Chapter 2: Death

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Shade Pov

My eyes open slowly, my vision foggy. I couldn't really tell where I was. Was I in my room? This doesn't seem like my room though, I feel something like a stick poking into my back. My arms were stiff and were pulled over my head. I try to move them but they wouldn't budge. For some reason I'm hurting all over. My vision began to clear up and I could see the forest around me. Two dark shapes loomed over me. One was bulky while the other was smaller.

"Wow she wakes up once the fun is over." The thin man said. Fun? What is he talking about?

"But now she is awake for the final part of our fun." The bulky one said. The numbness in my legs began to disappear. I could feel more pain and my shorts down around my ankles. Did they.....rape me while I was out? My thoughts were disrupted by something cold, sharp and metal entering my right arm. It took me a second to register what was happening. My eyes shot open and I scream out. They stuck a knife deep in my arm. Tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Let us continue shall we. That's only one of seven." The thin man said. He removed the knife from my arm. The bulky may took his foot and stomped on my right arm. I scream again. The sickening sound of my bone breaking echoes in my head. Just try to endure.....I'll be dead once it's over.

The blade now enters my left arm. I clench my teeth together to prevent another scream. He removes the knife and once again the bulky man stomps on my left, breaking the bone. They did this two more times to my legs. The thin man took the blade to my face. He pushes the blade in my right temporal.

"Only two left then you'll be dead." The thin man said. He gave the knife to the bulky man. He took the knife and swung it down into my stomach. The thin man took the knife out. I try to endure and not scream. No one but these two would hear me.

"We should make her suffer more. Let's let her bleed to death." The bulky man said. No.....just finish me off.

"Good idea. I know the perfect spot." The thin man said. He grips the knife in his right hand. He stabs my left side right under my arm. I couldn't hold in my screams. "Piercing the lung is perfect for slow painful death." They leave me there to slowly bleed out. My limbs are numb and it hurts to breathe. I cough up blood every now and then.

"Please someone........kill me...." I say. It's useless though. No one around for a few miles. I close my eyes wanting death to come soon. A twig snaps and I open my eyes. I thought it would be those two coming to see if I was dead or not, but I was wrong. In front of me was a young man, looking like an eighteen year old. He has shaggy black hair, red eyes and was dressed in black. Is he the angel of death? He walks around me toward the tree and cuts the rope binding my wrist. My arms fall and hit the ground. Luckily I'm so numb. I can barely feel anything. He moves back around and stands in front of me once again. He pulls my shorts back up for me. " Co.....ming to.....take my....l-life?"

"Yes. It's time for you to go home." He says in a soft voice. I close my eyes, a smile on my face. I feel arms under me. I'm lifted up, my limbs dangle. Pain starts to return to my limbs and my torso just hurt the most. I open my eyes and see my angel is caring me. He looks down at me, a smile on his face. Where is he taking me? I figured he would have just ended my life. I look ahead and see a black van. The same van that has been on my street the last few days. He enters the back of the van. Inside the back had only a red couch anchored to the floor. He lays me on the couch. I cough up more blood.

"Y-you.....aren't an......angel." I ask. He stands over me. An older man comes back from the driver seat.

"Sir she seems deeply injured. You may not want to waste any time." The old man said.

"I know. So let us begin." He said. He sits me up and sits on the couch, laying my upper body in his lap. He holds me in his arms. "Just relax and this will be over quickly." He whispers into my ear. He leans over me. I could feel his warm breath against my neck. Something warm and wet moves over my neck.

"" I ask. He doesn't answer me. There was a slight pinch on my neck, and then I could feel something being pushed in. Is he biting me? I'm too weak to even look at him. My head hurts now, but my breaths slow.

"Seems you may have been too late sir...." The old man said. The young one looks up at him.

"Not yet! There are more things I can try!" He yells at the old man. He takes my right arm in his hands. My arm bent in ways it should never. He pulls my arm up toward his mouth. He bites down hard. He let my right arm go and grabs my left, repeating the biting. My eyes start to close. Am I finally going to die? Am I going to be free finally? I feel the young man lift me up then lay me flat on the couch. I hear the sound of tearing fabric. Something sharp slightly digs into my bare chest. My skin was being torn off by something sharp. It hurts but I'm almost completely numb and can barely feel anything. Two sharp points bury into my chest. I can feel them deep inside. A sharp pain races across my chest and spreads to my numb limbs. My eyes shot open and I scream. It feels like my chest is burning. The young man stares down at me, my blood covering his face.

"I-it......h-hurts!!" I beg, tears running down my cheeks. I look up at the young man, his eyes staring into mine. My body goes completely limp. I can't move anything but my eyes.

"Damian. Bring the bandage wraps." The young man said. The older man brought white wraps to the young man. "Now take us home. We need to head back now." Damian bows then goes to the driver's seat. The young man took my right arm and began to wrap my wounds. He wraps my arms then moves to my legs. He next wraps my stomach and chest. He takes another strand and covers my eyes. "Don't worry. You are now in my care. Nothing will happen to you. I'll always protect you." He says. I feel his hand rub my right cheek. What have I been drug into!? What did this guy do to me!? My whole body feels like it's on fire!

I probably lay there for five minutes then I feel the van come to a stop. I feel arms slid under me and I'm lifted up. I can only feel the sway of my limbs as I'm guessing the young man carries me. I hear a door open then a minute later close. It's quiet. I don't like this. It's too quiet for me. The young man soon lays me down on something very soft. Must be a bed or another couch.

"Damian, bring more bandages. We need to change her bandages." The young man said. He touches my right arm and I flinch. "Sorry, did I hurt you?" He removes the bandage from my eyes. I stare up at him, eyes shaking in fear. Damian came back in soon and the two began to peel off the blood soaked bandages.

"Looks like the bleeding has stopped for now." Damian said.

"Good. Go fetch one of my old shirts." Damian bows and leaves again. The young man finishes changing the bandages just as Damian returned with a white button up shirt. "It's time for you to rest. Things shall be explained when you're better. See you then." He says. He stares into my eyes and I feel my eyes getting heavy. I'm dragged into a deep sleep.

Young man Pov

"Master Victor. Are you sure you wanted her to face that with her weekend state? Even her mind state may be unstable." Damian said.

"She'll be fine. I'm sure mother was worse in mind state when she went through this. But if she can't accept she won't wake." I say. I look down at her, her raven hair a mess with a twig and leaf here and there. "Just have to hope she accepts."

Shade Pov

My head is throbbing. I move my hand up and rest it against my head. Wait......I can move and my limbs aren't broke. I sit up and look around. Nothing but pitch black darkness surrounds me. Where am I? Am I dead or is this a dream? I stand and look around again.

"It's really empty here. Where is this?" I say. There was a chuckle that rose up in volume around me.

"Where are you, you ask? Why this is your own mind, void of anything at the moment. This is usually where dreams happen, but for now it is a prison for you." A raspy voice says.

"What do you mean by prison?" I ask.

"You are trapped here until you can accept your new self." It replies.

"What do you mean? You're confusing me." I say. A shadow appears in front of me. It has red eyes, and a grin showing two sharp fangs. "What are you?"

"I'm what you've become. You will be stuck here with me, unless you accept your fate as a deathless being." Its raspy voice said.

"What?! I can't accept that! All I wanted was death!" I yell at the shadow.

"Then you can rot inside your own mind for all of eternity. Call on me if you change your mind." It said as it disappears. I'm alone again. The shadow didn't really explain much to me. What is a deathless being? A demon? Maybe even a zombie? I don't know.....but I want out of here. The man also said he'd explain things to me when I wake up, but I don't know what to expect. I sit there and think for what seems like hours. I still don't know what the shadow meant by deathless being. The longer I stay here the more I notice I'm hungry. I am starting to feel the pain of my broken limbs and cuts. My chest hurts and my cuts manifest themselves. My limbs hurt to move and I can no longer move my fingers.

"Ah! It hurts! Why is this happening in my head?!" I yell. The shadow appears in front of me, a grin spread across its shadowy face.

"You'll feel this way all the time unless you accept." The shadow said.

"But I don't know what I'm agreeing to!" I yell at it.

"It wouldn't matter if you knew or not. It would be better than feeling this pain forever." It said. The shadow had a point, but I still don't think it's a better choice. Yes this pain is unbearable and having to feel it forever would be worse than agreeing to something I don't know.

"F-fine.........I agree....." I said. It grins at me. Its solid shadow form expands into a mist. The mist surrounds me and starts to force its way into me through my eyes, ears, nose and mouth. I can't breathe and I fall back. My eyes start to close as I am dragged into sleep once again.

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