chapter 7 - confession

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Vicky's pov
I failed to tell Nate what was going on ,so I decided to afford him.

Nate's pov
I found it weird,how Vicky was affording me,so I had to get to the bottom of it.i started looking for her at school but I didn't find her ,I tried asking her friends what is wrong with her they didn't know anything.But Vicky never hides things from her I decided to ask my father,so I went back home to find out.
Dad! Dad!Dad! I called.
" Am here , what is it ?"
" We're are you".
" Am in the garage, cleaning the car".
" Or here you are ,but you could have let me do that for you".
" You have school don't you, what is it" .
"  What happened the last time you talked with Vicky".
"so she didn't tell you ".
" Tell me what ".
" Ha , Vicky my dear child ".
" What is going on father ".
Then my father told me , everything,I just couldn't believe it .
"Do you know where she is ?"
" No, isn't she at Xcul ".
" I can't find her anyway ".
" Try to ask her friends am sure they know ".
" Alright, thanks dad ".
" Anytime son".
" You sure have changed Nate ,and alot am gald".
I went to the girls dorm and knocked,then Deborah opened the door.
" Do you guys know where you could find Vicky, she's gone missing ".
" What do you mean missing?"Milan asked.
" I can't seem to find her ".
We tried calling her nothing.
" Do you think "Deborah tried to say something.
" No it can't be ",Mi-lan said.
" Don't worry am going to find her ,but I have to know where I can find her ".

"Have you checked the beach ", Milan suggested.
" Oh yeah,she loved going there at sunset when ever she felt down".
" Thanks alot guys ".
" Go get her" Deborah added.
" You are really something else ".
" What Mi-lan I just like a little drama ".

I reached the beach and indeed,I found her talking,has if talking to someone, but the was no one there,so I wanted to surprise her .
'Vicky',I said and rushed to huge her.

Vicky's pov
After talking to ,my father,I heard someone call my name and out of no where Nate hugged me tight.
" Nate how did you,find me ,they told you didn't they".
"You are such a silly girl, you know that".
"Nate please let me go, I said and pushed him away, don't come close to me am not safe ."
" Alone you aren't but together,you are ,calm down let's talk ".
" The is nothing to talk about, look at me am a mess ,am scared, confused,lost , everyone who gets close to me , something must happen to them,I don't want to lose you too ".
" I Know i understand,I don't want you too lose, too your self, it's getting out of control, father told me everything ".
" Why didn't you tell me ".
" I was scared,and I knew you were stubborn and wouldn't listen to me".
" Now ,you are not listening to me ,I want you to calm down ".
" You can't do this Nate please,his coming for you too ".
" Let him come,and I want him to find us like this ".
" What "I didn't get it until he hugged me again.
" I love you , Vicky I love you alot".
" What, what are you saying,are you  crazy enough to love a person like me".
" Am more than crazy to be in love with you".
" Listen to me ,I mean it do you hear me " .
I nodded my head and began to cry.
" Let it all out okay,"she cried and cried I don't know for how long after the crying died down,I began to speak.
" Will you look at me atleast".
" I can't not now".
"Why not ".
" My face looks horrible ".
"  Come on let me see ".
Then she looked up to me since I was a little bit taller than her .
" Pretty has ever".
" I look pretty when am crying, lier".
" Am serious I mean it", he said and then chuckled. "
" Thank you Nate am grateful".
" Don't be ,am always here if you need me okay".
" Yeah I said with a smile I do feel much better".
" Alright it's getting late let's go".
We went back to the dorms I saw Deborah waiting outside,but Milan wasn't there but who could blame her.
" Seems your friend is waiting for you ,go in ".
" Thanks again for everything".
We stood for a while holding each other's hands.
" Good night Vicky go to sleep".
" Alright good night".
" Vicky wait", Nate said and kissed my forehead.
"I love you".
" I love you too".
" Good night sweet dreams".
" Good night".
I waited for Nate to go ,then Deborah came to me .
" Let me guess".
" Yeah".
"Congrats, finally has he asked you to marry him ".
" Well not yet ".
"Awww am so happy, look at you all blushing,now come on we need to talk Mi-lan,she was so worried ".
" For real".
" Yeah,it now time we get serious".

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