Chapter Thirteen

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Ceaderstripe, Flathead, Applepaw, Galaxypaw, and Hemlockheart padded through the forest.

"Ceaderstripe," Galaxypaw mewed, "how do I do a real hunters crouch?"
"That sounds like a question for your mentor," Ceaderstripe mewed.
Hemlockheart looked at the ground as Galaxypaw turned and asked her the question.
"Well, uh, I'll show you," she mewed nervously.
Hemlockheart dropped into a hunters crouch, her growing belly against the ground.
Galaxypaw drops down too, his belly against the ground.
"Keep your belly up off the ground," Hemlockheart mewed.
"You'd belly is on the ground," Galaxypaw mewed as he lifted his belly.
"I'm expecting kits Galaxypaw," Hemlockheart mewed in an impatient tone.
Galaxypaw winced and stood up.
"What's wrong Hemlockheart?" Ceaderstripe asked, "why are you mad at him?" She stepped beside Galaxypaw.
"Nothing, I'm sorry Galaxypaw," Hemlockheart mewed, "I don't know what has gotten into me."
Ceaderstripe hears Flathead scoff and whisper 'Shrewtail' under his breath and she glances back at him.
Applepaw tilts her head and looks at her mentor, "what?"
"You'll understand when you're older," Flathead mewed.
"Come on, let's continue the patrol," Ceaderstripe mewed.
Hemlockheart stood up as the group began walk and she fell in behind them.
Ceaderstripe slowed down to be beside Hemlockheart.
"I'm sorry," Hemlockheart mewed, looking at the ground, "its just, Shrewtail said I should give up being a warrior and commit to being a queen until the kits are apprentices."
"You've only been expecting for half a moon," Ceaderstripe mewed.
"I know," Hemlockheart mewed, "but he won't stop pestering me."
"Its your decision," Ceaderstripe mewed, "and besides, you just got an apprentice, you can't give that up yet."
Hemlockheart looks at Galaxypaw who is batting at a leaf while Applepaw watches intently, "no, I don't want to give that up."

"Please Hemlockheart," Shrewtail mewed, "its best for you and the kits."
"Shrewtail, I don't want to give up being a warrior yet," Hemlockheart mewed.
"I know but-" Shrewtail began.
"But its her decision," Ceaderstripe had set the mouse she was carrying down, "just because your her mate and the father of her kits doesn't mean you control her."
"I know," Shrewtail mewed, "I just want what's best for my family."
"I want to train Galaxypaw," Hemlockheart mewed, "he looks up to Ceaderstripe so much I just want him to look at me the same way. And I can't do that from there nursery."
"Hemlockheart," Shrewtail pleaded.
"In a moon," Hemlockheart mewed, "I want to train my apprentice before someone else has to do it for me."
Shrewtail looked at the ground, "ok."
Suddenly Ceaderstripe was flashed to the place her and Froststar had their last meeting when they found out about Hazelstripe.
"Froststar?" Ceaderstripe mewed.
"I'm not sure what's going on," Froststar mewed.
A starry figure came into view, slowly forming into an orange cat.
"Who are you?" Ceaderstripe asked.
"I am Firestar of Thunderclan," The orange cat mewed, "and I am here to give you guidance."

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