Chapter Five

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"Are we ready?" Ceaderstripe spoke those words often.
Seastar nods, "I will tell my cats that we are leaving," she turns and takes a step.
After the promised two days to stay here they were preparing to leave. Just in time too, the winds here had started to blow apart the makeshift dens.
"What direction will we be heading?" Seastar asks, not turning to face the prophecy cats behind her.
"I think we head upstream through the forest," Hemlockheart suggests.
"Alright," Seastar turns away, "now I will tell my cats."
She pads over to the center of the temporary camp to deliver the news.
"Cats of Oceanclan!" Seastar calls out.
The cats begin to gather around her.
"We will be leaving today," Seastar glances over to Froststar, "soon."
The cats begin to chatter a bit.
"I want three cats to volunteer to help carry herbs," Frostherb announces.
Burntwhisker rushes over to volunteer.
He spends an awful lot of time with her Ceaderstripe thinks. Guilt washes over her before she can even finish the thought, he's loyal to me, just as I am to him.
Ceaderstripe pads over to where Fluffypelt is eating a few herbs quickly.
"What're those for?" She aks.
Fluffypelt quivers, "Frostherb says I'm in shock. She said it will wear off soon but I should take these herbs to help it."
"Ah," Ceaderstripe nods, "how do they taste?"
"Awful," Fluffypelt laughs.
"The prophecy cats will take turns leading the way," Seastar announces, "starting with Froststar and Shrewtail."
Who made that decision? Ceaderstripe wrinkles her nose in disgust.
Froststar and Shrewtail look equally confused when she shoots a glare at each of them. They must not know what's going on either. Seastar must be up to something.
Froststar and Shrewtail hesitantly join Seastar at the front of the crowd and begin leading the way into the forest.

Cocoapaw leaps over a jagged stump from a fallen tree, seemingly recent. Probably from the ground shakes.
"Why jump over it?" Ceaderstripe asks, "you may fall and impale yourself or something."
Suddenly the cats ahead of them stop moving, everyone crowds around a tree.
"Back up! Back up!" Frostherb commands, "send the kits and apprentices forwards!"
"What's going on?" Cocoapaw pushes ahead of Ceaderstripe.
Ceaderstripe follows his path, she too is interested in what held up this crowd.
"Gimme some of that! My throat aches!" Amberbeach calls.
"Since when?" Frostherb laughs, "if there's any left then you and Blacksand can have it."
"What is it?" Flamekit pushes Rainkit aside.
"Its Honey!" A pale gray kit squeals.
"Honey?" Flamekit tilts his head.
"Bees make it in their hives," the pale gray kit explains, "it tastes really good!"
"Interesting," Rainkit stands and holds up her chin, "and I will be the first of my siblings to have it."
"Youngest kits first," Frostherb laughs, "oh wait, that would be you four," she looks to Hemlockhearts four kits.
"Go on," Hemlockheart nudges Birdkit forward.
Ceaderstripe sits down beside Hemlockheart and watches Frostherb give the four kits a little bit of honey each.
"Wavekit, you're next," Frostherb gives the young gray kit in front of her some honey, "and now Frostkit and Ashkit."
The two kits bounce forwards and take some honey.
"Now apprentices," Frostherb ushers Cocoapaw forwards, "I believe you're the youngest."
Cocoapaw bounces forwards before he squeals in pain.
"What's wrong!?" Heatherfur pushes through the crowd.
"I stepped on something!" Cocoapaw lifts his front right paw.
"Its a bee," Frostherb mews.
"I'll get- what are they called?" Burntwhisker asks.
"Blackberry leaves, just a few will do for now," Frostherb instructs, "here," she gives Cocoapaw a bit of the honey," It'll take your mind off the sting.
Cocoapaw nods, "thanks."
"Quailpaw, Ravenpaw, Gingerpaw," Frostherb passes them each a bit, "and finally-"
"Finally!?" Amberbeach calls.
"Eggpaw," Frostherb laughs and gives Eggpaw his portion, "Come on Amberbeach, you and Blacksand can have the rest. Its barely anything but you can have it."
Amberbeach and Blacksand push through the crowd eagerly, "thank you Frostherb," Amberbeach dips her head.
"Yes, thank you," Blacksand dips his head as well.
Frostherb leaves them to the rest of the honey and returns to the middle of the crowd with a group of queens and their kits who were scurrying under cats to get there. Hemlockheart and her kits follow her there, probably interested as to what that particular grouping was up to.
Ceaderstripe lingers at the back of the crowd.
"Ceaderstripe!" Burntwhisker pushes through cats to greet her.
"Burntwhisker!" Ceaderstripe purrs and rubs her muzzle against his, "you smell like herbs," she laughs.
"Well Quailpaw offered to take over for me," Burntwhisker mews.
"That's kind of her," Ceaderstripe purrs.
"Indeed," Burntwhisker let's her lean on his shoulder softly while they walk and chatter about stories they had heard on the journey so far.

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