Raging Water - Part Three

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And that's how I found myself locked in the dungeon of the castle in Jarrow. Compared to dungeons, it was on the nicer side. I laughed to myself. To be able to compare dungeon to dungeon truly spoke of my upbringing. Leaning against the stone wall I waited. I had been down here for three days. The routine was the same. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner came and went. Each time the person who brought the meal tried to gain information, but left with nothing.

"I don't think you'll get anything. I'm not sure whether he's stubborn, deaf, or we just haven't found the language he speaks yet. The boy hasn't uttered one word," the jailor called from the other side. I smirked. It was the first one, stubborn. I knew each language they tried to speak to me in, and more. However, their questions weren't worth answering. When the door to my cell opened confusion entered. These were not your typical guards. The one who led clearly had the confidence of one with power. Looking closer I recognized the royal seal on his ring. The one a step beside him stood a head taller and just as confident. Glancing at his shoulder I saw the mark of the Red Dragons.

The one in front walked a few paces forward while the Dragon stayed back. "Hello," he said. "I'm told that we haven't even gotten a name from you. Maybe if I introduce myself then you will do the same. My name is Nikolai and this is my friend Erik," he said, motioning to himself and then his friend. When I didn't respond Nikolai didn't get upset like the guards. "Do you not understand Aurojian?" he asked in the trade language. When I still didn't respond he paused. "You look like an Aurojian, yet you don't respond to our language. You don't respond to the trade language. What language do you speak?" he asked in the trade language.

"He speaks them all," Erik said. Inside I wanted to turn to him and find out how he knew that. However, I kept my eyes on Nikolai.

"Why do you say that?" Nikolai asked, turning to Erik.

"Because, although not verbally, he has responded to each of your statements," Erik said, glancing at where I was now looking at him. "Isn't that right? You've just been playing the guards. You've understood each one. If you truly are a pirate, as they say, then you would be well versed in multiple languages," Erik said walking towards me. "And with that slight gulp I say I hit the nail on the head."

"If you know that I am a pirate, why am I still here?" I asked.

"Typically we don't allow prisoners free access to the castle," Nikolai said with a smile.

I stared at him with a blank face. "Why have I not faced the gallows? That is a pirate's punishment, is it not?" I questioned.

The two exchanged looks. There was something more they wanted, yet neither was bringing it to the forefront. "In most countries that is how piracy is dealt with, however, the more time you spend in Auroja the more you will find it is not like most countries," Nikolai said.

I scoffed standing up. "All countries are the same when it comes to piracy. They don't tolerate it. And if my history serves me right you and your wife should hate pirates the most," I said. I saw the pain flicker across his face. I bit my cheeks keeping myself from reacting. "Oh it's one of the favorite stories shared while at sea or in the tavern. How Captain Rycroft kidnapped the new Aurojian queen as she headed to make peace between nations. How the name Rycroft lived on in legend and song at the brutal response he had when he was cornered by the Aurojian and Esklayin ships," I said, stepping forward.

"Watch yourself, boy," Erik said, his gaze shifting between Nikolai and I.

I shrugged my shoulders already getting the information I needed. I stepped back, sitting down and staring up at the two. Nikolai's face showed anger and sadness while Erik's remained blank. However, as I pushed my hair behind my ear Nikolai's face changed. He stepped forward and pointed. "How'd you get that scar?" he asked.

Raising an eyebrow I put my hand up to my neck. I had many scars, but none were visible at the moment. My lips parted realizing what he had seen. "It's not a scar, it's a birthmark," I said, talking of the birthmark that ran from behind my left ear and part way down my jaw. "Although maybe I should make up a story as if it were a scar," I smirked. However, the line hit deaf ears. Nikolai stood frozen staring at my birthmark. Then without words he turned and left with Erik right on his heels.

"Nikolai, what happened?" Erik asked as the door closed.

I didn't hear the response as they walked away. I had my answers though.

Two days went by. Food came, except now the guards didn't press for information. They gave me my food and left. Doubt trickled into my mind, had this really been the best choice? I had a family, a dysfunctional, chaotic one, but a family nonetheless. When the door opened two hours before dinner I was confused. Two guards walked forward and motioned me to stand. When I hesitated one walked forward and pulled me to my feet. With his hand still around my arm he guided me out of the cell. "Where are you taking me?" I questioned.

"So you do speak," the guard holding my arm said with a slight grin. "There was a bet going on about that. I guess I'll be collecting coins soon," he said while the other guard simply shook his head.

"Where are you taking me?" I repeated.

"You'll find out when you get there," the second guard said.

Fear struck me. Maybe I had pushed it too far with the king. Glancing around I took note of my surroundings. We were the only ones in the hall. There were no other guards in sight. The grasp of the guard was loosened on my arm. Neither looked concerned. With a deep breath I twisted free and in the same motion pulled the sword from his sheath. Before he could even utter a cry I slammed the pummel into his head knocking him out cold. I turned to the second guard who had his sword drawn.

The guard held one hand up and motioned to my sword. "Put the sword down, boy," he said, taking a step forward.

When I didn't put my sword down nor take a step back but instead stepped towards him I saw the hesitation cross his face. That was all I needed. With a few quick strokes I knocked him out. Tossing the first guard's sword next to him I jogged towards the stairs. The Jarrow dungeon was a fairly typical layout. If I could make it to the floor above it would be easy to make it out of the castle and back to the docks where I'd find a way out of Auroja once and for all.

Everything was going smoothly until a small figure stepped into my path. The girl in front of me couldn't have been more than six. Her dress showed she was of high standing but the stains and tears showed she could care less about that. "It's you!" she said, stepping towards me with a grin across her face.

"Yes, it's me and you're you. Now that we have that covered I'm just going to slide by," I said, walking past her. When footsteps followed I glanced over my shoulder to see her jogging to catch up to me.

"You're the pirate! The one that they brought in a few days ago. I was forbidden to go down to the dungeon to see you, but since you're up here they can't say I disobeyed! I've never met a pirate before, I didn't know that they could be Aurojain," she said walking beside me. "I'm Jocelyn by the way, I'm five and a half," she informed me.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. Pirates can be of any origin. I happen to have some Aurojain in me. Well, now that we met I believe it's time to part ways," I said.

She shook her head. "I don't think so. I have questions. Pirates have always been an interesting subject. I've asked but not many people know much around here. So, since you're a pirate and you have my answers I'm going to ask you," she said. When I went to argue she held up a hand with a smug look on her face. "I also happen to know that you aren't supposed to be out of your cell. If you don't answer my questions, I'll yell."

Shaking my head I did my best to hide my grin. "You could be a pirate. Pirates see their surroundings and use it to their advantage," I said, continuing to walk towards the exit of the castle. If I could keep the girl entertained long enough to make it outside even if she did inform a guard I would be long gone. "Ask away."

She nodded with a look of satisfaction crossing her face. "Is it true that pirates kill anyone they cross to get what they want?" she asked.

"No, pirates are actually more likely to sneak around and obtain their desires. Fighting is typically a last resort. They want to be around to enjoy their treasures, they can't if they end up in jail or with a rope around their neck."

Jocelyn gasped a little, her hand going up to her neck. "Have you watched a fellow pirate swing?" she asked quietly.

"No, no one from my ship has faced the gallows before. There have been a few imprisonments but they always find their way out."

"Do pirates have tattoos to establish themselves between crews?" she asked. "Or like a mark?"

Shaking my head I smiled slightly. This was a common mistake. "No, if we were to mark ourselves if we were caught it would be that much easier for us to get sentenced to death. If we have no mark and can talk our way out of it there is nothing they can do without proof," I explained.

"Jocelyn!" a young male voice called. Looking behind a boy of around the same age came running towards us.

As he neared the pieces fell into place. Glancing between the two I saw the resemblance not only to each other, but to Nikolai, and most unsettling to myself. "You two are the royal twins."

Jocelyn nodded with a grin. "Yep! Double trouble as Uncle Erik calls us. This is my brother Cassius. Cassius, this is the pirate that was down in the dungeon but he's up here now."

The boy grabbed his sister and pulled her behind him. "If he's up here that means he's escaped!" he said. "Why are you with him and not calling the guards?" He questioned his sister.

While they were arguing I took it as my chance to slip away. "And now he's gone!" Jocelyn's voice cried. Shaking my head with a grin I continued to move forward. She was a handful. Unfortunately my thoughts on the royal twins was what caused my downfall. As I rounded the corner I ran straight into a solid form. I quickly tried to back track but a strong arm caught mine. Looking up I saw two Red Dragon's standing before me. In one swift movement I twisted my body and used the leverage to free myself. Glancing around there was little I could use as a weapon and if the stories were true getting a sword from a Dragon would be a little harder then taking it from a prison guard. I curled my fist knowing it would be my last chance.

"I've never been in a fist fight with a pirate before," the shorter of the two said, bouncing from foot to foot.

As they were distracted with talk I took that to my advantage and lunged at the one that spoke. I got in a good hit to his jaw as he grunted in pain. Unlike those I'd fought in the past he didn't fall back to regain himself. He came at me. Ducking, I deflected his first blow but his second one sent me stumbling. As I righted myself I found myself staring down the blade of a sword. The taller of the two stood with a calm yet dangerous look with his sword at my throat.

"Well that didn't last long," the first said, shaking his head.

"It's not over yet," I whispered. Taking a step back. I then ran at the two sliding under their feet. I ran a few feet down the hall and pulled a sword from one of the suits of armor on the side of the hall. I spun and stood with my sword raised. "Why people use real swords for decoration is beyond me."

"And now Louis gets to sword fight with a pirate!" the first grinned.

"Alakay, shut up," Louis said, lunging at me.

Unlike the guards, I knew that I didn't stand a chance. These two were elite warriors. It was clear in their confidence. They were also a team. Because as Louis kept my attention on him I was unaware that Alakay was sliding behind me. That is, until the back of my shirt was yanked, sending me off balance. In one swift movement I was forced to my knees and my sword was taken. My arm was then twisted behind my back.

"Move and you'll find your arm snapped," Alakay said from behind me. When I didn't move Louis gave the nod and I was hauled to my feet. "Let's go," he said, giving me a little shove to start me forward.

A few times I struggled but the grasp on my neck and arm stayed firm. After a few minutes we arrived at two large wooden doors. Before entering, Louis stood in front of me. "I'd suggest not trying anything when you enter this room. You will be faced with two of the greatest warriors we know," he said, then opened the door and Alakay pushed me in.

Remaining silent I took in the room. Although I'd found myself in a few castles, never had I been in what I assumed was one of the royal chambers. My thoughts confirmed when my eyes traveled to the king and queen standing before me.

"You can release him, Alakay," the queen said. With her words the hold on me was gone. "Thank you for bringing him," she said walking forward.

"I'm not sure how he ended up in prison, from the way he fought he could have easily gotten away from the docks," Louis said, glancing at the king and queen then back at me. "Watch yourself," he said to me before exiting the room.

The room remained silent as we took each other in. Nikolai was the first to speak. "You and I met a few days ago, this is my wife, Samantha," he said, placing a hand on his wife's shoulder.

"It seems that you have us at a loss, you know who we are yet we still don't know your name," Samantha said walking towards me. "Why don't you have a seat and we can talk," she said motioning to the couches. When I didn't move the couple shared a quick look before turning back to me.

"Why did you let yourself be caught?" Nikolai asked.

I scoffed, shaking my head. "Let myself be caught? You're out of your mind if you think I let myself be captured. What kind of pirate would I be?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"I talked with the cabin boy on the ship you were on," Nikolai said. I gulped knowing that not many people could keep a secret from the king. "He said that you paid him the night before your arrival in Jarrow to make sure that the sailors were at the stairs and then to get your bag and bring it to the captain once you were caught."

I laughed, needing to give myself time. "So you're going to believe a cabin boy? I'm sure he was just scared of you. Cabin boys on trade ships see little adventure, I'm sure it was a tall tale he told in order to add some excitement to what is a rather boring job."

"You came to Jarrow to find answers," the queen said, stepping forward. She reached out to touch the birthmark on my neck but I quickly turned away. "I think you've found those answers," she said softly. She smiled at me. The tears hiding behind her eyes started to push through.

"From the comments you made when Erik and I visited you a few days ago," Nikolai said, placing a hand on his wife's back. "You came to find out if you truly are our son," he said with the same look on his wife's face crossing his. "You are. You're home, son," he said, reaching out his hand.

I slapped it away shaking my head, my own tears threatening my eyes. "Don't call me that! If you really were my parents you wouldn't have left me to be raised by pirates," I said then turned and ran from the room.

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