Chapter Four

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"Stretch before you walk to fast!" Burntwhiskers eyes are wide with fear as Froststar stumbles forwards.
"I don't need to stretch," Froststar growls, "I need to continue this journey!"
"Yes, yes," Burntwhisker mews, standing beside Froststar so he can lean on his shoulder, "but its no use continuing if you're just going to keel over and die!"
"I'm not going to die," Froststar grumbles.
"You will when you can't swim because you haven't healed properly," Ceaderstripe rolls her eyes.
"Oh hush," Froststar sits down, "I can heal and travel at the same time."
Ceaderstripe laughs, "Cocoapaw will bounce and bump into you and you will fall right down!"
"Very true," Brightpaw laughed.
Since the group had decided to stay and rest here two days ago they had all gotten to know each other a little better. Hazelstripe didn't seem to mind Brightpaw much anymore.
"I'm not that bouncy," Cocoapaw objects, hopping across a few stones in the river.
"Sure, and I'm not invisible," Hazelstripe mews from where she sits invisibly under a tree.
Cocoapaw slips and falls into the river but is able to catch himself and paddles to the edge of the river.
"Fine," Burntwhisker mews, "if you can walk without stumbling on your own tomorrow then we can continue the journey."
"Alright," Froststar agrees.
Burntwhisker and Froststar talk quietly and Ceaderstripe walks out of earshot to speak to Hemlockheart who was sitting beside the river looking at her reflection.
"How's it going?" Ceaderstripe mews.
A bug lands on the water where Hemlockhearts forehead is reflected, making the water ripple a bit.
"Good," Hemlockheart sighs, "I don't know if I want my kits to be born before or after we save Oceanclan though," she looks to Ceaderstripe, "what if they don't make it?"
"They'll be fine," Ceaderstripe assures her.
Hemlockheart leans against Ceaderstripe's shoulder, "I can't even swim."
"It will be ok," Ceaderstripe sighs, "how about you go rest?"
Hemlockheart stands up and walks to the temporary den Brightpaw and Cocoapaw had put together on the first day here. The two apprentices were very helpful, even though Brightpaw had no powers she contributes all she can.
Ceaderstripe pads to where Hazelstripe sits, now visibly, under the tree.
"Do you want to go for a swim?" Ceaderstripe asks.
"Uh-" Hazelstripe looks like she's considering saying no, "sure."
She stands up and walks with Ceaderstripe to the deepest part of the river. Its somewhere around four tail lengths deep and six tail lengths wide.
Ceaderstripe paddles in the water swiftly, going in lines and circles.
"Come on in," she splashes the water towards Hazelstripe.
Hazelstripe gets in hesitantly. She isn't a very strong swimmer yet so the weak current of the river is perfect to practice in.
Pinestripe runs over and splashes into the water. She liked to swim all the time now that she had discovered her power. Swimming was no danger to her, she could sit at the bottom of the river and just look around at the small fish swimming away from her.

Pinestripe leaped into the river, making a splash as she tapped her nose to the stony bottom and emerged into the surface.
"Hey," Hazelstripe growled, trying to get the water out of her ears.
"Sorry!" Pinestripe looked down at the water, slightly embarrassed, as Ceaderstripe let out a giggle. After realizing it wasn't something to be embarrassed about, she laughed a bit, and, surprisingly, Hazelstripe let herself make little chuckle. Pinestripe didn't even know she could do that still.
After a moment, Pinestripe dived back under the water, sitting down calmly. She didn't have to worry like the first time she fell in water, as she could breathe under the cool liquid. The ripples weren't strong in this part of the river, and they actually felt kinda calming.
Pinestripe messed with the stones at the bottom, not really realizing she was doing so. As much as she was having fun with Ceaderstripe, Hazelstripe, and everyone else, but she felt a little sick. Well, more like homesick. She missed Oakstar, Coldflame, Woodspots, and even Spruceheart. An empty pit sat in her heart, but she decided that she shouldn't stay down under the river for too long, as she didn't know how long her abilities would work.
But, before Pinestripe leaped up, she saw something red shimmering in the water. She dug a bit more, and found a red, spiky gem. She held it with her teeth as he propelled herself to the surface.
"What's that?" Ceaderstripe asked, her orange fur sticking to her skin.
"It looks like a rock." Hazelstripe meowed gruffly, still trying to swim in the water.
"Yeah, but it's shiny," Pinestripe replied, "It also just... feels important. Does that make sense?"
"Not really," Ceaderstripe mewed, "Yet again, neither does so many StoneClan cats being in this prophecy. At least I can hang out with all my friends!"
"Well StoneClan is the best of the four!" Cocoapaw boasted, running over to the group.
"Hey!" Hazelstripe and Pinestripe objected simultaneously.
"Sorry," Ceaderstripe purred, glaring at Cocoapaw.
"Yeah, I'm sorry, too," Cocoapaw mewed quickly. Pinestripe couldn't tell if he was telling the truth or not, but she was too busy rinsing the mud off the gem she had found. After she was done, she realized that it had little white spots, which seemed to be encapsulated inside.
"Can I see?" Brightpaw inquired, their tone calmer than the average LeafClan cat. Despite that, Pinestripe still jumped in surprise.
"Sure," the damp brown tabby mewed, "Just make sure to give it back."
Brightpaw gently took it, holding it on their pink paw pads. "Wow, that's pretty cool!" they said, adding in a louder voice, "Hey, guys, look at this cool ruby Pinestripe found!"
"Ruby?" Pinestripe tilted her head in confusion.
"Yeah," Brightpaw smiled, "Yours is definitely special, though. I haven't seen one with spots in it before."
"Pretty," Heathertail inquired, "but what are you going to do with it?"
"Maybe it could be one of those things kittypets wear around their necks?" Fluffypelt suggested.
"Collars? Yeah, that could work," Brightpaw mewed, "I know how to make one if you want me to."
"Sure," Pinestripe replied, "I should keep it safe somehow, even though I don't know why it's useful quite yet."

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