Chaptuh one

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''All those who are old enough to rest in the trees of the savannah, stand before the scraggly stump for a clan meeting.'' Rookstar called for his clan. Swiftkit, elders, apprentices, and warriors stopped what they were doing, padding towards the stump of what used to be a great tree. WoodClan's leader was an impressive tom, tall and firm. His eyes gazed down at his clan, then to Leechstorm, his deputy. His neice. He had none of his own children, and after Leechpaw appeared on the territory, he took Leechkit as his own. He grinned at the molly before gazing back at the clan. ''Swiftkit. You have reached the age of six moons and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Swiftpaw.'' He began with a proud grin. ''Your mentor will be Leechstorm. I hope my deputy will pass down all she knows to you.'' He grinned at the two. Turning toward Leechstorm, he spoke with a slight nod. ''Leechstorm, I feel that you are ready to take on another apprentice. You have received excellent training from Plumtail, and you have shown yourself to be smart and strong. You will be the mentor of Swiftpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to him.'' Rookstar grinned. Leechstorm was proud, looking at the small tabby tom who puffed out his chest in front of her. She chuckled, placing a paw on his shoulder before dipping her head to touch noses with the young tom who grinned proudly.

''Swiftpaw! Swiftpaw! Swiftpaw!'' The clan chanted happily, staring at the pair who sat at the bed of the scraggly stump.

''Clan dismissed.'' Rookstar purred proudly. As everyone slowly dispersed, Swiftpaw began bouncing around Leechstorm, excited and loud. The molly chuckled, laying down and watching him excitedly speak.

''I'm the deputy's apprentice! Yes! Yes! Yes! What are we gonna do today? Battle train? Hunt? Oh, ooh, can we go fight SandClan?'' Swiftpaw squeaked loudly, pressing his small paws into the deputy's chest. ''Can we learn WoodClan's special codes? I wanna know! Pleeeease, Leechstorm? PLEEASE? Pretty please with a fat mouse on top?'' The new apprentice begged. Leechstorm let out an amused mrowl, flicking her tail and pulling the apprentice closer to her.

''How about- we just relax today? I can promise you, we have six moons till you become an apprentice, we certainly won't be learning that till a bit later.'' She chuckled. The molly scratched her ear and licked Swiftpaw's forehead. He was stunned. ''If we know each other a bit better, it'll be easier to train, don't you think? A day of becoming better friends.'' Leechstorm purred gladly, sitting up and leading the small tabby tom toward the prey pile. ''I'm interesting, don't you think?'' She giggled. Swiftpaw padded alongside her, grabbing a bird that was almost the size of him. He looked amazed. He nodded to his mentor, before speaking.

''Woah! Are we gonna catch birds this big? Can we catch vultures!?'' He gasped.

''Oh- no, no. Definitely not. A vulture can break and eat bones with their beaks and talons. We don't risk that, especially not with tiny ones such as you.'' Her tone turned from stern to a slight tease.

''I'm not tiny!'' Swiftpaw hissed embarrasedly, arching his back. Leechstorm gave a cackle, performing a fake lunge and causing her apprentice to topple over, startled. He let out a whine. ''Hey! You can't do that!'' He frowned. Leechstorm let out a chuckle, patting the tom's shoulder to comfort him, then she gazed at him.

''Oh, I can see my younger self in your eyes. Ambitious and too proud. You'll make a wonderful warrior.'' Leechstorm smiled calmly. She gazed at the trees that were perfectly covering camp from her point of view. ''It's sundown. Have you any questions before I go to sleep?'' she asked quietly. Swiftpaw had only been with her for a short while, but he already sounded like he could've been her son.

Swiftpaw smacked his lips as he ate his bird. ''Can we go look around the territory tomorrow, pleeease?'' The tom begged with a toothy grin. Leechstorm let out a curt giggle.

''Alright, little one. Tomorrow.'' She purred. The deputy sighed happily, making her way towards the warrior's den and finding her nest. It was in the far corner, where nobody could see her. The black ticked tabby molly's figure melded into the shadows of the den. There was quiet padding outside of the den, which seemed to come inside, followed by a quiet meow.

''Leechstorm..? Cuckoopaw's mean.'' Swiftpaw meowed. The deputy turned to look at him, tired. ''I mean- he keeps pushing me. Not rough but- I'm- Can I sleep in your nest?'' The brown tabby frowned. Railface let out a muffled snort, finding the request hilarious. ''Please?'' He squeaked.

''Erm,'' Leechstorm began. She looked around for anyone who was awake for someone who could help her answer, but Railface was trying to keep himself from busting out into a laughing fit. ''Alright. Just tonight, though. You need to learn to sleep by yourself, love.'' She smiled, patting a spot beside her with her tail. Swiftpaw instead, curled up under her, covered by her belly. She opened her mouth to speak, but just gazed down at the young apprentice who reminded her of a kit. That's what he was-- no more than an old kit. She curled around him protectively. His mother had died during his birth. He always lived without a mother. Maybe she could change that. She covered him gently, her chin covering his head. She wasn't usually this attached to her apprentices. Maybe there was meaning behind it. She would 'adopt' him, for now.

The sky slowly became brighter and brighter as the sun rose, dragging the blue which was the morning sky along with it. Swiftpaw was still asleep, but Leechstorm had gone out on a border patrol. She was aware of SandClan pushing their luck on the border between the two, their scent often far too strong to be an accident. ''I don't trust them. They've stolen SunClan territory from right under Chubstar's nose and now it appears that they're trying to rob our already small clan of needed resources.'' Leechstorm hissed, parting her jaws to take in the overwhelming scent of SandClan's mark on the border.

''They're pushing into our territory's only water source, too. We can't let them take the small falls. It was the very first part of Woodstar's expedition to sustain his clan.'' Slugcloud hissed. Slugcloud was a large molly, loyal and strong. She looked like a shadow, and Leechstorm loved that. ''Those Sand-lovin rats ought to stay out of our forest.'' The warrior pounded her paw against the firm ground.

''Agreed,'' Railface snapped, ears flicking toward a faint rustle of the grass. He had better senses than the two others, so he usually spoke in code whenever he felt something were off. ''So, how's the weather?'' He gazed back at the others, his words a secret code. Railface was usually the comic relief of the warriors, cracking jokes and keeping the mood light. When even he was worried, it meant something was wrong. The other warriors with him were now high on alert, listening and watching.

''Well.'' Snailcloud meowed, unnerved. That was also code. Railface gave a grin and a nod, padding toward the rustling grass, making sure that he looked like he didn't realise. Unsheathing his claws, he flipped, staring down at the grass and holding a paw over his head. He expected a spy, or even just some prey- but nothing could prepare him for the wave of emotions that suddenly washed over him. ''I'm..'' He stuttered, gazing down at what sat in the grass. The other warriors with him slowly padded over, concerned. ''It's.. It's a kit?'' Railface mewed. The others wicked up the pace, looking down at what could be assumed to be a leopard. It squirmed, letting out a squeak in Slugcloud's direction. She had just left the nursery after her son became an apprentice, so she still had whatever milk was left over. ''What do we do?'' Railface let out a terrified meow. He didn't want to take it- but he did. If it was a leopard cub then the three could get the entire can killed. But if it was just a regular kit, then SandClan would probably muder the poor thing.

''Whatcha lookin at?'' An apprentice's voice came from behind them. Slugcloud's instincts caused her to growl and cover the kit out of reflex, while Railface arched his narrowly tripped. Railface was her mate, but one couldn't really tell by the way they acted around each other. One could tell, however, by their son Cukoopaw. The mackerel tom looked for the source of the voice- Cheetahpaw of SandClan. The smug molly waited for an answer, tapping her paw.

''Why would you care?'' Slugcloud snapped.

''Whatever it is you're doing is happening on SandClan territory, missy-missy.'' The apprentice hissed. ''Who even are you? You don't look relevant.'' Railface hissed at the insult to his love, using his body to hide Slugcloud, who was quietly picking up the kit and placing it on WoodClan's rightful land.

''My name is Slugcloud. Warrior of WoodClan and mother of Cukoopaw.'' The molly growled.

''Yeesh, I asked for your name not your autobiography. It seems your mentor didn't teach you to only say what you're asked.'' Cheetahpaw scoffed, stepping closer.

''It seems your mentor didn't teach you any manners.'' Railface hissed.

''Maybe so, but you're still on SandClan territory.'' Cheetahpaw retorted. The WoodClan warriors couldn't deny that, and reluctantly stepped back onto their side of the border. ''You. One who talks too much. I saw you pick something up. Was it stolen prey?'' Cheetahpaw hissed.

''No, you little rat.'' Slugcloud hissed. ''I was just taking away a deadly foe of your clan. Our clans may be opposed but I won't wish such things upon them.'' She growled.

''What is it?'' Cheetahpaw asked.

''Pardon?'' Leechstorm hissed.

''What's so dangerous that you can just pick up and not get bitten or stung or something?'' The apprentice spoke as though everyone else were dumb.

''A.. Leopard cub.'' Railface snapped.

''For real? Can I see it?'' Cheetahpaw looked actually interested and harmless for once, which Slugcloud didn't trust, but truth be told- if she didn't show her the supposed cub then they'd be convicted of lying. And that meant Eveningstar would get involved. Nobody wanted that. Slugcloud grabbed the scruff of the thankfully chubby kit who's eyes were still closed.

''Here.'' The black molly grumbled.

''Woah! I mean.. I guess if you're just relocating it then I can let it slide..'' Cheetahaw grumbled. ''Bummer. I was looking forward to a public execution..'' She huffed, stomping back the way she came.

''That child is insane.'' Leechstorm sighed, gazing at the two cats and kit in her friend's grasp. ''What do you think we should call it?'' She began a conversation, walking the long way towards camp. 

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