Chapter Twenty-two

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"So you've had these powers you're whole lives?" Silvereye asks.
"Yes," Ceaderstripe mews.
It was later the same day and Stoneclan was full of questions.
Ceaderstripe looks up to the moon, its getting close to its highest point.
"When are you leaving?" Creamtail asks.
"Three days," Hemlockheart mews.
Flathead jumps up, "how big is Oceanclan?"
"We're not sure exactly. There's at least 15-20 cats," Ceaderstripe answers.
"Will you be bringing them back here?" Pebblefur steps forwards.
"We're not sure what we'll do after we save them, but maybe," Burntwhisker answers his father.
"What about Hemlockhearts kits?" Gravelstripe asks.
"I'm still going to go, the journey may not be too long so we may be back before they come," Hemlockheart pauses and Gravelstripe opens her mouth to say something, "but, if they do come while we're on the journey then Burntwhisker knows how to deliver kits and some other medical knowledge so we'll be alright."
"Let's let them talk to their families now," Stonestar suggests, "they'll want to spend time with them and say goodbye."
With that the clan scatters.
Ceaderstripe and Hemlockheart head for their parents and siblings. Burntwhisker goes to his parents. Heatherfur and Fluffypelt go sit by themselves, neither of them have living relatives in the clan anymore, nor does Shrewtail.
Heatherfur's parents both died in the fire just after her birth. Fluffypelts father died in the fire as well but her mother lived and adopted Heatherfur but died later due to the damage she suffered to her lungs. Shrewtail's parents both left the clan when he was about 5 moons old. They didn't say anything to him, didn't ask him to come, they just left.
"So you're leaving in three days," Creamtail trails off.
"We'll be back," Ceaderstripe mews, "I promise."
"We'll miss you," Berryfur mews.
"And we'll be back before you four become warriors," Hemlockheart adds.
Amberpaw smiles, "good, I don't want you to miss that!"
"Me neither," Mudpaw scoots closer to Amberpaw.
"Us too," Sandpaw mews, his tail wrapped around Dawnpaw.
"What warrior names do you want?" Ceaderstripe asks.
"I want to have something cool that makes me sound strong," Sandpaw jumps up, "I'll be brave, and strong, and cool."
Ceaderstripe pushes him onto his side with her paw, "I'm sure you will be."

Froststar's POV
Froststar walks back into camp after leaving the Stoneclan cats at the border. Pinestripe had branched off from the group after leaving the Leafclan camp.
Froststar watches Hazelstripe run off into a corner alone.
"Froststar!" Snowfang calls from where she is sitting with Shadowblaze, a newly named warrior.
Shadowblaze's brother, Skyswipe, was Froststar's apprentice until two days ago when three of the four siblings; Shadowblaze, Skyswipe and Cloudwhisper, became warriors. Their sister Bluepaw would become a full medicine cat soon.
Froststar walks over to Snowfang and Shadowblaze, "yes?"
"When will you be leaving?" Snowfang asks.
"Three days," Froststar mews.
"I was thinking I would appoint a temporary deputy for while you're gone and I'm leader," Snowfang mews.
Froststar nods, "that's a good idea."
"I'd like to appoint Shadowblaze," Snowfang looks to the black tom.
"Alright," Froststar mews, "let's go announce it to the clan."

By Cat_lover321 Pinestripes POV
Pinestripe walked through the dark TreeClan forest; it was almost moonhigh. She had just made it to the camp and, with a look into the night sky, she walked into camp.
"I see you're back," Spruceheart whispered as she walked in.
"And I see you've finally taken a shift guarding the camp," Pinestripe replied tiredly. She started to walk to the warrior's den, but Spruceheart called after her.
"Woodspots asked me to tell you to wake him up when you got here." The solid brown she-cat told her, "He probably wants to hang out with his mate rather than his sister!"
"I bet he'll talk to you later," Pinestripe yawned, kinda annoyed that she had to stay awake longer. She would need as much rest as she could get for the journey up ahead of her. She walked into the den, glancing at her nest before nuzzling Woodspots.
He groaned, getting up and stretching. After he saw Pinestripe, his yellow eyes lit up happily. "Come on, I have to show you something!"
"Okay," she replied, curious as to what he could be so happy about.
Woodspots lead Pinestripe out of camp, his steps slow with his recent wake, but filled with excitement.
Eventually, they hit the border that no clan occupied. It was something she hadn’t really looked at much, but the trees seemed less dense. “Are you sure we should go past the border?” Pinestripe asked.
“Come on, it’ll be great!” Woodspots exclaimed, “it’s not very far, so don’t worry!” He continued to walk past the border, heading forward. Wary yet curious, Pinestripe followed.
Eventually he stopped in front of a clearing, which slopes upward and then ran flat. It was a prairie where the moon and stars glowed brighter than ever on a shallow lake. There was even a few trees on the slope-y transition, a few of which being pine.
“Wow,” Pinestripe whispered, her breath taken away.
“Isn’t it beautiful?” Woodspots mewed, “I thought that we could hang out here and look up at Silverpelt and watch the sunrise later. You want to?”
“Yeah,” Pinestripe yawned, “But I’m... tired. Can I go to sleep?”
“Sure,” The white-splotched tom chuckles, “I’ll wake you up when we should head back to camp.”
Pinestripe didn’t even have to say okay. She felt Woodspots’s warm pelt against hers, and fell asleep to his happy purrs.

Brightpaws POV written by Cat_lover321

Brightpaw lay in their nest, curled up. They had woken to a stirring in the den. They look around to see piercing green eyes in the shadows of the den. “Hello?” The non-binary cat whispered, trying not to disturb anyone as she quietly sat up in her nest.
“I knew you would see first, my beautiful little girly apprentice,” Leafstar mewed, sounding like she had something mischievous in mind.
"I'm not a female and you know that," Brightpaw growled, not wanting to get too heated.
"Whatever," Leafstar growled, her colorful fur dimmed, "But I have a mission for you."

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