Nineteen: Say it ain't so?

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  "There used to be days that I thought I was okay, or at least that I was going to be. We'd be hanging out somewhere and everything would just fit right and I would think 'it will be okay if it can just be like this forever' but of course nothing can ever stay just how it is forever." 

-- Nina LaCour  

  I figured it out. Lawrie Odin said I had to figure it out, and I did. It's always said that one action can change everything. All along, it wasn't that I had to change how the day went, from the very beginning that is. But in order for things to be put into effect, I had to do one thing that changes everything.

  I ate Mom's pancakes.

  She told me how I had to pick up Todd after school.

  I then picked up Justice, and I drove to school.

  We met up with Peyton, and he told us about how Gwen cheated on him with the Canadian.

  Sometime later, I was in Geometry, I asked Zoey if I could copy off of her. And this time, even if it wasn't part of what I was supposed to do in order to fix the time loop, I said "thank you" to her. And I swore I saw her crack a smile, even though I couldn't see her face.

   Despite the fact that I didn't like the person I was before, especially the people I hung out with. I was still aware. I knew that once everything changed, I'd start cleaning up my act. That's what I'd definitely do; clean up my act.

:: :: ::

  Justice and I were making out in front of Zoey's car again. I really wasn't enjoying making out with her like I normally would be. Maybe that was so, because I couldn't help but think Peyton had kissed her before. And he still was. And he was doing even more things with her, and if I were to be honest with myself. I hadn't even gotten to that step yet. We just made out, and perhaps messed around a little. But never...

  Anyway, Zoey came over to her car like I expected.

  It took her awhile to say anything.

  Let's say after half a minute, she finally got up the courage to say something. 

  "Um, excuse me. Could you guys move, so I, uh can open the door and get inside my car?"

  I knew Justice was going to ignore her. And I'm sure she would've been more than glad to continue kissing me. But I wasn't going to do any of that anymore.

  I pulled away from Justice, and I turned and looked at Zoey Graves.  

  "Babe, what are you doing?" Justice wanted to know. "She's a nobody. C'mon!"

  "I'm sorry, I never wanted to do this," I said, looking at Zoey. "I'm sorry that Justice called you a nobody. And I'm sure you just want to go home."

  Justice shoved me a little. "Hellooo Isaac, I'm right here." She sounded angry, and chuckled a little. Nervously. "You can't talk to her."

  Zoey blushed a little, but she didn't stop looking at me. 

  "Zoey, listen." I stepped closer to her. "Thanks."

  She gave me a look of bemusement, but a small smile played at her lips. "Thanks for what?"

  "Thanks for making me realize--a lot of things," I stated. "I don't want this. I don't want to keep treating people like shit, just because it looks 'cool'. I'm sorry if I've ever done anything to upset you in the past."

  Justice stepped in front of Zoey before she could say anything. "Isaac, why are you talking to this bitch? I'm your girlfriend, remember? She doesn't deserve an apology. I deserve an apology!" She was starting to get loud. And people who were in the parking lot were looking over at the three of us.

  I glanced at Zoey. She unlocked her car door. But she didn't immediately get inside her car. She was staring at me.

  "Justice, I think we should stop this." I put my hands together, and pointed them towards her. "You've been treating me like shit anyway. And besides, I think you and Peyton will be happy."

  "Excuse me?" She couldn't hold a hard face expression, because it quickly faltered when I said what I just said. "What are you talking about?!"

  "I know you and Peyton have been messing around behind my back." I looked at Zoey who was still just standing there, looking at me. "And I'm pretty sure that's why Gwen went around and did the same thing with William."

  "So?" She said with a careless laugh. "You just eye-fucked that skank right in front of me. Who's cheating now?"

  I stepped back from my ex-girlfriend. There were two things she just said to me, that pissed me off. One was, she called Zoey a skank. And she accused me of infidelity right then and there, when that wasn't the case. "I'm done Justice." I commented this with an edge to my voice; kind of in a firm tone. "I know you're never going to change. I always say something wrong, or do something wrong. I'm never good enough."

  Something in Justice's eyes did change for a brief second, but she still held the hard scowl she always did when angry, or annoyed; when she didn't get something she wanted. "Isaac, I can't believe you. You really want to do this right now?"

  "Go to Peyton, I'm sure he'll make you feel better."

  Then she gave me the hardest slap she could, and if I hadn't been standing in the parking lot, with a lot of people looking my way (including Zoey), I would've grimaced and held my face, like the skin had been slapped off of it. But I kept my cool. I even smirked.

  Justice then realized how much people were looking in our direction. They'd heard the exchange of our words, and saw the slap. "What's everybody looking at?!" She yelled. "Leave! There's nothing to see here! Everybody's just being nosy!"

  She gave me and Zoey (who stood by my side just then) a pissed off look. "A lot of shit will be coming your guys' way. Just watch!" With that said, my ex-girlfriend walked away.

  I looked at Zoey, and she looked back at me shyly. "So..." She began awkwardly. "That slap had to hurt."

  I nodded, and chuckled a little. "Yeah, it hurt. I was trying not to wince, and it took a lot not to."

  She laughed at the confession, and tilted her head looking at me. "You want to go talk somewhere?" She asked, "I like to go to the bakery near the strip mall every now and then."


:: :: ::

  I followed Zoey's van. 

  I had a real feeling this time that things were going to work out. 

  Lawrie Odin couldn't tell me different.

  I had figured out the time loop, and what led Zoey Graves to successfully commit suicide.

  I felt like I made an accomplishment. Zoey Graves meant a lot to me, I now realized. And I hope she'd make an effort to live, and to function. Also, I could talk her into getting help. As much as I'd like to try to help her myself; you know, by helping her not feel depressed, and trying to get her out of her depression. That wasn't possible.

  Depression, is something I'm familiar with. It's a painful process. Mom eventually had sought out a therapist. She was a nice old woman whose name was Dr Iris. She had to ask me why I thought my parent's divorce had been my fault. That was an easy answer: it's because nothing was the same any more, and maybe I could've prevented the divorce.

  But the thing was, my dad had cheated and left Mom for another woman—the woman he's on a cruise with now. So my anger should be directed towards him, and sometimes there are a rare few instances that it is.

  I didn't think I was depressed now, but there are times when I find myself feeling a bit more melancholy than usual.

  But still, I was going to be okay. My focus was on Zoey getting help and feeling better.

:: :: ::

  I waved at Zoey, and she waved back. 

  She was going to meet up with me, and we were going to talk. And she was going to listen, and I'm pretty sure she wasn't thinking of Lawson right now.

  This was perfect. She might not even be considering suicide anymore.

  I loved Zoey Graves, and she was coming to me this time.

  Only, one thing happened. I didn't even think that Lawrie Odin saw this coming.

  She didn't see the red Prius. I didn't see the red Prius.  

  Why hadn't I seen it coming?

  I ran out the door to the bakery. "Zoey!" I yelled frantically. "Zoey!"

  She was going to stand up, and brush herself off quickly. She was going to live. Besides, the only way she would die today, was if she offed herself. A red Prius wasn't doing the offing right?!


  A woman got out the car. She told me she was sorry, and that she'd been changing a song on the radio. The woman then started to cry. And I was crying along with her, even though I wanted to curse her out and ask her why she had to do it.

  Why did she have to hit Zoey? Why couldn't changing the radio station wait?

  Forget the fact that I might have to start over again, or the fact that I may forever be stuck in this time loop--or even worse, Zoey Graves be gone forever. The thing that mattered, and kept bothering the fuck out of me...was that, Zoey Graves was gone.

  There was nothing I could do this time. I couldn't be Neo from the Matrix. But if I was. Neo from the Matrix—that is. Then I would've let the people down. They would've all died, or continued to be imprisoned in the Matrix.

  I was trapped in the Matrix. I was trapped in this time loop. Or even worse, nonexistent myself. 'Cause Zoey Graves was gone, and time might very well undo itself.

  I let Zoey Graves die, on my watch. Again.

  For the millionth time.

  Soulmates can't live without each other, right? Having to face tomorrow would be difficult, because she wouldn't be living, nor with me.

:: :: :: 

Author's Note: you think Zoey's going to make it? After all of Isaac's effort, time may prove that you can't change time! Time is the enemy of regret and procrastination, ain't it?

Oh, and I'm not trying to offend anyone's nationality (Canadians). If it bothers you, I'll try changing it. Any feedback I get, helps. :D

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