2 ~ A flash from the past

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That same night

My shift for the night at Goldmans Hospital has ended for the night.

Now I can finally put my feet up back at my flat and relax.

As I entered the staff locker room to grab my clean clothes out of my locker so I could get dressed out of my hospital scrubs after I had a quick shower.

Or so I thought I was.

Recce dashed into the locker room his beige forehead and his dirty shaggy blonde hair were dipped in sweat as his cheeks were flustered red bright almost like a tomato.

"Hey man what's the matter?" I scratched the back of my short boyish light brown hair arching my brows in an upward motion dumbfounded.

"There's been a hit and run incident" Recce finally caught his breath as he spoke aloud.

"How bad?" I queried quickly stuffing my clean clothes and backpack inside of my locker if my live depended on it before I used my keys to lock it up.

Recce punched my elbow and furiously frowned at me. "Like fucking verge of death bad genius!" He grabbed my arm by force pulling me out of the locker room. "Hurry the fuck up Luke, we have to go now!"

We fought our way through multiple flights of stairs on the upper level of the hospital. Until we reached the accident and emergency ward in one piece.

The tall doors swing open and our manager Marlene emerged into the hallway staring at Recce and I without blinking.

"I'm so glad you could join us, Luke" She curved her lips into a firm grin before turning on her on heels to us lead out of the hallway and further into the chaotic accident and emergency unit.

Where all the madness happens. In the corner eye of my I spotted two young women who appeared to be in their mid twenties sat sobbing in the waiting area.

Both girls looked very familiar to me from high school but then I remembered that I had to focus on my job first without having any distractions.

That became quite difficult to do once I saw the patient who was rushed into the hospital tonight.

My best friend and secret high school crush.

The one girl I would always sit to in music class.

And the one who got away.

Cara Ramsey.

I never thought I would never see her at Goldmans Hospital of all places.

"How is she doing?" Marlene asked pick up a clipboard from the bedside table then received a black inked pen out of her white lab coat's top pocket.

Viv checked the heart monitor then looked up at Cara laying unconscious in her hospital bed. "Her heart rate has settled down once we wheeled her in Dr Calloway"

Dan closely examined Cara's torn injuries from head to toe. "Which makes Miss Ramsey a very luck girl. If didn't she get here in time she wouldn't have made it. Especially after the amount of blood she's already lost after the accident added with a few broken bones and some damages to her head and neck"

"Good work you guys" Marlene complimented Viv and Dan as she finished writing her notes down on the clipboard afterwards she joined Vin and Dan at Cara's beside.

I stood frozen as if I was in my own world reminiscing on the good times Cara and I shared in high school together.

Reece tapped hard on my shoulder knocking me out of my nostalgic train down memory land.

"Lukey, boy are you ok?" He asked in a curious tone tilting his head to the side curving a crooked smile across his lips. "Hey wake up tin man"

I blinked several times trying my best to get my shit back together again. "Yeah sorry man I just forgot where I was for a second"

Reece rubbed my back and looked right into my eyes. "Dude why do look like you've seen a ghost?" He lowered his voice making it so I could hear him.

"Why the hell are you talking about, Reece?" I scoffed under my breath unamused although I knew he was right to ask that question.

But relying to it at this moment definitely wasn't the right time.

"Gentlemen" Marlene voiced firmly folding her arms against her chest. Reece and I turned our heads in acknowledgement as if a strict
headmistress was telling off her students.

"Would you boys mind taking your private conversation outside of work please?"

Without further hesitation Reece and I nodded.

"Good" Marlene curved a small smile across her lips rubbing her hands together in delight placing her clipboard back onto Cara's bedside table. "Now let's get Miss Ramsey prepped for surgery"

Reece and I stood at attention jokingly saluting like the armed forces.

Viv and Dan let a snort out their mouths while Marlene couldn't cox her own amusement either.

"Alright you two" Dan pressed through a chuckle. "Let's back to work"

Viv injected with a nod looking to Marlene for reassurance. "Yeah let's do it"

"You ready Luke?" Reece asked tilting his head to the side voicing his pure concern for my wellbeing.

I exhaled a deep breath buffing out my chest. "I'm as ready I'll ever be"

What the fuck was I saying.

Deep down inside I definitely wasn't prepared for any of this to be honest.

But I had to do it. Not only because it was my job. Because I had an actually chance to step up and save a patient's life.

Cara's life.

There was no way I could back out of it now. I know would indeed be a fool if I did.

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