chapter 16 - How can I forgive you and myself

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Vicky's pov
I couldn't sleep very well for the passed few months,I kept having dreams of my mom telling me to forgive my father,and terrible dreams about my family it was just to much.
So I woke up and prayed everytime,I had no family or friends around I was all alone.Can I forgive myself for doing what I did.
I heard a voice say

Acts 13:38
There let it be known to you brethren,that through this man is preached to you the forgiveness of sins .

Thank you Lord I breathed,
I think I know what to do.
The next day I asked my boss for 2 weeks of to go see my dad,and he agreed and put Nina my dear friend on my place for a while,I beed her goodbye.
I took a plane to England and reached the next day.i settled down for a bit ,I was back home back to where everything happened back to where I met Nate ,I miss him and the rest so much but for some reason I wasn't ready how I can forgive myself.
First things first I have to go see father,the next day I went to the prison to meet him but he wasn't there.
" Excuse me sir ,my father isn't here isn't it the place he was put in , with the other criminal".
"Yes,he time was up ,he was put in Gail for three years".
" Ooh okay I see ,but did he live any phone number?"
" Yes,he told me a young lady might come through here by the name of victory Evans".
" Yes that's me ".
" Here's the number".
" Thank you".
I called my dad ,now just waiting to hear his voice.
" Hello".
" Dad it's me , Vicky".
" Vicky,my dear daughter,am so sorry".
" Save it dad ,can we meet first,by a cafe shop not close to public places".
" Sure ".
" Police sir before I go can I look at someone for a bit".
" Who?"
" Matthew rocks ".
" Are you sure".
" Yes".
In that way I could face my fear head on.
The brought him in,a room with two police men at his side ,he was chained both the legs and the hands.
"Well ,well, well isn't it my beloved Vicky".
" Am not your's Matthew".
" Why the pleasant visit".
" I just came to face my fear's".
" Oh really".
Then he started laughing and tried to get close to me I filched but I never looked away.
" You sacred ".
"I might be ,but aren't I still looking at you , that shows how brave I am ,and I now see where God places my enemies".
I started saying psalm 23 in my heart for comfort.
" I will be leaving now".
And I left to meet up with my dad,I just hope I can forgive myself and dad too . But would things ever be the same again.

Hey dear readers can't wait,to see what comes next ,and am telling you the next chapters will be a blast,I hope you all my fellow friends will stick around,and take a ride with me to a new chapter 😊🙏😃🥰
And wouldn't you want to know what will happen next ,in Vicky life after all she has now faced her she wants to face her father, but would it go has planned stay tuned and see hope you all like it so far , please don't forget to vote and comment and and follow,love you all and may God bless you 🥰🙏🌟

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