hammer, sending her flying. Amethyst recovered in mid-air, only to see you once again in front of her while holding the hammer above your head. You swung the hammer down, hitting Amethyst and poofing her back to her gem.

Em: NO!

Onyx: Now is just you and me.

Em: How dare you?!

Em leapt into the air, firing multiple explosive arrows at you without stopping. The arrows hit the ground and exploded. But still, you came out of the smoke screen with only a few scratches on you.


Em shot an arrow towards your head. but you simply tilted your head to the left, dodging the attack. Em shot more arrows towards your head, only that you this time tilted your head to the left to dodge. Em lost her patience and she started shooting arrows at you with everything she had. But you took out your fire sword and used its flames to destroy the Em's arrows. Em jumped as high as she could to shoot you arrows from the sky. But to her surprise, you appeared in front of her and attacked her with a wave of fire that came out of your mouth. Em crashed on some rocks near the river and she could barely get up. You landed a few steps away from her. 


Onyx: Thanks for the compliment.

Em: You won't get away with this! Sooner or later, a crystal gem will destroy you!

Onyx: Right... Look, I'm not in the mood about the whole crystal gems thing today. So I'll give you the opportunity to take your friends and leave.

Em: Don't mock me! Fight until the end!

Onyx: You are not a warrior...

You turned around and slowly started to walk towards the direction of the temple.

Onyx: You are only a revengeful gem that can't accept mercy when it's right in front of her.

Emerald's rage blinded her and she aimed her bow at you to shoot you from behind. But before she could shoot the arrow, a water sword pierced her stomach and sent her back to her gem. You turned around and saw Lapis taking deep breaths while she was stretching her arms towards you.

Onyx: Lapis... You saved me.

Lapis went running towards you and she surprised you with a hug. Apparently, she was really worried about you.

Lapis: You would have done the same for me.

Lapis stopped hugging you and you went towards where Em's gem was. You picked up her gem and held it in front of you.

Lapis: What are you going to do with them?

Onyx: I can't just let them go after this...

You created a bubble around Em's gem and did the same with Toph and Amethyst gems. Then, You sent their gems to your temple.

Onyx: Lapis?

Lapis: Yes Onyx?

Onyx: If you knew that you are being forced to do something, but you know what you are doing is wrong, would you still do it?

Lapis: Well... I would do what my gem tells me to do. If what I have to do is really bad, I wouldn't do it. But if I don't hurt anyone with my actions, I would do it since no one would be hurt. Why do you ask?

Onyx: No reason, I was just curious...

Time was running out... But you already finally took a decision. 

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