Chapter Four

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"We need to take action!" Shrewtail mewed.
Hemlockheart rested her tail on the gray toms shoulder, "calm down," she mewed kindly.
The group was at the Heart Rock again, trying to decide what to do.
"Shouldn't we tell Froststar about all this?" Ceaderstripe asked.
Burntwhisker narrowed his eyes momentarily.
"Since he's part of the prophecy- or so we assume- I can probably send him a sound wave," Heatherfur mewed.
"Good idea!" Fluffypelt mewed.
"But he can't communicate back," Burntwhisker mewed.
"Fair point," Ceaderstripe agreed.
Hemlockheart giggled, "I bet I could run into the Frostclan camp so fast all they would see is a blur!" She mewed half jokingly.
"Yes, yes, but the cats of Frostclan would know somethings going on," Fluffypelt reasoned.
"I can communicate with him in my visions! What if I forced myself to have a vision to talk to him!?" Ceaderstripe exclaimed.
Her friends nodded.
"But what kind of vision? You can't disrupt him for to long with anything, what if he's busy?" Burntwhisker asked.
"I'll just send a vision of him and I in his den talking, like the time I went to speak to him," Ceaderstripe mewed.
Heatherfur nodded, "what will you say? You have to be ready so you can sat it, get his response, and Finnish."
"I'll say 'we need to make a plan, go somewhere alone so we can make the plan.' Then I'll get his response and leave," Ceaderstripe mewed.
"Maybe say something more along the lines of 'we need to make a plan to save Oceanclan, go somewhere alone so we can make the plan.' Got it?" mewed Hemlockheart.
Ceaderstripe nodded, "got it."
Ceaderstripe focused on Frostar's den, visualizing her and Froststar sitting peacefully.
"Ceaderstripe?" Froststar mewed.
Its working! Ceaderstripe thought, "we need to make a plan to save Oceanclan, go somewhere alone so we can make the plan.'
" o- ok," Froststar mewed in confusion.
"Contact me when your ready," Ceaderstripe mewed as the vision faded.
The vision faded and Ceaderstripe blinked her eyes open at the Heart Rock with her friends.
"He will contact me when he's ready to make the plan," Ceaderstripe mewed.
"Good," Heatherfur mewed, "now we wait."

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