Raging Water - Part Five

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I stood frozen for a moment. Unsure of what to do, unsure if I really wanted to enter the room before me. With a deep breath, I squared my shoulders and walked in. No one was at the table, but the food was already there. Silently, I remained in my spot watching.

"Asher!" Jocelyn called when she spotted me. She broke free from the small crew of children she had been part of and ran to me. "You look like a prince," she said grinning. She grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the group of kids she was with. "These are our cousins! This is Maddy and Mahina, they're twins, they're eleven," she said, pointing to a boy and girl. "Then this is Otto, he's eight," she said, pointing to a boy, who must have been their younger brother. Otto narrowed his eyes on me.

"You don't look like no pirate," he said, crossing his arms.

"Otto," a girl, that resembled none of the three I had just been introduced to, said.

I shook my head. "It's alright. He's pointing out a fact. If I was told a pirate was coming to dinner I'd expect someone in tattered and torn clothes, dirt covered face, and a cutlass at his side," I said, glancing to where Otto nodded. "They didn't see it proper that I wear my clothing to such a fine dinner at this, as for the dirt I was forced into my first bath in ages, and the cutlass was confiscated when I arrived," he smirked.

"Aw man, you're lucky that you don't have to bathe much! Did you ask Uncle Nik when you get your cutlass back?" Otto asked with excitement.

"No, I haven't had time to ask yet," I said. Before I could say anything, Otto and Jocleyn were racing over to Nikolai. A slight laughter brought my attention back to the girl and I noticed a boy, around my age, standing beside her.

"I'm Serenity, and this is my brother Jesper," the girl said, stepping towards me.

"I thought Samantha said that this would be a small dinner," I said looking at all the people.

The two laughed. "For us this is," Jesper said. "Tonight there are only three families. Typically there are five or more gathered for dinner. But seeing that you are new they decided to keep it to just a few siblings. The three littles you just met are Aunty Isabella and Uncle Morr-El's," Jesper explained.

"That's Nikolai's younger sister, correct?" I asked.

They nodded. "Then Aunty Sam is our father's little sister. Our mom is Amber. Standing with the adults over there is our sister Lottie," Serenity said nodding to the grown ups who were listening as Otto and Jocelyn fought to get my sword back.

"So then besides Samantha's older sister and her family who would normally join for a royal dinner?" I asked.

"Well someone sure knows his Phendei royalty," Serenity said with a smile.

I shrugged. "I sought all the information I could when I was first informed of who my parents were."

She gave a short nod. "To answer your questions most nights we typically see one or more of Aunty Sam's brothers and their families or Uncle Nate or sometimes Sparrow and her crew," she said. She smiled when I gave a confused look. "Ah! A names you don't know. Sparrow is the younger sister of one of Aunty Sam's brothers and Nate is her cousin."

"Technically they aren't her brothers," Jesper said, grinning as an annoyed look crossed his sister's face. "Aunty Sam has four Dragon brothers. However, the three apprentices that were there when she was, have become just as close so they are often part of any family gathering," he explained.

"Are there anymore actual siblings?" I asked.

"Aunt Chloe is Sam's adopted sister. Aunt Chloe and her three kids are currently visiting Hillsdale. That's where Aunty Sam and Aunt Chloe grew up," Serenity said.

Before we could continue our conversation we were called to the table. After an introduction to the adults, and Scarlett, we were seated. I'd seen meals like this, I'd even eaten some, well what we stole, but never sat at the table. I watched carefully for cues on the proper ways to dine.

Throughout dinner I remained quiet. Jocelyn and Otto were doing enough talking for all. As we rose from the table Jocelyn was racing to grab my hand. "Dinner's over! It's time to show you around!"

"Jocelyn," Nikolai called.

Jocelyn slowly turned to him. "I thought you said once dinner was finished I could show him around," she said, not letting go of my hand.

Nikolai smiled at his daughter as he walked forward. "All I was going to say was make sure you are in the library in an hour."

She grinned nodding her head. "Yes sir! Who else is coming?" She called to her siblings and cousins.

We ended up having a rather large group showing me around. Jocelyn held one hand while Otto walked on the other side. Cassius walked silently beside Jocelyn while the other set of twins lad the way. Maylee walked behind with Serenity and Jesper. "Do you all take up residence at the castle?" I asked as we walked the halls.

"We do! Well, at least when we are here. We head back to Nivetara in a few weeks. So tomorrow when we get Uncle Nik to give you your cutlass back you can show it to me!" Otto said with excitement.

"We live at the bakery, that's the business our parents run," Serenity said from behind. "Besides those three, the only other family that takes up residence in the castle is Uncle Nate and his family. The majority of the families live at the compound."

"Compound?" I questioned, glancing over my shoulder.

"The Red Dragon Compound. It's where the Dragons train and live. Since most of those we call family have fathers that are Dragons, that is where they live," Jesper said.

The tour of the castle continued. I did my best to keep track of the routes we took and where the major rooms lay. Serenity informed the group that the hour was just about up. "We'll walk you three back to your chambers," Serenity said, taking hold of Otto's hand. "It was nice meeting you, Asher. I'm sure we will be seeing lots of each other," she said, giving me a smile before leading the three off with Jesper following.

"To the library!" Jocelyn called. "A few nights a week we gather, just our family, in the library. It's momma's favorite place in the castle. We sit around the fire and momma and papa tell us a story before bed," she explained as Cassius and I followed her through the maze of halls.

When we entered the library everyone was already there. Jocelyn released my hand and ran for the carpet in front of the fire. She quickly took up a position on her father's left while Maylee was already leaning on his right. Samantha was leaning up against the hearth with Hope resting in her lap. Cassius sat between the two. I stood quietly looking at the family in front of me. Trying to figure out where I fit, or if I fit.

"Asher, join us," Nikolai said, smiling up at me.

Hesitantly, I walked forward taking a seat next to the hearth. Hope wobbled over plopping herself down in my lap. I looked down at the little one in my lap. How could they get connected so quickly? What if I didn't stay?

"Now for the story!" Samantha said. "Any request tonight?" she asked, looking around at her family.

I listened as they all called out different stories. Each involving either Nikolai or Samantha and some daring feat. They settled on when Nikolai found out that Samantha was a girl. When the look of confusion crossed my face they quickly backed up and started from the beginning of Samantha's time as a Dragon. When the story was done all but Maylee and I were asleep. Nikolai stood up with Jocelyn in his arms. Maylee snuggled into him, taking his hand as they walked. Samantha walked over and scooped Cassius into hers.

"Would you mind carrying Hope? Or you can just stay here with her until we return," Samantha said.

Looking down at the little one I slowly stood up. "I've got her. Just show me where I'm taking her," I said. After we put the three littlest in their rooms, Samantha said good night to me then took Maylee to hers. Nikolai led me back to mine.

He paused at the door. He reached out and placed a hand on my shoulder. "It's good to have you home," he said, squeezing my shoulder. "You may not call it home yet, in time I hope you do," he said. I nodded but didn't say anything. "Good night."

"Good night," I replied before slipping into my room. The fire was already burning and night clothes lay on my bed. I sighed as I undressed and switched. Looking at the bed I slowly climbed in. The softness and plumpness of the bed felt so strange. The lack of yells and laughter sent a wave of loneliness through me. Being used to sleeping with dozens of men made the silent room unnerving. In my restless sleep I dreamed of my family, both the one I left behind in Lukror and the one I had found here.

The following morning I awoke to someone in my room. "Maysies?" I asked, looking at the servant fixing the fire.

He turned and nodded to me. "Good morning, I was sent to make sure your room was still at a comfortable level. You still have an hour to sleep before needing to prepare for breakfast," he informed me.

Sliding my feet over the bed I sat watching him continue his work. "Do you have the time to talk? I'm not sure what my day holds, but now I know the next hour nothing is expected of me."

He paused thinking about his responsibilities. "Yes, I do believe I have the next hour. Why don't you get changed while I inform Akins, the steward, of my whereabouts so I don't end up in trouble." Then slipped out of the room. When he returned he gave me a nod. "You are a quick learner," he commented looking at attire.

"To survive in the life I come from you have to be," I explained, walking over to the couch and taking a seat. "Please, sit," I said motioning to the many seating options around me. He took one and waited for me to start.

Sooner than I would have liked, Maysies was standing to his feet. "Breakfast will be served shortly. We should make our way to the dining area," he said.

Sighing, I stood up also. "Thank you for answering my questions," I said as we exited my room. "I have gotten a lot of information lately and to have an outside voice was nice."

He nodded his head as we walked. "Send for me if you have time and need more questions answered," he offered.

"I'll do that," I replied. We said our goodbyes and I entered the dining room. The faces were different today. Nikolai's sister and her family were there. However, Samantha's brother's family was not and another couple was there with their three children.

"Good morning, brother!" Joceyln said, skipping over to me with a grin spread across her face. "Come! Meet more of our cousins!" she said, grabbing my hand and pulling me to the three new children. "These are Uncle Nate and Aunty Emree's kids. Felix is thirteen, Khaleesi is ten and Leilani is six. Cousins, this is my new brother Asher!" she exclaimed, her grin widening if that was possible.

After breakfast I was caught up in the whirlwind of events. Last night had apparently only been a brief tour of the castle. For I found myself walking the halls until lunch. After lunch I slipped from the chaos of people and found my way to the battlement. The soldiers nodded at me, but said nothing. I was grateful for that. Walking to the wall I leaned over. Below a handful of soldiers were practicing mock combat. I'm not sure how long I was alone when Maylee appeared beside me. She didn't say anything at first, just stood beside me.

"You know I never got to thank you," she said, keeping her eyes on the soldiers below.

"Thank me?" I asked, turning to face her.

She nodded and slowly turned to me. "Yeah, thank you, thank you for taking off the stress of being the crown princess. You now hold the title of crown prince. So I don't have to worry about learning to lead," she said, a slight grin pulling at her lips. When she saw the weight push me down she straightened. "You didn't think of that did you? You are the oldest royal child, you will inherit the throne when mother and father cannot lead."

The weight of her words crashed down on me. I had only wanted to see who my family was, I had not even wanted to interact with them at first. And now... now I was finding out that I was next in line for the throne.

"Breath," Maylee said, placing a hand on my shoulder. "I thought you would have processed that fact by now. I'm sorry. Even growing up knowing that I was the one with that role was a lot... I can't imagine finding out as you just have," she said. Her hand moved down to mine and she tugged me away from the wall. "Come with me."

"Where? What are we doing?" I questioned as I let myself be led down the battlement.

"Escaping reality," she said, a smile across her lips. "We have to be quick or the twins will find us though," she giggled, slipping into the shadows and leading me out of the castle. Neither of us talked as she led me through the streets of Jarrow. When we neared a large walled compound I raised my eyebrows. "This is the compound, creative name isn't it? Welcome to my world."

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