Raging Water - Part Four

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"You handled finding out your royal heritage a lot better than I did," a voice said. Turning I saw the queen approaching me. I took a step back and she shook her head. She placed her arms on the battlement and looked out over the courtyard.

"Wait, you didn't grow up here?" I asked, taking a step closer, but not within reach of hand or weapon.

She shook her head. "Nope, I grew up in a small village a few days south of here. It wasn't until I was fifteen that I found out that I was the crown princess. I punched my brother, he was the one that told me," she said with a smile crossing her face. She straightened up and turned to me, the smile still there. "Like I said you handled the news better, you didn't punch anyone."

"But I fought two guards and two Dragons," I said.

She let out a small laugh and nodded. "Yes, I'm sure Alakay was quite excited to be fighting a pirate," she said, shaking her head. "How did you know your heritage?"

Turning away from her, I looked out over the courtyard. "My grandfather is the captain of the ship I grew up on. Whenever we saw an Aurojain or Esklayian ship I was forced below. A few months ago I questioned why... My father told me the truth. I was determined to find out why, if you truly were my parents, would you leave me with pirates," I said. Glancing at Samantha I saw the pain enter her eyes.

Samantha stepped towards me, going to place a hand on my shoulder but pulled back. Instead she took the spot beside me. "You were just a baby. You were our first son, our first child. You and I were headed back from Shamwari Island after celebrating our friendship with neighboring countries. The ship we were on was attacked and you and I were taken. We were aboard the pirate ship for two weeks. When Nikolai and the army came I thought we were safe, but the captain of the ship tore you from my grasp. When the ship was boarded you were thrown over... we heard the splash... we saw the bundle in the water... I watched it sink," she said, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I wanted to go after you. Wanted to dive into the waters. I was forced back to our ship, another pirate ship was coming. We barely escaped, but a part of my heart sank that day," she said, grasping the wall in front of her. She pushed herself up and turned to me. "When we were informed a pirate youth of Aurjoian blood was in our dungeon... my heart hoped for the first time... when Nikolai and Erik returned and spoke of your looks and of your birthmark... we knew," she said, reaching out and placing a hand on my cheek. "We knew that our son had found his way home," she said, taking her hand back.

For a moment I inwardly pleaded for her to put her hand back, to feel the warmth of a mother. "Why didn't you hunt down the ship?" I asked, trying to stay strong.

"We did. For five years we looked. Never once did we come across the ship. It was as if the ship and crew vanished," she said.

We fell into silence. Neither of us ever imagined this day would come. Yet here we are standing on the battlement beside one another. "What now?" I asked out loud as the question Jolee had asked me echoed in my ear. Jolee... she would kill me if I ever saw her again.

Samantha took a deep breath. "We discover it together. This is something neither of us expected. Something your father and I dreamed of, but never imagined would come true," she said. She reached out, placing a hand on my arm. "Come, I believe you have more questions," she said. Then together we made our way back into the castle and back to the chamber.

When we entered, Nikolai was not alone. Standing with him were five Dragons. The one from the first time Nikolai had visited me, the two that brought me to the room and two that I had not seen before. Louis was the first to speak. He stepped towards me and it took everything in me not to step back. "I thought I told you to watch yourself," he said, peering down at me.

Samantha shook her head and placed a hand on Louis's arm. "Louis, leave it," she said looking up at the Dragon. "At least he didn't try to punch me like I did to you," she said looking at one of the Dragons "and Alex", bringing out a few small grins from the men in the room. "Now, Nikolai, Chancellor, and I have a lot to talk about," she said.

My head snapped to her. "My name is Asher."

"And we would have known that if you had told us earlier," she said, turning to smile at me. "Nikolai, Asher, and I have a lot to talk about. If you could keep Jocelyn away for a bit that would be quite helpful," she said. Another round of grins past their faces.

"Of course. I'll just sneak her into the kitchen for a pre-dinner snack and we'll be out of your hair for at least thirty minutes," Alakay smirked.

The tallest of the two new Dragons placed a hand on Alakay's shoulder. "Don't worry, Sam. I'll make sure neither of the children sneak into the kitchen."

"Thank you, Benedict," she said. With a nod Benedict kept his hand on Alakay's shoulder and led the way out of the room. Samantha then turned to me. "Do you feel like sitting now?" she asked.

Slowly nodding, I followed the two to the couches and took a seat on the opposite couch from them. Looking at them I could no longer deny the truth, I was almost a perfect mixture of the two sitting in front of me.

I'm not sure how long we sat and talked. The information given would take me many nights to process. It wasn't until a knock on the door came that I was brought back to the room and not just the conversation. Glancing at the empty couch across from me I noticed first that Nikolai was no longer in the room. Then I noticed Samantha was sitting beside me. How long I wasn't sure. She smiled at me. "Are you ready to meet your siblings?" she asked. My eyes widened. I knew that they had other children, but it hadn't connected that they would be my siblings. She stood, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Come, I know they are excited to meet you."

Without words I stood and followed her to the middle of the room. She continued to the door and opened it. "You're not just a pirate! You're my brother!" Jocelyn cried running into the room. She leapt into my arms. I stumbled back a few steps, but managed to keep both of us upright.

Nikolai laughed while Samantha grinned. Nikolai walked forward and pried Jocelyn from my arms, her protesting all the way. Jocelyn wiggled out of her fathers grasp and ran back to me and stood by my side. "It seems you have already met Jocelyn," Nikolai said.

"And me," Cassius said from his place beside his mother, our mother.

"Cassius, right?" I asked. He gave a short nod but remained beside Samantha.

Nikolai walked forward with a hand on the back of a girl about seven. In her arms she held a baby. "And these would be your other two siblings. This is Maylee and the littlest is Hope," Nikolai said, urging Maylee forward.

"Hello Maylee, I'm Asher," I said.

Maylee looked at me for a moment. "I thought your name was Chancellor," she said quietly.

I nodded once. "That's the name that I was given at birth, however, when I was taken I was too young to tell them I already had a name, so I was given the name Asher," I explained.

"I like the name Asher, it sounds more like a pirate," Jocelyn said, her little head bobbing up and down.

"Well he's not a pirate anymore, he's a prince," Cassius said, shaking his head at his sister.

Jocelyn crossed her arms narrowing her eyes on her brother. "He is too! He was raised one so he is one! Now he'll be raised a prince so that makes him a pirate prince!" She paused as her eyes grew wide. "I need to show you the castle!" she cried, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the door.

"After dinner," Samantha said, earning a sigh from Jocelyn.

She ignored her mother's words and kept pulling her brother towards the door. Nikolai stepped in. "Jocelyn," he warned, narrowing his eyes on his daughter.

She took a deep breath and shook her head like she was clearing out the anger. "Can I show Asher the castle just a little bit? We still have time before dinner," she said, looking at Nikolai and Samantha. Hiding my amusement, all I could think about was Jolee.

"Not until after dinner like your mother said," Nikolai responded. He held up a hand when she went to argue. "And if you decide to press the matter you will wind up in bed early and not showing him at all," he warned.

Samantha stepped in. "Plus, before dinner Asher is due for a bath. The servants have prepared it and he needs to get there before it comes cold," she said then walked over, taking Jocelyn's hand. "We'll leave Nikolai to show you where you'll take your bath, then we'll see you at dinner," she said smiling at me before leading her kids out. She paused at the door turning one more time, like she was making sure I was still here.

"A little much to take in all at once?" Nikolai asked as the door closed behind my siblings. I nodded, but didn't speak. He motioned for me to follow. "Come, like Sam said the water will go cold if we don't get you there soon," he said, leading me out of the chamber and through the halls.

"How do you not get lost in these halls?" I asked, as we took turn after turn.

Nikolai chuckled, grinning at me. "The more time you spend the less confusing it gets. I've lived in the castle since I was six and there are still times I don't end up where I'm trying to go," he said. We fell into a silence as we walked what seemed to be the length of the castle before entering into a room. In the middle was one of the fanciest baths I'd ever seen. Most times we'd just jump in the ocean to get clean, or if we were docked long enough we may find an inn with a bathing area. Nikolai must have seen the look for he quickly explained the process of bathing. "Once you're done, ring this bell and one of the servants will lead you to the dining area," he said then with one final look, much like Samantha's he left the room.

I hesitated before getting into the bath. The warm water felt strange on my body as I sank deep. Not sure how long one bathed I went fairly quickly and after dressing rang the bell. A serevent boy around my age entered. "First time in Aurjoian clothing?" he asked, walking forward. Raising an eyebrow in confusion he pointed to the clothes I had on. "You have the shirt on backwards and the buttons on your vest are not correct," he said. I glanced at my outfit and his but they were too different to be of any help. His was a lot simpler, I wish we could switch. "Change your shirt around and I'll help you with the vest," he said. I quickly did as instructed and watched as he quickly redid the buttons. "There you go, your highness."

Quickly shaking my head I held up my hands. "No, my name is Asher... please refrain from titles..."

He nodded. "Of course. Titles aren't something that many in your family find appealing," he said with a smile.

"And what's your name?" I asked.

"Maysies," he said. "Now, shall we get you to dinner, Asher?" he asked. I nodded and we walked out of the room.

"So is there anything I should know about eating with a royal family?" I asked.

Maysies laughed. "I can tell you that you won't have to stab your food to keep it from rolling from your plate," he grinned.

"You've been on a ship?" I asked with a little excitement.

"I'm typically one of the servants that travel with the royal family or their friends when they go overseas. I'm fluent in a few languages and don't get seasick," he explained.

As we approached the dining area I felt myself getting nervous. I had planned on watching from a distance and learning about my family before being with them. "I have a lot to learn, would you be available for me to ask questions?"

"I am. However, I feel that your family would be able to answer them for you."

"Yes and no... They, well it seems beside the queen, grew up in this life. They won't understand some of what I may be asking. I know you may not either, but I feel you may understand more than they," I said hesitantly.

He nodded. "Ah, I see. Then yes, I am available. Although today you most likely won't have time. Supper will take time and then the royals typically retire to the garden or lounge area and I have a feeling that is something they will want you around for," he said, stopping outside two large wooden doors. "I'll find out when you are free tomorrow and come to you, for tonight I bid you farewell," he said, then gave a nod of the head before disappearing down the hall.

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