Chapter Fifteen

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"So you two are made up again?" Hemlockheart yawns in the early dawn light. Even though they lay in the shadows of the cliff walls the suns warmth still reached them. Its beginning to become Newleaf and you can tell everywhere you look. The ground is rarely coated in frost each morning, just cool dew. The sun shines earlier and earlier each day and the days stretch longer and longer. Soon the New Leaf rains would hit and they would be journeying in a big puddle- not including the imminent flood.
Ceaderstripe nods, not only the sun brings warmth to her, but the thought of her and Burntwhisker happy again.
"Good, I don't want to have to pick your side again," Shrewtail laughs.
"Burntwhisker's a crazy one isn't he?" Hemlockheart laughs softly.
"In his own special way," Ceaderstripe smiles.
Hemlockheart rolls her eyes, "now the two of you are going to be inseparable, aren't you?"
"We'll have to separate for a moment while Burntwhisker apologizes to Froststar. He promised he would," Ceaderstripe stands and stretches, "he may be crazy, but in crazy for him."
"I'd be crazy for you too," Shrewtail laughs but Hemlockheart glares at him.
"You were," Hemlockheart mutters.
"Past is past," Ceaderstripe mews.
What if I had chosen Shrewtail as a mate? Would I have kits now? Would I be the same as I am now? She shakes the thoughts away and nudges Burntwhisker awake.
"Good morning," Burntwhisker yawns.
He reaches up and licks Ceaderstripe's cheek and she licks his forehead in return.
Burntwhisker heaves himself out of his nest, "where's Froststar?"
Hemlockheart nods her head back the way they had came, "he went to sit by the river."
"We that's a dangerous idea," Hazelstripe grumbles.
"I agree," Ceaderstripe realizes how worried they all should be now that they're here. The flood could start at any moment. It won't though, will it?
"Its alright," Burntwhisker purrs.
"I- you must've read my mind," Ceaderstripe purrs.
"The waters definitely salty," Burntwhisker sniffs the air before shaking his pelt to get the dust off.
"Yeah," Hazelstripe rolls her eyes, "just a lil' bit, " she coughs a bit before lowering her head back to the ground, "if you don't mind I'd like to rest until everyone else is awake."
"No problem," Burntwhisker mews.
Ceaderstripe watches him go, his dark gray, almost black, fur blowing in her direction with the light breeze.
A butterfly flaps its bright orange wings as it flys by. It lands on Cocoapaw's nose.
"Mom," Cocoapaw whispers.
Heatherfur laughs, "looks like you've got a friend."
"I don't need a friend," Cocoapaw stares at it.
"You already have me!" Brightpaw jumps and lands across Cocoapaw's back and the butterfly fly's into the sky again.
"Thank you," Cocoapaw wriggles out from under the older apprentice.
"No problem," Brightpaw laughs.
Cocoapaw licks his paw and swipes it over his ear.

"Are we ready?" Pinestripe mews.
"Someone has to wake Hazelstripe," Brightpaw laughs.
"Not it!" Cocoapaw jumps backwards.
"Nope!" Heatherfur steps back with her son.
"Not it!" Burntwhisker and Shrewtail chorus. They exchange a glance and laugh.
"I'll do it," Froststar volunteers.
Froststar nudges Hazelstripe's side.
"What do you want?" She grumbles.
"We fulfilled your request; we're all awake and ready to go," Froststar mews.
Hazelstripe stands and shakes her pelt so that its less messy. Tufts of hair stick out here and there.
"And off we go again," Hazelstripe yawns.
"Onwards!" Cocoapaw runs in front of the group through the ravine.

Ceaderstripe looks at the ravine walls. They're scattered with crevices and holes. There's a few dark caves here and there at the base of the ravine.
"Who goes there!?" A cat steps out of the shadows of a cave to the left, their deep voice echoing.
Ceaderstripe looks the cat up and down as they approach the group. Its a fluffy cream tom. The dark ginger splotches on his pelt seem even darker in the shadows.
Froststar turns to face the tom, "We are the prophecy cats of Stoneclan, Treeclan, Frostclan," he looks to Brightpaw warmly, "and Leafclan."
"Who are you?" Shrewtail growls.
Hemlockheart smacks his cheek with her tail and Copperkit sqeaks in defence of his father. He runs to his fathers front left leg and leans against it.
"I am Spot-" The tom breaks off, "my name is Spot. I live alone in these caves."
"You're a loner," Shrewtail growls.
"C'mon," Burntwhisker flicks his tail forwards, "we should be looking for Oceanclan."
"Oceanclan?" Spot darts his eyes from side to side.
"We've been sent to save them from a soon coming flood. Any day now this ravine will be filled with fast, strong water," Ceaderstripe explains.
"This ravine has been dry and dusty for almost as long as I can remember!" Spot objects, "ever since the two legs built the dam."
"The dam?" Brightpaw tilts their head.
"The blockage," Spot mews.
"The flood is coming, I assure you," Ceaderstripe rolls her eyes, "I suggest you leave here."
The group begins padding away, wanting to get away from the strange tom.
"Have fun saving Oceanclan," Spot calls, "if they even exist."
"Spottedroar!" A female whisper follows, "come back into the cave."
I must be imagining things Ceaderstripe thinks, he said he was alone? Surely he wouldn't lie about that, right?

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