Chapter Twenty-one

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Ceaderstripe walks beside Hemlockheart and Burntwhisker, one on either side of her.
"I wonder how Froststar will react to the news," Ceaderstripe jokes.
"I think he'll take it pretty well," Froststar calls from the front of the group.
"Are you excited to leave your clan under your deputies watch?" Hemlockheart asks.
"I- I hadn't thought about that," Froststar trails off.
Everyone laughs except Froststar. He seems a bit panicked.
Was he having second thoughts about his choice of deputy?

"Iceclaw, Snowfang," Froststar mews when they walk into the camp, "join us in my den."
Iceclaw and Snowfang have very surprised looks on their faces but do as they're told and follow the group into Froststar's den.
Ceaderstripe looks around the den. She had been in here before but it seemed so much smaller with twelve cats in there.
"There is a prophecy. The ten of us have to save a clan called Oceanclan from a flood and I will have to go with," Froststar mews.
"Why did you need me in here?" Snowfang asks.
"Well," Froststar seems worried and a bit panicked again, "Although you and I but heads sometimes, I feel that you would be a good temporary leader to my clan."
"I'm honored, but shouldn't your deputy do that?" Snowfang tilts her head.
"About that," Froststar trails off, "I want you to be my deputy. I will announce it to the clan when I get back from talking to Leafstar."
Snowfang looks awestruck, "O- Ok."
"This is an outrage!" Iceclaw yells.
Iceclaw pushes his way out of the den, growling and grumbling.
"That went well," Froststar mews, licking his paw, "let's go. I will be back soon Snowfang."

They leave the Frostclan camp and begin walking towards Leafclan.
"Does anybody know where the Leafclan camp is?" Pinestripe asks.
"I do," Froststar mews, "the four of us original leaders planned out here our camps would be together."
"What do you mean original?" Pinestripe asks, "you make it sound like one of you isn't an original leader."
"That's because one of us isn't," Froststar laughs, "you act as if you don't know your own clans history."
"What do you mean?" Pinestripe stops walking, "my father is the founder of Treeclan."
"He never told you? He never mentioned him?" Froststar asks.
"Never mentioned who?" Pinestripe steps closer to Froststar.
"Treestar," Froststar turned to look at Pinestripe.
"Who?" Pinestripes eyes widen.
Ceaderstripe can't imagine what it must feel like to find out your father has been lying to you, and your clan, for your whole life.
How could Oakstar hide this? Ceaderstripe wonders, Why would he hide this?
"Treestar was the first leader of Treeclan," Froststar mews, "he founded Treeclan."
"My father founded Treeclan," Pinestripe growls.
Froststar rolls his eyes, "actually-"
"We can discuss this later," Heatherfur mews.
"Fine," Pinestripe growls, "later."

They approach the Leafclan camp. Its very open
"Let's go," Ceaderstripe mews.
Froststar takes the lead and walks straight into a den made of rocks and sticks.
"We have something to tell you," Froststar mews.
"Excuse me?" Leafstar stands up, raising her voice, "what are you all doing here!?"
"As I said, we have something to tell you," Froststar rolls his eyes.
"And show you," Hazelstripe fades in and out of view.
Leafstar backs up a bit, "what is she doing?" She aks sternly, her eyes darting wildly between the prophecy cats.
Heatherfur sends a sound wave, making sure her face can be seen so that she doesn't think she's normally speaking, "she's using her invisibility powers."
"She's- she-? You just-?" Leafstar stutters.
She stares at them with confusion.
"Do you all have- powers?" She asks.
Pinestripe rolls her eyes, "not me."
"I'm sure you have a power," Ceaderstripe assures her, "you just haven't discovered it yet."
Leafstar nods slowly, "how do you have powers?"
"There is a prophecy," Froststar begins.
"We, the prophecy cats, must save Oceanclan," Heatherfur continues.
"They're in danger and need our help," Burntwhisker mews.
"We will be leaving in three days to go save them," Hemlockheart mews.
"We know the route we must take. We just wanted to inform you in case we have to bring Oceanclan here," Ceaderstripe finishes.
"Very well," Leafstar mews, "thank you."
The prophecy cats prepare to leave the den.
"Don't be afraid," Heatherfur said, turning to leave the den, "We're just better than you."
Ceaderstripe looks to Leafstar. The look of shock on her face turns to anger.
As they walk out of the camp Ceaderstripe catches a glimpse of Leafstar padding into another den.

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