Chapter 19

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It was the night after Ceaderstripe had told her friends- and Burntwhisker- about Oceanclan.
After telling them she told Shrewtail, Hemlockheart, Fluffypelt, and Heatherfur, to take it a bit easier on Burntwhisker. Though he was a total mouse brain, he was also her mate. Not anymore though. Now he was always hanging around Rubyfur.
Ceaderstripe decided to occasionally start saying hello to him in attempts of winning his trust back.
"He was such a fox though! How can you be nice to him!?" Hemlockheart had mewed when Ceaderstripe had told her to take it easier.
"I'm not sure that's a great idea..." Shrewtail had mewed.
"Uh... Ok?" Heatherfur had mewed to her questioningly.
"If that's what you want," Fluffypelt had sighed.
Ceaderstripe padded to the warriors den to rest.
As she lay down in her nest she noticed that Burntwhisker had moved his nest over to where Rubyfur had her nest.
Whatever he wants to do, he can do. I don't care anymore, Ceaderstripe thought as she closed her eyes and darkness engulfed her.
Soon she could feel the spray of the water rushing at her. She looked to her left and sure enough Froststar was there.
Soon she made the turn to climb up the cliff. As she climbed up the cliff she noticed that the water smelled different than usual. It had more of a salty sent.
She hauled herself onto the cliff and Froststar came up right behind her.
"We're both on time," Froststar mewed.
Ceaderstripe laughed, "yes we are."
Ceaderstripe then saw Nighteyes fall into the water.
"Come on! Let's save him!" Ceaderstripe yelled then plunged into the water.
Ceaderstripe paddled through the water swiftly. She had began to get used to water and didn't mind it anymore.
She swam to Nighteyes side and grabbed him by the scruff of the neck. As she struggled to haul him into the cave with the other Oceanclan cats, Froststar swam to her side and helped push the black tom into the cave then pushed her into the cave. Next he climbed into the cave.
Nighteyes lay on the cave floor coughing and sputtering as a sleek white she-cat raced to his side.
"Nighteyes! Are you ok!?" She mewed.
Nighteyes nodded feebly.
"Who are you?" Froststar mewed.
The sleek white she-cat turned to face him and Ceaderstripe, "I'm Iceberry, the tom you saved is my mate, Nighteyes. We are the cats of Oceanclan," she mewed.
"I'm Froststar, leader of Frostclan. This is my friend Ceaderstripe, a warrior of Stoneclan," Froststar mewed politely.
Ceaderstripe dipped her head in greeting, "we heard your screams and came to help. Do you have a leader?" She asked.
"Yes. Her name is Seastar," Iceberry mewed.
A blue gray she-cat stepped out of the shadows, "Greetings," she mewed.
Nighteyes continued to cough and shiver.
Froststar looked at the tom, "do you have a medicine cat? I think he needs one," he mewed.
Seastar nodded, "Frostherb, come here," she mewed over her shoulder.
A white she-cat with green eyes padded slowly out of the shadows, blinking her eyes groggily, "yes?" She yawned. Then she noticed Nighteyes and ran to his side.
"Is he going to be ok?" Ceaderstripe mewed.
Before the medicine cat could reply the dream faded and Ceaderstripe blinked her eyes open in the early dawn light.
I might as well hunt, Ceaderstripe thought.
Ceaderstripe stood and stretched before padding out of the den.
"Hey Ceaderstripe!" Flathead ran over to her from the medicine den, "I just finished helping Gravelstripe collect herbs and I was wondering if you wanted to go hunting with me," he mewed.
"I was actually just leaving to go hunt, you can come with," Ceaderstripe mewed.
Flathead nodded, "ok," he mewed, "I also asked Cliffwhisker and Heartchest to come with me, is that alright?"
Ceaderstripe nodded happily, "the more cats come, the more prey comes back with us," she mewed.
Flathead dipped his head then padded to the camp entrance where Cliffwhisker and Heartchest were waiting.
Ceaderstripe ran after him.
"And off we go," Cliffwhisker mewed enthusiastically.
The patrol of cats left camp and walked deeper into the forest.
"I see a Mouse," Flathead whispered.
"Then go catch it," Ceaderstripe whispered back with a laugh.
"Haha, ok," Flathead stalked the mouse and then pounced on it, "Haha! I got it!" He mewed.
"Oh great and powerful mouser, we phrase you and all your glory," Ceaderstripe mewed and then the whole patrol staryed laughing.
Flathead licked his chest in embarrassment.
Heartchest nudged his shoulder, "hey great mouser, your mouse is alive."
"Huh? Oh!" Flathead swiftly killed the mouse, "woops."

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