chapter 8 - unforgettable bond

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Vicky's pov
  When I got inside the dorm, after Nate dropped me off ,I found Mi-lan looking out of the window.
  " Hey Mi-lan are you okay?"
" Am I okay"she said.
Then she turned to look at me ,then out of nowhere she slapped me.
" What's wrong with you, Milan!"Deborah shouted.
" Do you know how scared I was , what if something happened to , what if the robber found you and did something to you 'ha' ."
" Calm down Mi-lan ".
" How can I ,I abandoned you,I ended our friendship, what if something happened to you ,how do you think I would feel after ending our friendship,I realized something,you have to live this place Vicky ".
  " What why?".
" I live, you , Deborah and Nate here ,the Church I can't,I Know am scared to but I can't live you guys".
" I care about you Vick,I don't want to do die".
" I know,I know and am not going to die ,come here".
I hugged Mi-lan,to calm her down.
" This is so touching ", Deborah said.
" Come here ,you are part of this too", Milan said and pulled her to us and we hugged each other out .
" Am sorry,I couldn't help you guys,I lost faith in God stop going to church,and abandoned you guys because I was selfish trying to save my own life, but Jesus Christ wasn't selfish he died for all of us ,for our sake good and bad ,so I want to come back to Jesus,to you and to chruch and to stop being scared, because God didn't give the spirit of fear but of love ."
" That's right, Mi-lan that's right" I said.
" Now guys let's stick together through thick and thin just like Ruth and Naomi,"Deborah said.
  " Yeah ".
  " So ,why don't we pray and then study ".
" Sure".

" Everything went back to it's normal self,we went back to class,we wrote some tests, that was leading to the final exams.
It was lunch time and we handed off to the cafeteria and got our lunch then sat on the bench ,we laughed and talked about everything,it was fun just being the three of us ,until someone bumped into me ,I turned to see the person but he or she wasn't there how come,I was just seeing things.
So I brushed it off ,but something weird cought my eye,I looked at the corner and my eyes widened .
No , it's can't be .
" Hey !hey ! Vicky are you okay?" Deborah asked.
" Excuse guys have to use the ladies room ".
" Sure ".

I felt like someone was following me ,I ran and ran until I got in the toilet and locked the door.whats happening to me , who's following me what did I see.i waited for a while,then I came out ,I washed my face but when I looked up.
'haaaaaa'i screamed it's .. it's the face of .
" Vicky are you okay ".
" Nate".
Nate's pov
" Hi ladies,how are you doing?"
" We are good and you".
" Great ".
" Ah where is Vicky?".
" She said,she going to the ladies room "Milan added.
" Wait,but it's been a long time since she left and she's not yet back ".
The same thought came to our minds,we all ran to find her ,but when we got close to the restroom,we heard a scream.
" Vicky are you okay ",Nate said has he entered the ladies room.
" Nate".

Vicky pov
When I saw Nate I was relieved ,I didn't care if it was in the ladies room or not,I was so happy to see him and I hugged him tight.
I started sobbing,I was so scared,I just wanted to disappear .

" Come with me ",Nate said.
" Guys you can go to class ,we met you  guys later".
" Alright".

Nate's pov
We went at the football field and sat on the benches ,I looked at Vicky she didn't even look at me ,I saw her hands where shaking while she was holding mine.
" Hey ,come on look at me please just for a minute".
But she refused.
" Come on please ".
" I look terrible ".
" No ,you don't ".
" Come on",I said has I lifted up her head.
" Man ,you are right you looked terrible ".
" Are you serious,you jerk ",she said and punched me .Then he chuckled.
" What's so funny ".
" You look cute when you act like that ".
"It's not funny ".
" Okay am , sorry just wanted to make you laugh a little bit,now tell me what's really going on ,you are scared".
" I can't tell you ".
" Why not ".
" Am scared ".
" Look I know you are scared, afraid something might happen to one of us  ,but you can't keep hiding things,I want to help you".
" I saw my father ".
" But how come, your dad is dead right ".
" Yes, that's what I believe,but something off , when ever the robber shots my dad in my dreams he doesn't die but disappears,what if ".
" What if his alive ".
" Are you sure ".
" Something is going on here , would you like to pray about it ".
" Yes".
We prayed like for about 30 minutes and ended.
" Will get to the bottom of this am sure".
" I hope so ".
" Well while we are at it , let's have some fun".
" Aren't we not late for classes ".
" Nah I bet by now classes are over , the sun is already setting."
" Come with me ",Nate said has he stretched his hand for mine.
We went in the middle of the foot ball field,out of nowhere it's started showering.
" Are you good at playing ball?" Nate asked.
" You are talking to a champion here ,but it's showering, don't you think we can do it later ".
" Ooh you scared ".
" Alright you asked for it".
We played around with the ball like children,but it was fun it was a beautiful, peaceful sight and I wanted it to last .
We got so tired with slept on the grass facing opposites side's.
" Hey , Vicky ".
" Yeah ".
" Do you  remember the dream ,the one your told my father ".
" I don't want to think about it".
" Don't worry, nothing is going to happen to me ,am talking about our ... Hmm .... Our wedding ".
" Yes".
" Well ha", he said has he step up right,and I did too.
" Well ha ... I would love for it to happen, only if you would agree".
" Wait, what are you saying?".
" Will you marry me , Vicky".

Vicky's thought's
When I heard Nate asked me that question,I thought of my dream , what if ,no can it ,no, but I love Nate and I know he loves me too ,but why am I hesitating,why do I have that bad feeling inside yet again the good feeling of joy and happiness.No I shouldn't let those thoughts get to me .
" Vicky are you okay".
" Yes".
" Good, what I was saying is ".
" I meant to say yes ".
" What for real's".
" Yeah for real's".
" Wow I can't believe it Nate said in a joyful tone and he lifted me and turned me around and around,it was the happiest moment of our lives everything was just prefect,way to prefect.
  Then we heard a gun shot ,I found my self on the floor, what's going on ,did I hit my head .
"I found you, Vicky Evans I found you".
" What,no!no!no !"
" Nate !Nate !".no it can't be it was him who was shot not me.Then I saw something shining in the bushes,I stood up and saw a dark finger with a gun pointed at me and he was smiling,it can't be after all those years,he finally found me ,no,no,no,no,no live me  alone please,I got so confused didn't know what to think or do ,I started calling for help,and help came ,I suddenly passed out to.

Vicky's pov
" Vicky! Vicky! Come on don't close your eyes we are here "Deborah said.
" Deborah,is that her I couldn't see anything,I blacked out.
" Dad ,am finally engaged to someone I love ".
" Am really proud of you,my darling Vicky ".
" Father,tell me something ".
" What is it".
" What did you promise the robber ".
But my father looked down in silence.
" What aren't you saying anything,Nate is in trouble,my friends and there families are ,all because of me , father what did you promise him ,for him to look for me like this ".
" Am so,so sorry Vicky,but you have to wake up first".
" Vicky, she's waking up call the doctor" Mi-lan said.
" What happened to me ".
" You just need some rest,you passed out but now you are okay."
" Where's Nate ".
" His ...ha ...his ... The emergency room".
" What! What Did the doctor say anything".
" Nothing has of now".
" I want to see him ,now".
" You have to rest ,the doctor said, Deborah added."
"Am fine now".
" Fine let's help you out".

We reached,the emergency room and found pastor Benjamin outside.
Tears just began to fall,I felt so horrible.
" Pastor am so,so sorry it's my fault Nate got into this mess ".
" It's not your fault,my daughter".
"It is pastor,his finally come,who knows what his going to do next".
" And I think my dad is alive,I just have a feeling".
" I Know that to ,I had a dream about him, don't worry I informed the police to look after your school and you ,but always remember the angles are camped around you , okay".
" I hope so ".

Then the emergency room open,it carried Nate to another room.
" Doctor how is my son".
" His a lucky man,his out of danger but he has to stay in the hospital for a while,he lost alot of blood,count it has a miracle pastor ".
" Thank you Lord,can we see him".
" Sure but one at a time,and I love to know who has  blood group o".
"I have Vicky said ".
" Come with me ".
After a while I came out of the doctor office,I donated my blood to Nate since his needed my type of blood,I finally had a chance to see him and he was awake already.
" Hey ".
"Hey ".
I went to sit on the chair beside him and held his hand,tears began to fall again.
" Why are you crying am not dead am I ".
" You almost Nate ,you almost ".
Then he wiped my tears away.
" He has found me ,Nate and he can appear at anytime he wants,I don't want anything to happen to you ".
" Nothing is going to happen to me ".
" Look at you Nate ,this is my fault, what next what if he kills you ".
" Am not afraid,"I have God by my side ,I have you ,dad, everyone else.
" Well I am afraid of losing you Nate ,I don't think I can do this anymore am sorry".
" Wait, what are you saying".
" It's over Nate ,am sorry am only doing this for you sake".
" You can't do this to me". ,he said and wanted to hug me .
" Stop there Nate ,if you get close to me am not going to live you."
" Am sorry "I said and put the ring on the table.
" Vicky please", Nate said has tears started streaming down,I grabbed my chest,for some reason my heart hurts so bad.
" Good bye Nate".

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