Chapter Four

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"So you're Mousekit," Ceaderstripe tilts her head, "and Sunsparkle, Honeybird and Sparkfall are Sunkit, Honeykit, and Sparkkit that went missing."
Mousesands nods, "the four of us all went missing within a moon."
"Did anyone ever go after us?" Sunsparkle asks, her eyes sad, knowing that nobody went out of the borders in search.
"Yes-" Ceaderstripe began and hope flooded Sunsparkles eyes, "but only within the territory."
"Your parents were the most stubborn with the rules though," Shrewtail laughs for a moment, "they insisted patrols search outside the territory."
"They did?" Sunsparkle smiles and a tear rolls down her cheek, "I miss them very much."
"They miss you," Brightpaw leans against Sunsparkle.
Ceaderstripe yawns, "its been an- eventful day, how about a calm, tired night."
"That sounds good to me," Burntwhisker yawns.
Ceaderstripe stands and begins padding towards one of the temporary dens. As she passes Hazelstripe, sitting alone, she grumbles something.
"What was that?" Ceaderstripe turns on her.
"Why do you believe them?" Hazelstripe growls, "If any of it were true they easily could've came to find us."
"Let me ask you something," Ceaderstripe sits beside her and nods to Burntwhisker as he passes by, "did we use our powers on the journey here?"
Hazelstripe nods, "yes, b-"
"Do they have powers?" Ceaderstripe asks.
"No," Hazelstripe looks at her paws.
"And would you expect Hemlockhearts kits to be able to make the journey alone?" Ceaderstripe persists.
"They're two moons younger than-" Hazelstripe began, "no."
"These cats need our help. And weather she is or isn't your sister she's reaching out to you. Can't you at least try to be her friend?" Ceaderstripe looks at Hazelstripe, "could you do that?"
"Honeybird is infuriating though!" Hazelstripe growls.
"And so are you. The two of you are so similar, its almost as if-" Ceaderstripe smiles, "I'll let you decide who to trust, but please, at least try."
Hazelstripe sighs, "fine. I will try to get along with her. But if she rambles on about my sisters and my parents-"
"Then set boundaries. Out loud," Ceaderstripe stands up and pads away to follow Burntwhisker.
"Sorry I didn't follow sooner," Ceaderstripe whispers, she looks around the den at the three sleeping Oceanclan cats.
"Its alright," Burntwhisker yawns, "go to sleep."
"I wonder-" Ceaderstripe looks at her paws, "never mind."
I wonder if Froststar and I will still have visions.
Ceaderstripe curls up beside her mate and let's herself fall asleep.

"Ceaderstripe," Burntwhisker nudges her awake, "I'm going with Frostherb to collect herbs."
"Alright," Ceaderstripe yawns, "I'll go see if Cocoapaw wants to do some battle training."
"Battle training?" Burntwhisker mews in confusion.
"He needs to have as normal an apprentice as possible," Ceaderstripe explains, "and what if we meet another bear or something?"
"Fair point," Burntwhisker licks her cheek, "I'm going now."
He pads out of the den. With him no longer there blocking the light it gets into Ceaderstripes eyes. She shakes her head and blinks a few times before standing to stretch.
Ceaderstripe begins to walk out of the den when suddenly a white blur slams into her.
"Ceaderstripe!" Cocoapaw jumps backwards, "I was just coming to get you!"
"And I you," Ceaderstripe laughs, "how about we do some battle training?"
"Sounds fun!" Cocoapaw nods vigorously, "I was actually wondering if we could take Quailpaw and Zenwhisker with us to do something. She seems lonely and I think it would be fun for her. She's shy but she has a great sense of humor and- anyways. Can they come?"
Ceaderstripe laughs and nods, "yes, yes, I'll go ask Zenwhisker. You go wake Quailpaw, alright?"
Cocoapaw bounces off into the den across the camp.
Ceaderstripe pads off to find Zenwhisker.


"F- Frostherb," she trails quietly after the Oceanclan medicine cat.
"Yes?" Frostherb turns to face her.
"Can you see of there's anything wrong with me? I don't feel like myself," Fluffypelt whispers.
"Yes, I'm just waiting while Burntwhisker talks to Ceaderstripe, come closer," Frostherb waves her forward with her tail.
"I've been shaking ever since the flood started and I couldn't sleep last night. I sat in the den and watched over the others," She steps shakily towards Frostherb and sits in front of her.
"It sounds like you're in shock," Frostherb observes, "you have a power, right?"
"Yes, I can feel things happening far away, such as the dam breaking or the ground shakes before they started."
"So you've experienced it all to a greater extent than the rest of us."
"I- uh- I guess."
"I'll collect some herbs to help you while we're out, I want you to go sit and have a quiet conversation with your friend- who- uh- Heatherfur. She seems calming to you."
"Ok, thank you."


"I want you, Quailpaw, to stand right here," Ceaderstripe pats her tail on a spot on the ground, "I will stand over here."
"Ok," Quailpaw mews quietly.
"I want you to attack me, claws sheathed," Ceaderstripe takes a deep breath, "Now!"
Quailpaw looks her up and down before jumping up, probably to try to land on her neck or back.
Ceaderstripe reaches up and hooks her back leg downwards. The apprentice falls with a thud.
"How-" Quailpaw shakes her head, "that was very clever but I'd like to show you one of our moves."
"Alright," Ceaderstripe nods and takes her place again.
"I will stand where I did before and so will you. I want you to jump forwards at me as I did," Quailpaw instructs.
Ceaderstripe nods.
"Now," Quailpaw commands.
Ceaderstripe jumps forwards at the apprentice. She looks down and watches the young she-cat roll away and disappear from view. Suddenly Ceaderstripe fell to the ground and felt a smack on her back.
"And that, is how a smaller cat like me would outwit a warrior," Quailpaw raises her chin confidently as she step's backwards.
"Try it on me," Zenwhisker mews to Cocoapaw.
"Alright," Cocoapaw nods.
Ceaderstripe steps to the edge of the clearing beside Quailpaw.

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