Chapter Three

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The aesthetic above is Froststar. Made by Cat_lover321

"BEAR!" everyone jumps up and screams.
The bear let's out a loud growl, echoing around them.
Hazelstripe presses into Ceaderstripe and she stumbles into Heatherfur who was already close enough to Fluffypelt to be touching her so that she stumbled to the ground.
Hazelstripe swipes a paw at the bear, not hitting it, "anyone while I'm still becoming invisible becomes invisible until I no longer am!"
She goes invisible and so do Ceaderstripe, Fluffypelt, and Heatherfur.
They swipe at the bear and Ceaderstripe pulls out a small clump of fur.
Ceaderstripe darts away from the bear and watches it wave its paws in confusion.
Ceaderstripe sees Pinestripe run towards the bear. As she jumps the bear grabs her and throws her into the river, her legs flailing as she hits a rock and falls into the river on her back, the rock on top of her. Her face goes under the water. Luckily its only a few tail lengths deep and she was able to wrench her self out from under the rock and find her footing and get up.
"I could breathe!" She yells, "I found my power!"
She begins bouncing around before remembering the bear.
Cocoapaw walks up the bears leg and perches himself on the bears continuously moving shoulder. He slips and falls when the bear turns its head to snap at him.
Ceaderstripe jumps on the bears back and feels the paw of another cat touch her paw. She can't see them so it must be Hazelstripe, Fluffypelt, or Heatherfur.
Burntwhisker lunges for the bears throat but gets swatted away. He lands on his paws and Ceaderstripe let's out a sigh of relief.
Ceaderstripe watches a blue of gray, browns, and white slam into the bears leg, slightly unbalancing it.
Brightpaw? She wonders.
Suddenly Froststar is on the bears face. He slashes at the bears nose, and then an eye. The bear waves his paws in the air, trying to fling Froststar off but is unsuccessful.
Ceaderstripe drops from the bears back. When Hemlockheart bites its leg, taking a but of fur from Ceaderstripe's tail along with some of the bears fur.
The bear suddenly drops on all fours and Ceaderstripe can see Hazelstripe on its back. She looks down to her paws, she can see them.
Froststar detaches from the bears face, dropping between its paws. Ceaderstripe can see blood dripping from the bears face onto Froststar's exposed underbelly. The bear let's out a loud growl before turning and running away.
Ceaderstripe rushes to Burntwhisker, "are you alright?"
Burntwhisker nods, "go check on Froststar."
Ceaderstripe opens her mouth to object, wanting to stay by his side.
"Go, he's your friend. I'm alright," Burntwhisker assures her.
"Thank you," Ceaderstripe dips her head before rushing to Froststar.
He is standing now but there is a deep gash in his shoulder.
"Sit down," Ceaderstripe stands by his side.
"I can't," Froststar mews.
He looks at his hindquarters. Ceaderstripe follows his gaze to see a large tear in the skin on his hindquarters.
"Burntwhisker," Ceaderstripe looks around for her mate. She finds him tending to a scratch on Heatherfurs nose, "Burntwhisker, Froststar is injured. Badly."
Burntwhisker turns and comes running to the usually white tom, his fur now brown and red.
Ceaderstripes heart races, will Froststar be ok?
Ceaderstripe watches Burntwhisker wrap cobwebs found on some stones by the river after washing his cuts with wet moss.
"Will he be ok?" Ceaderstripe asks.
Not even a day into their journey and someones life is already in danger.
Burntwhisker nods, "unless it gets infec-"
"You should be worrying about the well being of this disobedient apprentice," Hazelstripe looms over Brightpaw who is slumped on the ground by Hazelstripe's feet.
"D- don't hurt me please," Brightpaw stutters.
"Hazelstripe," Hemlockheart stares at the she-cat.
"We'll see," Hazelstripe turns away from her, "who wants to escort her home? We obviously have plenty of time seeing as Froststar will need a day or two to rest."
"We will not be escorting her home," Heatherfur mews.
"You won't?" Brightpaw stands up.
"You will come with us," Heatherfur mews, "If you can listen to anything your new temporary mentor says."
"New mentor?" Brightpaw tilts their head.
"Hazelstripe will be your mentor while on this journey," Heatherfurs eyes glitter with amusement.
Brightpaw looks to Hazelstripe, then to Heatherfur, "only if she promises not to hurt me."
"Fine," Hazelstripe rolls her eyes.
Brightpaw bounces a little but stops when Hazelstripe glares at her.
"There's enough bouncing going on with that one," Hazelstripe looks over to Cocoapaw who is licking a scratch on his paw.
Cocoapaw laughs and bounces closer to Brightpaw, "I'm Cocoapaw, nice to meet you, even under these circumstances."
"Hello Cocoapaw," Brightpaw smiles.
Ceaderstripe can tell the two young cats will become good friends.
"Let's set up camp for the night," Burntwhisker mews, "Froststar needs to rest a bit."
"This is pathetic," Froststar grumbles, "if one of my clan mates goes hunting at the top of the mountain they'd be able to see their leader resting while on a journey."
"Well pathetic is better than dead so I suggest you rest," Burntwhisker helps Froststar ease onto his side.

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