Chapter Twenty

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The ten cats walk together towards the Stoneclan camp. Ceaderstripe walks between Pinestripe and Hazelstripe. Her head and heart were at war; her heart wants them back, her head says there was a reason they grew apart.

"Ceaderstripe," Cocoapaw takes a few bigger steps to get in between Ceaderstripe and Hazelstripe, "do you think that Stonestar will understand?"
"We don't need him to understand, we just need him to know what's going on when we come back with a lot more cats than we left with," Hazelstripe walked a little faster. Did she not like Cocoapaw? Was this her way of stabbing at Ceaderstripe? Does she not miss her like Ceaderstripe misses her?
"I think he will," Ceaderstripe said, watching Hazelstripe walk forward and start talking to Heatherfur.
"Good," Cocoapaw mewed.
They continued walking until they reached the Stoneclan camp barrier.
"Are we ready?"  Fluffypelt aks, "we're about to expose ourselves to the whole of Stoneclan."
"Shall we go epic entry and show off our powers or should we go with a more casual, we look like we're about to perform a smack down on Stonestar and take over kind of entrance?" Hazelstripe asks.
"I was thinking more of a walking in casually approach," Heatherfur mews.
"I think that Hazelstripe's ideas are both good," Pinestripe laughs.
"They all sound like good options," Ceaderstripe laughs.
"We can't 'look like we're about to perform a smack down on Stonestar'. That would certainly spark an attack," Froststar mews.
"I think we should definitely act casual, and besides, Hemlockheart shouldn't use her powers right now with the pregnancy," Shrewtail points out.
"I can and will use my powers whenever I want," Hemlockheart rolls her eyes.
"Let's just go and do what we must," Heatherfur mews.
"Go with the flow," Fluffypelt nods.
Cocoapaw bounces, "let's go!"
Ceaderstripe leads the way onto the camp. All eyes turn to them. There are murmurs throughout the clearing but Ceaderstripe leads them all straight into Stonestar's den.
Goldfur and Stonestar are sitting together in Stonestar's nest. Very cozy.
Ceaderstripe clears her throat, "We have something we need to say."
Stonestar stands up, "why did you just barge in here-" he sees Froststar beside Ceaderstripe, "why do you have cats from other clans here?"
"There is a prophecy," Hemlockheart begins to explain.
"And we are all part of it," Shrewtail adds.
Cocoapaw climbs the wall and sits on the ceiling, "we have to go on a journey."
"Up and over the mountain," Ceaderstripe continues.
"Then follow the river," Hazelstripe mews.
"To find Oceanclan," Burntwhisker finished.
"They're in danger and need our help," Fluffypelt mews.
"How is he doing that?" Stonestar looks nervously between Goldfur, Ceaderstripe, and Cocoapaw.
Heatherfur sends a sound wave to all the cats in the room, "we all have special powers. We have to use them to go on a journey to save Oceanclan. We are leaving as soon as we can."
Stonestar and Goldfur back up a bit.
"We're telling all of the clans first and then saying goodbye to our families and friends," Pinestripe mews.
Stonestar nods, still seemingly confused, "when are you leaving?"
"We haven't decided exactly when," Ceaderstripe mews.
"What about in three days, that way we can say goodbye and gather any information like medicine," Shrewtail looks to Burntwhisker, "or anything else that may be helpful."
Everyone murmurs their agreement.
"We're leaving in three days," Froststar confirms.
"O- Ok," Stonestar mews.
"We're nothing to be afraid of," Ceaderstripe mews.
Hazelstripe fades in and out of view.
"We're just a little different," Ceaderstripe looks to her former mentor, wishing he wouldn't be afraid.

The group leaves Stonestar's den, this time with Pinestripe in the lead.

"Are we there yet?" Cocoapaw bounces beside Pinestripe.
"No," Pinestripe sounds annoyed.
Ceaderstripe walks beside Burntwhisker.
"What if I were Hemlockheart and you were Shrewtail?" Ceaderstripe asks, "would you let me go on the journey?"
"There's no stopping either one of you," Burntwhisker laughs.

A/N the following part is in Pinestripes POV and was written by Cat_lover321

Pinestripe glanced around nervously, walking toward her camp. She had to tell Oakstar about her being in a prophecy with powerful cats. She hated to be the only one without a cool ability. What if he doesn't understand? She thought, quickly pushing the thought away as they got closer and closer to the camp.
"We're here," Pinestripe mewed, looking at the others and making sure they were still there.
"Looks like a wall to me," Cocoapaw chuckles. The other cats laughted, but Pinestripe growled, already annoyed enough by being the "useless prophecy cat."
The brown tabby padded through the tunnel that led down a bit, and then up into the camp. As she entered, Woodspots ran up to her. "Where were you? We were supposed to go hu-" he stopped when he saw the other cats.
"Who's this?" Burntwhisker growled.
"He's my mate," Pinestripe replied, "Neither of you need to worry, we'll be in and out."
"We have important business to attend to," Shrewtail reminded them.
Pinestripe lead then to the leader's den, which was under a hollow log.
"Dad, can we speak to you?" She asked, looking through the hollow.
"Come in," Oakstar replied, "And what do you me-" he stopped when the other prophecy cats came in, just like Woodspots had done.
"We're no threat," Ceaderstripe mewed.
"And we have something to tell you," Froststar mewed in a cool tone.
"Well?" The siamese tom mewed, "What is it, Pinestripe?"
Pinestripe breathed in before saying all in one breath, "There's a prophecy about saving OceanClan and we're all in it so we have to go on a long journey to save them and bring them back and we have powers to help us with it."
"OceanClan, huh? Never heard of anyone in OceanClan," Oakstar replied, "But I don't think you can go, sweetheart, it seems too dangerous."
"But d-" Pinestripe was silenced by her father's tail.
Froststar growled, "We need her for the prophecy!"
Cocoapaw started to climb up the wall as he mewed, "Yeah, she's important!"
Heatherfur pulled her kit off the wall, setting him back on the ground. "Careful, Cocoapaw, we don't want Oakstar to worry more," She turned to the leader as she added, "But yes, Pinestripe is needed in the prophecy."
"Yeah!" Shrewtail exclaimed.
Everyone else had agreed, but Hazelstripe seemed more into her own thing. "Oh, uh, yeah, I guess she's important." She had mewed quietly, looking away again.
Oakstar growled, "Shush. I don't care what you StoneClan and FrostClan cats say. My daughter, my Clan, my rules!"
"Dad, I can take care of myself, you know!" Pinestripe growled.
"My daug-" He started, only for his mate, Coldflame, to walk in.
"May I speak?" Coldflame asked, not even looking shocked by the mix of cats in the small- didn't look small from where Pinestripe was, but it was- hollowed log.
"Okay," Oakstar replied.
“As much as Pinestripe is your daughter, she’s also mine. Why can’t she go, anyway?” The white and orange she-cat replied, “She’s a good warrior, you know, she can do things for herself. If not, she even has nine other lovely cats with her.”
“But what if sh-" Pinestripe silenced him, still curious as to what her mom was going to do about this.
Coldflame looked at the other prophets, and then Oakstar, “She will be fine. StarClan asked her to do this, and you wouldn’t disobey StarClan, would you?”
“That’s a little extreme,” Burntwhisker mewed, looking at Coldflame wearily.
“But true,” Ceaderstripe added.
“Yeah, dad, would you go against the ones who gave you your leadership?” Pinestripe challenged, staring him in his ocean blue eyes.
“I guess that’s true,” Oakstar admitted, “But be careful, honey, okay?”
“Yes, Oakstar,” Pinestripe growled, “Now we should go tell FrostClan.”
“Good luck!” Coldflame called as the cats padded out of camp, off to FrostClan.

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