Eye contact

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I'm finding it hard to make eye contact with the people I love nowadays

It's getting so hard to hide in plain site I feel like one look in my eyes

One look and they know that there's something wrong with me

I'm trying and trying to fight it I really am but it's seems as though I cannot

There getting louder and louder these days and I can't seem to tune them out

It's as though they must be shouting at me at this point because it's everything

I mean it's not like they're wrong... but I can't listen to them anymore

It's getting to be too much to handle I know all they are is truth but I hate it

I know I'm a fuck up and a fucking mistake but isn't one time enough

Can't you stop screaming for one goddamn minute in my life

All I can hear is how horrible I am, how much I truly deserve to die

How every goddamn soul I come in contact with is going to be hurt if they learn to much

They can't look into my eye's... they will see the real me and not the happy face

Please just look away from me.... My smiles are ugly anyway and quite often fake

My eyes know to much, the secrets they keep are the real honest me

The me that only causes me pain, the me that can't hide from the truth 

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