Chapter 1

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Hey guys!

Don here. Nico said that he only has a couple minutes to visit me. So he told me that he was making a documentary on all the dead people throughout this whole problem era, so I agreed.

How is life in the Underworld?

It's great! I walked through the gates, and that old judge granted me Elysium. So now almost every day, someone walks by me and gives me change. Sometimes, I get to see other people who were really nice to me, like the satyrs and Jason. We all eat together, like a big huge family! It's great how everyone never fights or disagrees!

Do you miss the real world?

I mean sure, sometimes. Sometimes I'd miss the nature spirits I met and occasionally Lavinia, but other than that, I don't regret anything I did up there.

If you were to say one thing, who would it be aimed at and what would you say?

Apollo. The dude may only have been human for a few months, but his words before I died really brought me to tears. I would probably ask him if he remembered everone down here, or if he was already back to his selfish godly self. No offense of course, but he was a bit of an attention hog when he was a god back then.

Where is your favorite place on Earth?

I would probably say Camp Jupiter. Even though people didn't usually give me money, it felt nice to be noticed by people I knew would protect me and the camp. It also felt nice because they felt like the older brothers that ignored me.

Any last words before I end this recording?

I miss you all! Stay safe, and be sure to don't fight and take care of each other! Send some denarii down here for me, will you?

*Recording ends*


Hey, Josh here. I know this isn't as long as other stories, but it's fun to think what deceased people think of. Comment if you want me to discontinue this or add more. Until then, this will still be continued.

Love y'all!


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