Chapter Three

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Ceaderstripe lay down in her nest, Burntwhisker's pelt brushing against hers.
He had moved his nest back over to where Ceaderstripe's nest is so they could be close to each other again.
She yawned an closed her eyes, tired from the eventful day.
"Ceaderstripe!" Froststar yelled.
"Hey!" She yelled back.
The two cats made their way up the cliff.
When they got to the top they watched and waited for Nighteyes to fall.
Ceaderstripe felt Froststar's tail brush along hers and she looked at him.
Froststar stopped and moved his tail back to himself.
Clearing his throat Froststar mewed, "so, um... How are you?" He asked
"I'm doing g-" Ceaderstripe started but stopped as Nighteyes fell into the water.
She plunged into the water, Froststar right behind her. The pair swam strongly over to Nighteyes.
Froststar grabbed Nighteyes's black scruff in his jaws and continued paddling forwards.
The three cats approached the cliff, ready to haul each other into the cave above.
When they reached the cave and had gotten themselves into it Nighteyes sputtered, coughing up water.
"Who are you?" Iceberry mewed, rushing to Nighteyes.
"I'm Ceaderstripe and this is my friend Froststar," Ceaderstripe mewed  playing along.
Froststar dipped his head, realizing what she was doing, "who are you?"
"We are the remaining cats of Oceanclan. I am Iceberry, you just saved my mate Nighteyes's life, thank you," Iceberry mewed.
"Do you have a medicine cat?" Ceaderstripe asked, already knowing they had one.
"Yes, her name is Frostherb," Iceberry mewed.
The medicine cat padded out of the shadows, a bundle of herbs in her mouth.
"Seastar! Whats going on!?" A young cat mewed.
Apprentice perhaps? Ceaderstripe thought. She glanced at Froststar, he seemed to be thinking the same thing as he shrugged his shoulders.
The dream faded and Ceaderstripe woke up in her nest, cold and wet.

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