Chapter 1: Shade

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Up till now my life was miserable and I never thought of my life like I should have. My Mom was a drunk, abusive person who blames me for everything from the divorce to her alcohol abuse. My school teachers were yelling at me for my low grades which are caused by the arguments my Mom starts. Most school kids bully me and just make me feel worse and they only bully me because they think I'm like my mother. The only people that ever cared for me were my two friends, but I was blind and I couldn't see how much they cared. Now I realize that they cared, but it was after my life was stolen. Stolen by something no one would believe was real. Once my life was stolen I lost everything. That night I tried to end my misery, going outside to wait for my death to come, but once I was left for dead, something took my life into its hands.

I'm a prisoner now. It may not seem like it to anyone, but to me it's not what I wanted. That night I only wanted to die, but I was saved and taken somewhere that I don't know. I tried to even stab myself multiple times, but it never worked. I also tried to starve myself, but I was forced to eat, extending my suffering even more. Why.....why couldn't they just let me die? This is the opposite of what I wanted. Why me? I just want to go home apologize to my friends for trying to kill myself and not even saying anything but I'm sorry. But now I'm more dead than I wanted....if this can be called death. I just want true death more than this.

A few weeks earlier

Shade Pov

The cool spring morning air came through my open window. The mornings were still a bit cold, but once the sun rises it will warm up. I move through my room, going from my closet over to my dresser and back. I change out of my night clothes, quickly putting on black jeans, white socks and a dark blue shirt with red words saying 'Monster's Dream'. There was a picture of a small chibi red monster sleeping under the words. After I finish getting dressed, I go back over to my dresser. I grab my brush off the top and brush my raven colored hair as I look in the mirror. The first rays of light come through my window, causing my hazel eyes to shine a green. I put my brush down and grab my book bag. I walk down stairs and go into the kitchen. I grab two pop tarts and head to the living room. My Mom was sitting on the couch.

"I'm off to school." I say. She doesn't respond. She must be sleeping off another hangover or something. I leave out the front door and walk to my bus stop. I stand a few feet away from the other students at my stop. I can hear the things they say about me though.

"The freak has arrived." One boy said. The other two girls snicker.

"She should just stay home with her trash mother." Another boy says. Everyone began to laugh. I slip my headphones over my ears to block out their mockery. The bus soon pulls up and I get on last. I sit in the empty seat up front. The bus is mostly empty since we are the first stop. I just look out the window until we get to the school. I never have to move over for anyone because everyone stays away from me. We soon pull up to the school. When the bus stops, I exit first. I walk over to my friends who were waiting at our usual spot.

"Hey Shade! Glad you finally got here." I look at my friend Lucie as she greets me. I place my bag against the pole. Lucie has long blond wavy hair and the greenest eyes I've ever seen. She was clinging onto Rose. Rose has straight black hair and brown eyes. She was glaring at Lucie until she let go.

"Traffic again right?" Rose asks. I nod. Lucie came over to me and began to cling onto me. "Well that can't be helped. At least you're here now."

"Yeah. It's a relief to be away from my mother." I say as I force a smile. Lucie lets me go.

"Your mom still yelling at you?" Lucie asks. I nod. They both embrace me in a hug.

"You don't have much time left with her. Just try to wait until next year. You'll be able to move out and never see her again." Rose said. That's true, I'm seventeen now. When I turn eighteen I can move out.

"You're right. Thanks for the reassurance." I say. They let me go. The bell rings inside the school.

"Well that's the bell. It is time to go to class. See you guys after school." Lucie said. I pick my bag up and head for my first period class. I enter and head back to my seat. I stare out the window, such a peaceful place outside these walls. I soon get lost in my thoughts.

"Shade Shingetsu..... Shade!" My first period teacher yells at me. I look toward her. "Did you finish your homework?" She stood directly in front of me. I shake my head. I'm sure if I tried to tell her my Mom tore it up in a drunk rage she won't believe me. So I just sit there. She walks away collecting the other student's papers. I could hear snickers coming from the other students. I look back out the window, wishing for this day to end quickly.

All day in every class, I was being laughed at by all the students. I heard them say so many hurtful things. I try to block them out, but it's impossible. Finally the school day has come to an end. I walk out and see Lucie and Rose waiting for me.

"Hey Shade. I hope you have a good night. We'll come over tomorrow." Lucie says. Tomorrow is Saturday a break from school.

"If you need us remember to text us." Rose said. I nod and wave as I walk to my bus. I sit in the empty seat up front. I slip my headphones over my ears and block out the noise the students make. For over an hour I stare out the window, watching for my stop. It comes and I get off first and begin to walk down the street toward my hell of a home. As I walk down the street I notice a van that was never there before. While I was distracted, one of the kids from my stop threw a rock at me. It hit the back of my neck and I could feel a drop of blood slide down my neck. I growl under my breath and hurry home. I unlock the door and walk in.

"I'm home." I say. Mom didn't respond. She must be out. I take my bag and go upstairs. I lay my bag on my bed and head to the restroom. I dig through the cabinet and find a bandage and some medicine to put on the cut. I unwrap the bandage and squeezed some medicine onto the cotton pad. With my free hand I felt for the cut, and then place the bandage the best I could. I sigh and head for my room. I go to my room and lay down on my bed. I grab the remote from the nightstand and turn the TV on. I flipped it to the news. I get up and change into black shorts and a plain black shirt while I listen to the TV.

"There was another shooting last night. It appears the murder was committed by the Fang. The gang has been active lately, so be sure to not go out after dark." The news reporter said. I sigh....this world is just a mess. Why would anyone want to live here? This is the tenth murder this month, just counting the people the Fang killed. Why live in this life if there is only fear?

I hear the door slam closed downstairs. I sit up and sit on the edge of my bed. Those stomping feet came up the stairs. "So this is where you've been! I've been looking for you all day!" My mother yells.

"I was at school. You'd know that if you would wake up in the mornings!" I yell back.

"Well maybe I would know if you wake me up!"

"No you wouldn't know because you're almost always drunk! If not then you have a hangover!"

"Did you ever wonder why I became a drunk? It's because of you! After you were born, your father started to drift away. It's all your fault! You shouldn't have ever been born! You are the mistake that ruined my relationship!" She yells. She raises her hand and slaps my right cheek. "You should have gone with your sister to live with your father.." She left my room and began to descend the stairs. My hands curl into fists.

"You wouldn't care about me, even if I was dead would you?! I doubt you would even notice that I'm gone!" I yell then slam my door shut. I lock my door and lay back down on my bed. Tears began to slip down my cheeks. "I can't take another day of this...." I've had enough. My mother has only ever yelled at me. I can't take it anymore! I grab my phone and start a group chat with Rose and Lucie.

-I'm sorry.....- I sent them. I waited for their replies.

-Why are you sorry Shade?- Lucie asks.

-Shade......are you saying this because you're thinking about suicide!?- Rose said.

-What!? Shade don't! Come stay with one of us if you can't stand it there anymore. Just don't kill yourself!- Lucie said. I set my phone down.

"Even if I leave my Mom, those kids at school will still get to me. I'm sorry guys...." I say to myself. I open my window and push the screen out. I slide through and land on the garage roof. I look down at the six foot drop. I sit and slide off the roof, landing on my knees and palms. The cool night air gave rise to goose bumps on my exposed skin. I walk over to the sidewalk and look down the street. No cars in sight. Come on, Fang members usually go down this street. I look to my left and notice a black van that has only been here the past few days. It was parked closer to my house. I stare into the window and see two men. I think they notice me so I look at the cracked sidewalk. A car door closes behind me. I turn and see two men, one bulky with muscles and another thinner. Both wore a red bandana on their heads showing their membership to the Fang.

"Well I never thought we'd have a girl outside at night. A young one too." The thin man said.

"Come with us girl and you won't get hurt." The bulky one said. Why don't they just shoot me?

"I refuse. If you're going to kill me do it here." I say.

"A feisty one. Grab her." The thin man said. The bulky man nods and walks over to me. He grabs my wrist. I try to get him to let me go.

"Let me go!" I yell at him. He ignores me and pulls me into his arms. I can't get away from him. With his free hand he pulls out a cloth and holds it over my face. I begin to feel sleepy.

"There there. Just calm down and be a good girl." The bulky man said. My body felt heavy. Chloroform....of course. My eyes begin to close, my world turning black as I fall into a deep sleep.

??? Pov

"Was that her?" My servant asks.

"Yes. So we should follow them." I say. He nods and turns the van on. We follow behind the silver car as it drives to the woods a few miles out of town. They seem to be going toward the cursed tunnel. That's perfect. We stop a hundred feet behind them. I watch as they drag the girl into the woods.

"Shall we go and observe master?" I nod. We get out and head into the woods, following close behind them.

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