chapter 17 - Am gald you came

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Nate's pov
Today I was so busy with work,I lost track of time ,since am a doctor and all ,but though I work in the dentist section.
Then I heard a knock on the door,twice but I was tired with all the paperwork.
" Yes ,who is it ?"
" It's nurse Mary ,sir".
" Ha... Come in ".
" How may I help you Mary".
" You have a tooth appointment".
" Hmm...I thought I cancelled all my appointment for today it almost 4:00 pm."
" Yes ,but" .Then the nurse giggled.
" She's a different guest".
She I thought.
" You can come in miss",Mary said.
" Brother!!!!!!".
" Amelia!!".
" What are you doing here?"
"My tooth it hurts , please can you help me ".
" Ha.. come with me ".
I took her to another room and made her sit on an hospital bed.
" Mary ".
" Yes sir ".
" Can you bring me ,the tools".
" Yes ,sir right away".

" So how's school?"
" It's was okay I guess , atleast am finishing this year that's a relief ".
" My little girl growing up ha".
" Am not little any more,am a woman for your information ".
" Keep dreaming ".
" It's true ".
Then I burst out laughing,and then we both started laughing.
" You remind me so much of mom ".
" I miss her Nate".
" I miss her too".
Then we heard noise outside.
" What's going on out there?"
" Hi hi ", Deborah greeted me .
" Deborah ".
" Yes that's me ".
"Hi auntie Deborah ", Amelia greeted me.
" Hi cutie,you seem to be growing day,by day you are becoming more like a woman ".
" See Nate told you so ".
"What ever,what are you doing here Deborah and where Milan?"
" She's in the car ,we are waiting for you we just knocked off from work ".
" This late ".
" Yeah we had things to do ,so let's get moving am sure you are done with work ".
" Yeah,but go where ".
" Just to hung out ".
" Am in ", Amelia said.
" No you are going home ,you have school tomorrow ".
" And you have work tomorrow,so we are even ".
" Ha..fine but we are not taking long, first let me take out her tooth ".
After some minutes,we were out of the office and entered in Milan car ,we went to a certain cafe a bit far from society.
" Remind me again why did we come all the way here".
"I found out that this place has the best cake's," Milan added.
"Right,I see ".
I suddenly got,a phone call.
"Excuse me I have to take this".

Vicky's pov
I finally reached out destination,I saw dad standing outside.
" Hey dad".
" Hey dear,am gald you came".
" Me too , because I have things to tell you ".
" Okay let's go in".
Dad entered first and to his shock his said.
" Your are Nate right".
That name ,I know that name and I looked up ,I was shocked,it can't be .
" Vicky".
He looked has shocked i was ,then I looked to the side on a table I saw my sweet, loving best friends whom I shut out for three years,I could see tears in there eyes already.
I can't,I just can't I ran away.
" Vicky !" they called out to me.
" That's it am not letting you ran away again",Nate said and followed me.
I ran and ran I couldn't take it ,so I stopped,but Nate cought up to me.
" Vicky please stop running from your past".
" I can't stop, it's was all my fought,you are in glasses right it because of me".
" Am gald you came back ,but please stop this ".
" I didn't come for you ".
" Vicky,why?"
" Am sorry Nate ,am so sorry, look at me I can't even look at you ".
" Am really tired of all of this am sorry, it's really a pain how can I have a wife who can't listen to me".
" What did you say?".
" You heard me darling ".
"And when I turned around,Nate was an inch away from me and our eye's met ,then he smiled with that handsome innocent smile.
" Am gald you came I missed you so very much".he said as his swiped my tears away.
" Welcome home Vicky".
I just cried even more.
" Am gald to be home".

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