chapter 6 - A dream.

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Vicky's pov
Ever since the day Mi-lan saw that vision everything changed,we never talked to each other,I still loved and cared for her that's why I had to stay away from her for her to be safe ,so has Deborah but she never listened and stayed with me.
I kept on having nightmares,I was still scared ,everytime I had a nightmare,I would call Nate and wake up Deborah so we could pray, after that I slept in peace.but again I had this dream,that really scared me to the bone.
Vicky's dream
" Am so proud of you Vicky,you are finally getting married".
" Thanks dad am so happy too".
There I saw the love of my life Nate Willam's I couldn't believe getting married to him , though I liked him.but it was really happening now.
pastor Benjamin was blessing our wedding but I didn't get to say my vows.
I'm still looking for you , Vicky Evans.
No it's can't be ,why now .Then he shot my father.
" Father!"I screamed.
But the bullet passed through, how is that possible,why is it still happening ,then I saw the robber stand near my father and put his hand on his shoulder and said.
"You can not fell to fullfil your promise to me Mr evans".
Then my father looked angry and sad.
" Father what is he talking about".
" Am sorry Vicky ".
" What".
The robber smiled and began to come towards me ,but Nate came in front.
" Vicky get out of here ".
" Nate,you can't ".
" Leave!"
But before I knew it ,Nate got shot,this was real now.
" Nate!"I shouted.i finally woke up from my nightmare ,I couldn't sleep,my heart was racing,I couldn't even pray,oh my Lord what should I do.

The next day was Saturday,I decided to go see the pastor, luckily he was free ,I found other youth's cleaning the chruch,so was nate.
I just stared at him, should I be happy or should I be sad ,all I felt was pain , grief,I wanted to cry but I couldn't not here.
" Earth to Vicky ",Nate said.
" What".
" I hear from your friends you like spacing out,are you okay ".
" Yeah am fine, " I said has a tear dropped from my eyes.
" That doesn't look like you are"he said as he wiped my tears away,but I just couldn't bear it being around him so I stepped back.
" Are you really okay?"
" Am fine okay!"I shouted.
I was shock and surprised,why did she react that way with me ,did I do something wrong.
"Am sorry I just want to talk to the pastor".
" Sure ,you can go ahead".
I went straight in the pastor's office, without looking back and I got in his office.
" Vicky it's nice seeing you here , what can I do for you".
" Pastor ",I said and out of nowhere I wanted to faint .
" Vicky are you okay, come sit down".
"What's wrong,has the robber come".
' No'.
" Tell me then , what's wrong?"
" It's Nate".
" Nate , what did he do to you, I will drive that demon out of him".
" It's not like that".
Then I told the pastor,the dream I had.
" What if my father is alive and what promise did he promise the robber,why did he say he was sorry,do they know it each other,why is this robber doing his best to find me ,is it to kill me too or what,is it because I saw his face and ,he saw mine."
"Calm down, Vicky, come let's pray first," after prayers we sat for a while.
"I don't want anything to happen to Nate , pastor how would I Feel if you would lose your only son and the person I like,I think it's a mistake".
" No dream like that is a mistake, it's trying to review something to you".
" But pastor,this is to much for me ,I can't lose Nate my feelings for him are just to much I don't want to lose him".
" So do I my daughter, listen let's continue praying upon this and live your burdens and worries to God okay trust him don't lose faith".
" Okay,I will try".
" That's good, now go and take some rest".
" Pastor, please don't tell Nate ,I will let him know myself and can I use the back ,i don't want to be noticed".
" Sure ,go with his peace".
"I Left and never looked back".

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