Chapter Eleven

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"Anyone want to go hunting while the camp is being set up?" Seastar asks.
Ceaderstripe volunteers her and Cocoapaw at the same time Fadedwing and Ravenpaw step forward.
"Right then," Seastar nods, "let's go into the forest, we'll only be near it for another day or two of walking."
The cats all follow her into the forest.
Ceaderstripe sniffs the air and checks for prey scents. She spots a squirrel.
"Fadedwing," Ceaderstripe nods towards the squirrel, "you wanna catch it or should I?"
Fadedwing looks up the trunk of the tree, "I think Cocoapaw should give it a go."
"Its so high up- what if I fall?" Cocoapaw asks, eyes wide.
"Hello," Fadedwing knocks gently on the toms head with their paw, "anyone home? You have powers mouse brain."
"Oh yeah!" Cocoapaw laughs before scurrying up the tree.
Ceaderstripe stares up at the tree intently as her apprentice creeps up on the squirrel. Cocoapaw gets a few tail lengths away before he pounces, somehow launching upward onto the squirrel. He gives it he killing bite and starts climbing back down.
"Good job," Ceaderstripe smiles, "when I was your age squirrels were close to impossible for me to catch," she laughs remembering when she was that young, her laughter trailing off when she remembers her childhood friends.
Ceaderstripe looks over to Seastar and Ravenpaw quietly practicing stalking up on a pinecone, "wanna do what they're doing?"
"Sure!" Cocoapaw nods, pushing dirt over his squirrel.
Ceaderstripe rumages through a pile of leaves and finds a good sized pinecone. She sets it in the center of the small clearing they were in.
"I want you to stand-" Ceaderstripe rushes to the edge of the clearing, "here- and pretend you're stalking a shrew," she steps aside.
Cocoapaw crouches where she had been and focusses on the pinecone.
"Start," Ceaderstripe prompts.
Cocoapaw raises his haunches, shaking it slightly.
"Don't shake your rear like that," Ceaderstripe instructed.
Cocoapaw stops shaking his rear and slides a paw forward, then another until he was only a tail length away from the pinecone.
He then pounces onto the pinecone, and Ceaderstripe can hear a crunch noise as he pretends to perform a killing bite.
"Mmm," Fadedwing licks their lips, "Pinecone," they laugh.
Ceaderstripe chuckles as Cocoapaw spits out a mouthful of pinecone.
"I don't recommend it," Cocoapaw spits on the ground.

"Ceaderstripe!" Burntwhisker rushes to her side as she comes to their temporary camp, now having two half dens built, "Froststar suggested that we only stay here one night, he smelled badger scent not far away."
"Sounds good," Ceaderstripe nods.
The pair pad over to one of the dens and chat while they start weaving branches together.

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