004, Bonfire

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SO ME BEING MYSELF, I DECIDED THAT I won't listen to what my brother has to say or tell me what to do, I'm going to try and sneak out to this Bonfire they were talking about and probably the same one that the dude from the gas station was talking about.

If I sneak out I'll probably get my phone taken away again since I just got it back. I decided to take a tight white crop-top, and light blue shorts that is about super short. I mean, I never wore it since my mom bought for me when she helped me do my make over.

Anyways, I texted Taylor that I'll be sneaking to go to the bonfire which she was so happy I was going to go out, since I'm not a party person but I guess new changes are better then not have anything change. What else do I need? I have my phone, wallet, I've changed.

Well that's it I guess. Time to go. I opened the window of my room and I climbed out without making a noise because I know damn well my mom will actually hear so I tried my best not making a noise.

Then, I did a backflip and landed on my feet, which I was proud.

Anyways, I made it out without broken bones and now, I'll be seeing what's the fun in the bonfire my brother and the others went to.

As I walked through cousins and to the beach it felt amazing feeling the breeze hit my face when I walked.

Night walks are so amazing here at cousins because it's quiet and it feels better and actually have beach walks to, blasting your favorite music. My favorite music is obviously back to December by Taylor Swift.

She has one of the best music and I love it. As I walked through the beach seeing small figures as I walked closer they were bunch of people here. I thought it would be small but no, it's like a party but outside, I came closer to it and everyone was talking to each other.

Best of sneaking out.

"Yo, gas station girl!" I hear from my left side making me turn and saw the guy from the store.

"The guy that works at the gas station." I said with a laugh.

"You made it." He said and I nodded.

"Yep, I made it." I said to him.

"Here, take my beer." He said as he pushed the beer towards me.

"Uh, no, no, no, thanks. I'm okay." I said to him as he took back his beer.

"So, uh... you got a boyfriend back home?" He asked making me laugh.

"Nope... not anymore." I said to him crossing my arms.

"Why?" He asked me making me look away not wanting to talk about it.

"Uh, don't want to talk about it," I said letting out a slight chuckle, I looked around until I saw my brother with a girl making me bite my inside cheek.

"Christian!" I yelled as he had his arm wrap around the girl as he turned around looking at me with full disbelief look.

"What are you doing here?" He said to me as he pulls his arms away from the girl, which by the way she looks really pretty.

"And I-I'm sorry, what are you wearing?" He asked me making me laugh,

"I'm wearing clothes, duh." I said rolling my eyes at him.

"I invited her. Who the fuck are you?" The guy I was talking said to my brother.

"I'm her brother. She's fifteen, you pedo." My brother said to the guy making me roll my eyes.

"True, but I'm almost sixteen, anyways." I said to the guy as he backed away from me.

"My bad." He said to me before looking at my brother.

"What the fuck Christian." I said to him annoyed.

"Jesus Christ." He said with a chuckle before grabbing my arm.

"Olivia, come on,"

"what are you doing? No-will you let go of me, please?" I asked him but he kept pulling me.

"You're embarrassing me." My brother said making me scoff in disbelief.

"I'm embarrassing?"

"You're embarrassing."

"Why am I embarrassing?!" I said raising my
voice at him.

"Quit embarrassing yourself. Are you kidding me?" Christian said to me as I tried to pull his hand off me.

"Stop it! Christian! You're hurting me" I said knowing where he had his grip would leave a small bruise and with that he pulled my arm harshly making me trip and fall in the sand.

"Are you okay?" He asked me as he pulled me up but I pushed him off me. I hate him so much. I looked at my arm and saw a bruise forming on my arm.

"Like you care." I said to him as I let out a puff and cleaned myself off.

"Livy?" I heard Conrad's voice behind me making me turn around and look at him, there was a girl with him, her hands on his cheek and his hands around her, and I felt my stomach flip just seeing how close they were.

"I thought you hated the Red Sox." I said to him as they both pulled away from each other.

"Who are you?" She asked me with a little bit of attitude before I gave her the same attitude she gave me.

"Who are you?" I said to her.

"Nicole. Conrad and I went to the deb ball together last summer." She said to me.

"It was after you guys left to take Christian and Steven to look at colleges." He said to me and I let out a laugh before speaking up.

"I thought you said that deb ball are bullshit, and all debs are sheep," I said to him biting my inside cheek and tilting my head to one side as the girl Nicole turn to face him.

"I didn't." He said making me laugh once again.

"Liar." I said to him.

"Your such a brat." He said to me making me smile.

"Aww, thanks for the compliment. Well, your such a fucking asshole." I said to him as I was getting annoyed to him.

"Livy!" I heard Jeremiah's voice.

"You came! Great, we can all hang out, you guys," Jeremiah said wrapping his arms around me and pulling me closer to him.

"I'm about to take her home." My brother said to Jeremiah.

"What?" He said as his smile fade away.

"Yeah, we're leaving." He said to me as he grabbed my forearm.

"Are you kidding me?" I asked him.

"Okay, Christian, chill out. Come on. Go-go hang out with that girl or something." Jeremiah said to him.
Jeremiah grabbed my arm softly from Christian as I glared at my brother.

"Let's go." She said to my brother.

"Stay right here with him. Don't do anything stupid." He said to me making me fake smile at him.

"Don't worry, bro. I won't do anything stupid." I said patting his cheek making him move his face away from me.

"Go back to you girlfriend." I said to him making him stick the middle finger out.

"Fuck you. Shove it in your ass!" I said as I watched him walk away.

"Ooh! Wow." Jeremiah said to me with a slight chuckle making me laugh.

"Listen, for one, I'm really happy you're. Even belly came." He said to me making turn him.

"Wait-she's here." I said as he gave me a nod.

"Where?" I asked as he pointed towards where belly was at.

"Great! Okay, I'll go with her and you go back to whatever your doing." I said to jere which he agreed to and we did our hand shake.

"See ya." I said before walking to belly.

"Belly Conklin!" I said as I watched her turn around with a smile.

"Oh my god, your here." She said to me as she got up and hugged me.

"I know, I just sneaked out and jump out the window." I said shrugging my shoulder.

"So, are you going to introduce me to your friend." I said to her with a smirk as I watched the curly head boy come up to us.

"Right, Olivia this is Cameron, Cameron this is Olivia my best friend." She said as we shook hands with each other.

"Nice to meet you." I said with a smile.

"So how did you guys two meet?" I asked them.

"Oh, at the seventh grade Latin convention." She said to me making me nod.

"So that's how you met." I asked as they both nodded.

"Well, I'll leave you two. I don't want to interrupt anything. I'll see you later." I said to them as I waved them before I headed where the drinks are. But it was right across Conrad and Nicole making me roll my eyes.

"Get drunk, and find the hottest guy to make out with." The words Taylor said to me made me realize she was right,

I don't need to mope around for Conrad if he has his tongue down a girls throat. I grabbed a beer and let me tell you when I felt the liquor went through my body it fell weird and disgusting but oh well. As I began to drink more a guy came up to me.

"Hey," he said to me with a smirk.

"Hey." I said drinking more beer.

"I'm Sebastian." He said to me.

"I'm Olivia." I said with a smile.

"So, you live here?" He asked me making me shake my head.

"Uh, no I just spend my summer here." I said to him before it fell quiet making me speak up again.

"Hey, did- did everybody see me fall before?" I asked him.

"Um, sort of. Yeah." He said to me making me scoff.

"My brother is such a dick." I said really annoyed.

"Your brother. So, like, who are the other... the other guys you were with? Was any of them, like, your boyfriend?" He asked me as he stuttered making me laugh.

"No. They're, um, they're my moms best friend sons." I said to him with a smile. He's sweet, and doesn't look like the other kind of boys.

"Oh, cool." He said to me.

"We stay at their house every summer. They're just mad that I'm here," I said to him.

"I don't know why they make a big scene if my friend is also here." I said shrugging my shoulder.

"I'm really glad you came." He said to me making me laugh as I felt a tint of blush creeping up my cheeks.

"Cause I did not want to come. I knew it was just gonna be bunch of kids, like, getting drunk, and I'm in no mood to drink at all." He said to me making me frown.

"So what are you drinking in there?" I asked him pouting at the cup in his hand.

"Oh, it's just soda." He said to me.

"So, how do you know all these summer people?" I asked him.

"Well, my mom is the owner of the country club." He said to me.

"So I grew up here." He said to me making me nod.

"Wait, so do you know anything about that debutante thing?" I asked him hoping he does.

"It's dumb, right?" I asked him.

"I won't say dumb but, I mean, it's definitely, like, steeped in the patriarchy. If that's what your talking about." He said to me making me smile.

"Yup, yeah, uh totally,"

"yeah." He said before we both began to laugh with each other,

I stared into his eyes, his eyes were like a green color which where really pretty his blonde hair.

He's really cute.

"I should really get going but I don't want to." He said to me making me laugh but before anything else I heard voices at the side of me and I turn around and I saw Conrad and the guy from the gas station dude fight.

"What's your problem man?" The guy said making me watch them.

"It's one beer. It's a party. Relax." He said to Conrad who was half drunk.

"No, give me my beer back. I paid for this." Conrad began to walk to the guy but he pushed him off.

"Stop, stop." I heard Nicole said getting in between them trying to stop it.

"Your drunk. Give him the beer." Nicole said to Conrad backing him away.

"Maybe you should listen to your lady." He said to Conrad.

"Stop. You're drunk." She said to him.

"No. I'm fine. I'm fine." Conrad said to Nicole.

"Give me the beer back." Conrad said again,

"He's fine. He's a real big man." The guy said to Conrad as I watched Conrad's face change.

"Fuck you, bro." Conrad said angrily to him.

"Oh, my gosh. Uh..." I said to Sebastian.

"I'll be right back. It's seems guys can't control their drinking problems." I said to him before leaving my beer and heading towards Conrad.

"Your not taking my fucking beer, dude!" Conrad said to him as he began to push him away.

"Relax, it's one beer!" The guy said to him.

"Yeah, and it's my fucking beer." Conrad said pushing him harshly.

"Guys, you guys, you guys." I said running up to them.

"You guys are acting like babies grow up." I said as I tried to separate them but instead I got hit on the side of my cheek making me fall to the ground.

"Son of a bitch." I said letting out a groan.

"Liv." Conrad said as I was being pulled up by Sebastian which I thanked him.

"Guys." I heard Jeremiah's voice from beside me.

"Are you okay." Sebastian asked me making me nod.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Conrad said before being punched in the face.

"Someone needs to stop this." I said to them,

"hey, guy, guys, come on. Hey." I hear Jeremiah say but they kept attacking each other like animals.

"Hey, hey, hey. Break it up. Come on." Jeremiah said but before that I heard sirens pulling up.

"Cops." Someone yelled making everyone run as Sebastian and I ran at from the cops.

"Holy shit." I said as we couldn't hear the sirens anymore.

I was laughing at how this bonfire ended, me getting punch in the face, meeting a random boy who's cute and sweet.

What could happen at a bonfire? Everything can.

"This is one of the best bonfire I ever came to." I said to him with laughter.

"Yeah." He said to me as we stopped half way as he began to look at me straight in the eyes.

"I had a great time with you." He said to me making me look down at the ground knowing damn well that I'm literally blushing at this point.

"I had a great time too." I said with a smile in my face. I looked into his green eyes as he began to lean in to me.

Am I about to kiss him?

I think I am.

He started to lean in when I felt his breath hit my face as I felt his lips touch mine, I didn't respond quickly but then I did and I placed my hands on both side of his cheeks and pulled him closer to me as we began to have a fully make out session.

But that was cut out with a car stopping right in front of us making us pull away from each other.

"Liv, let's go. Get in." I hear Jeremiah say as he was in the driver seat and belly in the passenger seat.

"Uh, I'm going with Sebastian." I said to him as I turn to look at Sebastian with a smile.

"No, your not going to get in a car with a guy you just met." He said to me making me scoff.

"It's not like your my brother." I mumbled but at the exact time the devil appeared.

"But I am. So, now get in the car right now, Olivia." He said to me making me groan.

"Well, the devil calls. I'll call you." I said to him as I asked for his phone and putted my number in his contact.

"Text me." I said with a smile before I leaned in and gave him one last kiss.

"Bye." I said before getting in the car next to a drunk Conrad.

"Wait, I forgot something I'll be right back." Belly said leaving us behind.

"And we forgot Steven. Christian, come with me." Jeremiah said leaving me with the drunk Conrad fisher in the car.

Well, this night gets even worst by the minute, but the only thing that wasn't terrible was how I had my first kiss with a boy who wasn't Conrad.

It was good, my first kiss ever since I ended things with Carson but the kiss with Sebastian was amazing and I liked it. I felt a smile creep up my face remembering how our lips connected With each other. And then I felt Conrad twirling my hair from beside me making me shift.

"Your hair's like a little kid's, the way it's always so messy." Conrad told me making me look at him with soft eyes before I let out a scoff.

"Thanks asshole." I said to him before turning my attention to the window again.

"Livy..." he said but we were cut out with a knock on the car window pulling our attention to that. It's was a police. Shit we are totally screwed.

"Have you kids been drinking?" She asked us making me sighs.

"If I say no, would you believe that and let us go." I said to her shyly and shrugging my shoulders but she gave a look which meant no.

"We are screw."


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What do you think is gonna happen?

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Xoxo 😘.

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