Eclipse Rising

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Self indulging in my character's backstory whoops


Becca sat on a bench in HUB and walked all the people go by. It was a fascinating thing to do, people watch, because in HUB there was no limit to what kind of being you could find. Hybrids, monsters. robots, cyborgs, humans, and things the blonde didn't know what to call them. But everyone shared one trait- a username. Being a player. Coming from an isolated world with only humans, the innocence and diversity of the inhabitants of the multiverse was like something out of a fairy tale... just how her home world was like one to others.

I love this. I love who I am, I love HUB and Kermitcraft and all my friends here.

There was also the guilty thought of the friends Becca had left behind in her old world, but she shoved away from that thought. They probably thought she was dead, and that was fine. They wouldn't understand why she chose the multiverse over their isolated world. It was better for her to leave them in that world's mindset then try to explain the world outside their own.

Something bumped the back of her head rather harshly.

"Ow! Hey!" She protested, turning around to see who did that.

"Oh, so sorry!" Becca blinked in surprise at the sight. There was a tall boy, jet black hair and a grey cloak, with one of his hands raised and curled loosely on itself, a silver aura she hadn't seen in forever surrounding it and several floating shulker boxes.

"Woah," Becca breathed. "Cool magic."

The boy looked surprised as well. "Oh, thanks? It's a thing from my world- does that make sense?" He asked more to himself.

Becca stood up and took one of the shulker boxes from the air. "Yeah it does. Isolated world. You new to all this?"

The boy nodded. She couldn't help notice the similarities to the magic of her old world, but that wasn't possible...?

"...Oh, thank you. Yeah, my magic is something else in my world, although I never thought of it as anything special. But apparently people with my magic were worshipped as gods- not that I want that! I'm just rambling about it since you seemed interested," he explained quickly, brushing his bangs awkwardly out of his eyes.

Becca laughed. "Nah, I getcha. Reminds me of a type of magic in my world. I had a friend who was like that, but neither of us really saw anything different about him, so when people freaked out for him being a sorcerer, it was pretty crazy," she smiled and laughed at the memory.

The boy pointed to a shop on the right. "I'm taking these over there. Sorcerer, you say? That's what I am. Is that a common word for someone with magic, like... player? That's a thing right?"

Becca put down her shulker box and looked questionably at the boy. "No...? Where are you from?"

Is this a coincidence? Powerful magic, caster called a sorcerer? And black hair...

The boy slowly lowered his hand, the shulker boxes returned to the ground as the silver aura faded from sight.

"My world doesn't really have a name, but I'm technically from a part of the world called Navaria, although I grew up in Fayas-"

"Nathen?" Becca gasped.

He met her eyes. "How do you know my name?"

Oh my Notch, it's really him. Well frick. I wasn't prepared for this, oh no...

She slowly placed a hand on her chest. "Becca Bridger."

She saw recognition flash through his eyes- oh, those eyes. Chocolate brown, warm and full of shock right now. But she had seen so much more in them, when they were younger. Happiness, fear, concern, anger, wisdom and naivety. Becca didn't know what to think. Standing here was her old best friend, the one who kept by her the longest, the one who ignored her after his goal was found. The reason she was who she is now, but also the reason she hid that for so long. The one person she stayed in her home world for, and the reason she turned her back on it all.

They stared at each other, both of them speechless.

Then Nathen lunged and pulled her into a tight embrace.

"I thought you were DEAD..."

"Yeah, I... I figured you would. That was kind of a part of the plan, but I'm still happy to see you," Becca admitted awkwardly, but slid her are arms under his. He tucked his head into her shoulder- dang it he was still taller than her!

Becca hated the upcoming uncomfortable conversation that was bound to occur, but it was nice to be so close to her old best friend again. She had left when she was twelve, found out about the multiverse when she was thirteen, although it hadn't been a full year. Now she was fifteen, almost sixteen, and had spent those years for the most part alone until she joined Kermitcraft a few months ago.

Nathen pulled back from their hug and glanced her up and down. "I have so many things I want to ask you right now," he murmured, his hand drifting down to Becca's own and slipping into a gentle gesture. Becca smiled softly and glanced down to their hands before back up to Nathen's eyes.

"Follow me, and then you can ask all the questions you want."

"So, you're a player."

"Yep. Are you?"

"Not really. I get the gist of this, but it's all so complicated..."

"It's really not," Becca chuckled. "To me at least, it makes much more sense than anything in our world ever did. There's a lot less stuff to worry about and everything works the same between almost all worlds."

Nathen still seemed to disagree, but didn't comment on it further. "Okay, question."

"Hit me with it."

"What are you wearing?"

"And what do you mean by that?" Becca sassed, glancing at her gradient-dyed sleeveless vest. "I'll have you know I still made this myself," she added jokingly.

Nathen waved his hands in an awkward gesture. "It's just, so not... from our world."

"Yeah, cause we're not IN that world. I'm sure some people have judged you for wearing a medieval cloak along with a polo shirt and combat boots all in one," the blonde commented, starting to feel slightly defensive.

Nathen cracked and smiled at that. "It's just not what I imagined of you. Yet I'm seeing that you're not the same ethne girl I knew three years ago either, so what do I know?"

Becca stopped what she was doing when he said that. "Huh?"

The black-haired sorcerer raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"I... didn't think you'd so easily notice," Becca admitted slowly. She had been preparing a full rant in her head trying to explain how she had changed and wasn't who he remembered her being.

Then again, he knew me best. He always picked up on things before I could vocalize that I was upset...

"Are you crazy?" Nathen demanded, before pausing. "I think that's a debatable answer, but that's irrelevant."

The blonde was taken aback by hearing phrases she used herself come out of his mouth and quickly had to wonder how many other things she picked up from him and their other old friends without realizing it.

"You're so... confident. You were never the one to speak up when we were younger. And you understand how all this works, instead of not really knowing anything back in Fayas," he waved his hands in gesture to HUB. "And your hair is down and your outfit is all colorful and it's just... I didn't even recognize you. I feel like I'm looking at a completely different Rebecca... which I'm fairly sure I am. Which is why I think I get why you didn't come back."

He's got me. Again. Dang you, Grace... Becca couldn't help but smile even though she couldn't bring herself to meet Nathen's warm eyes. He placed his pointer finger under her chin and lifted it. Becca obliged and laughed, batting his hand away playfully.

"You jerk! Stop knowing how to get to me!"

"Stop being sad then!"

"I'm not sad! I'm really happy to see you and that you're not mad at me and awkward as always!"

"Well then act like it, you crazy!"

They were both laughing for real, the sentimental moment replaced with a more simple joy.

"I missed you..." Becca sighed finally.

"Considering I thought you were dead until I found out about this place, I missed you too," Nathen agreed, pulling the blonde into another hug.


Word count: 1435

It feels REALLY weird to have my boi Nathen outside of my original story (aka our home isolated world) because I've never done this before?? But he's my partner in basically any self-insert story I have in my head, Becca doesn't not really exist without him lol. He's not gonna appear in much Kermitcraft because he's an OC but when I keep saying "I left my old world" I felt obligated to write this because this duo is just... hi I love? My boi? My partner in not-crime?

Also the title comes from the fact that in my head our friendship is kind of like the sun and the moon because of personality and physical traits so basically anything that's us is "eclipse"? Like that's our fusion name in the fusion AU I screw around with lol

Yes, I'm cliche when it comes to stuff, but I love my OCs and never get to screw around with them as long as I write fanfics sooooooooo :P

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