Prologue? idr

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Leechstorm let a shaky sigh escape her jaws, her sunken, hooded eyes that glittered a beautiful copper in the moonlight focused onto the stream that licked and raced below her paws. A frown crossed her face, a single tear falling from her eyes and into the water below. Her claws unsheathed and her arm slashed at the water in anger and emotional pain. Her deep, rage-filled voice came out in a harsh and gruff devastated yell; ''I DO EVERYTHING FOR YOU, STARCLAN!''. Her fur prickled, hot and rippling as the deputy tensed her muscular body. Tears fell from her angry eyes like rain from clouds, her voice breaking and sounding like low thunder. She gazed up at the stars twinkling above, expecting some form of answer for all of the pain they had caused to her.

''I LET MY BEST FRIEND DIE FOR THE CODE. MY FATHER FOLLOWED THE CODE UNTIL HIS DEMISE. YOU'VE TAKEN EVERYONE I LOVED-'' Leechstorm took a deep breath, holding back a sob as she blinked the tears from her eyes. ''YET YOU SEND A BLOODTHIRSY BEAST INTO MY HOME. YOU LET IT KILL TOO MANY CATS. ARE YOU THAT SINISTER!?'' She yowled in devastation, wobbly figure falling to the ground and sobbing. ''You let Eveningstar kill my beloved Swiftpaw.'' She managed to miaow.

Tucking her head into her fur, muffling her cries. She was usually seen as a strong, determined figure. The deputy usually only let her clan see that side, but to be honest, she usually had moral conflicts and emotional turmoil daily. Everyone wished to be in her position- but they didn't really know what she'd been through to get her rank in the clan. She had to be strong for them. She had to. Her betrayed eyes gazed up at the stars one last time before she stood, head hung low and tail dragging as she slowly made her way back to her camp. Leechstorm muttered sadly to herself, hopping across the stream and padding into camp. She looked around at all of the broken things- the destroyed nursery and the queens covering themselves in what remained of the moss nests for warmth. The poor apprentice, settled beside a patch of fur, sobbing. Swiftpaw was his friend. And now he was gone. She felt so, so bad for not having been strong enough to defend them all. Leopardkit seemed to be hidden, which was good, to an extent.

She cast a glance at what remained of the apprentice's den, which looked like nothing more than a few rocks, bark, moss shreds and leaves. If she hadn't dug herself a hole of being confident in making sure everything would be okay-- she would've burst into tears right then and there. The savannah's forests were unforgiving. Antelope weren't like smaller animals- they could kill in one blow to the head. She knew that from the many deaths caused by the one that rampaged through WoodClan camp- but not before eating and demolishing a few dens. Leechstorm looked at her paws, hiding her sadness and covering it with a huff. She padded into the remains of the warrior's den, receiving hopeless looks from some of the cats that couldn't sleep. The den had no cover, chewed up by the antelope. She frowned to herself before curling up in her dry moss nest, tucking her tail into her mostly black body. Copper orbs scanned the room for a moment before the deputy tucked her head into her body and began to rest.

She was tossed into a white landscape, pale white skies and glowing grass. There were few trees and it was warm. She looked around for a moment before realising she'd been here before. Was she being punished, or something? Leechstorm whipped her head around to look at where someone usually watched her- but no. They were the other direction. ''I'm right here, deputy.'' They seemed to sassily mew. The black ticked molly turned around, looking at the StarClanner. She padded toward them, her hooded eyes making her look annoyed while she did so. Sitting before them, she parted her jaws to speak before being shushed by the StarClanner. They had pitch black fur and orange eyes- not like anyone she knew. ''I've been sent here to talk about your little vent to StarClan. We didn't send the beast. I, personally, don't mind. However, the spirits happen to be very angry with your choice of words.'' She gave a glare.

Leechstorm blinked in, not only amazement but- how could StarClan be mad at her? Of all things. ''Howso? I'm sure their pride is just too big to take criticism.'' She gave a snort, staring the molly deep into her eyes.

''Perhaps. However, like most fanfictions,'' She continued.

''Pardon?'' Leechstorm slimmed her eyes- untrusting and flicking her tail.

''Never you mind that.'' The spirit snapped. ''There is a prophecy I'm supposed to deliver to you. I mean, not you, but you were easiest to access. Spots and stripes and runes alike, wildcats of the savanna take to the clans and are quite the sight. See none, hear none, speak none they are, the clans must unite the trio or a dark time will will take flight, painting the skies red.''

''What does that even mean?'' Leechstorm asked, mainly to herself.

''It'll be more apparent later in the story. Now goodbye.'' The starclanner suddenly disappeared, the ground beneath Leechstorm crumbling into a dark abyss.

''What-'' The WoodClan deputy managed to let out before being flicked into consciousness. Her eyes widened and she jolted awake, shaking off her pelt before frowning and stretching out her body. Her jaw parted in a yawn before the molly padded into the camp clearing. Nobody else seemed to be awake, so she made her way to the fresh-kill pile. Grabbing a plump rat, she sat in the middle of the camp, listening to the wind. The rustling in the grass was at the back of her mind before she perked her ears, eyes glancing around. Her fur prickled before she spotted a blue and cream tail. What? No, that didn't make sense. But as it held outwards as if she didn't notice, Leechstorm couldn't help but assume. ''DANGER!'' She hissed loudly, drawing the attention of whoever was in the grass and causing them to hiss. Warriors and elders rose from their dens, confused and startled.

It was Eveningstar- that horrible excuse for a cat. She barreled through the grass and right into Leechstorm's chest, clawing at her with the fury of one thousand lions. The deputy went into a shock, but quickly came to her senses and bashed the SandClan leader square in the jaw. That stunned the molly for a few seconds, allowing Leechstorm to kick away from her attacker and prepare herself for another hit.

''SandClan- Show yourselves and fight!'' Eveningstar snarled with a grim look. Warriors and apprentices surrounded WoodClan camp- Twelve to eight. They were outnumbered. Leechstorm narrowly froze in place of fear, before realising that she was supposed to be strong. Protect those who can't. Unsheathing her black claws, that's exactly what she did.

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