The second one? I think?

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 After that encounter and the magical find, Slugcloud had hidden the kit from anyone who didn't know about her, calling the young she-kit Leopardkit and hiding her when she slept. Having leftover milk, the trio agreed that Slugcloud would be the one who looked after her most of the time. This night, Slugcloud had the deep gut feeling to feed the kit and then hide her in some place high but covered. She did exactly that, making sure the kit was asleep before she moved her under the cover of darkness. She placed her in a rocky opening, comforting the kit and hiding with her. Curling up in the small space, she licked the kit's head, closing her eyes and falling asleep quietly.

Everyone was awoken by a scream of terror from Swiftpaw, rushing out of their dens to see an antelope gnawing on the apprentice's den, which was a bunch of dry leaves and grasses carefully placed in a structured way that was covered by moss. Everyone began to panic, suddenly interrupted by the antelope letting out a panicked bellow and leaping around camp. Everyone could only sit back and watch, or dodge in horror as it destroyed dens, slipping and collapsing the nursery, kicking away anything that could have fixed it as it leapt from the camp and bolted. The antelope hadn't been here long, but it already broke everything. It was all ruined.

''No, no no no!'' Rookstar gasped in horror as he limped toward the nursery. This was all crafted by his ancestors- how would they rebuild it?! ''WoodClan! We will be moving to the falls for a clan discussion- follow me! The camp isn't safe right now.'' He whispered the last part, frowning and heading for the camp exit, followed by everyone else. Railface, and Slugcloud stayed behind for a while as they calmed the hidden kit down and carried her back to the falls. Leechstorm felt that they should hide her expertly this time, so they placed Leopardkit inside a hollow tree where hopefully nobody would find her if they didn't know where to look. The kit had pricked up her ears- a good sign, but hadn't begun to speak just yet. Just babbles. They bid her farewell before joining the rest of the clan behind them.

Leechstorm sat beside her leader, glancing over her shoulder every so often. Everyone thought that she was alert. She was just paranoid. Swiftpaw was close to her side, excited and practically bouncing of excitement. The small tabby tom constantly gazed up at Leechstorm, proud and puffing out his chest. He clearly wanted to be noticed by his mentor and complimented, but it seemed he understood that after what had happened everyone was a bit shaken up. The gentle crashing of water against rocks along with her clan discussing things made the deputy weary. ''Swiftpaw, I want you to hide. Don't come out until I say so. I don't trust this place, SandClan's scent is in the air and I don't want you to get hurt. When I say Blackbird, then, and only then, should you come out.'' The black ticked tabby meowed into her apprentice's ear. She nudged him gently with her paw as he protested against the idea, watching as he reluctantly hid himself in a hollow. Her grin turned to a frown, spotting someone in the crowd who wasn't there before. Or were they?

''And we'll be going back to our camp soon, however I will talk to Chubstar and see if he may lend us any help.'' Rookstar grinned, gazing at his clan's thankful and tired faces.

''Who are you?'' Leechstorm hissed, flicking her tail in the direction of the unknown cat. The stranger was quickly noticed and tackled by Plumtail, a low hiss escaping his jaws.

''I may be old but my memory doesn't fail me yet. Who the hell are you? You're not of WoodClan- spy.'' He spat, large and lean-muscled body pinning the thin molly. His slightly white closed eyes may have made him partially blind but he could see and smell well enough to know who wasn't in his clan.

''Little rat! Who sent you?!'' Slugcloud hissed aggressively, nudging the elder away from the molly. It was Cheetahpaw, because of course it was.

''I- I just wanted to know if the leopard cub was gone! I've been paranoid- thinking that the mama was just gonna raid SandClan camp! To find her baby!'' Cheetahpaw cried. ''Eveningstar wants to know where you put it! She didn't tell me why.. I just assumed it was to tell us to stay away from there for a while! I'm sorry..'' The apprentice gazed at Slugcloud helplessly, her white fur puffed out due to sheer fear.

''Leopard cub?'' Rookstar's deep voice came from behind, frowning as he stared at the SandClan apprentice. ''And, I doubt that the scoundrel would be saying to avoid it. She probably just wants it for her own gain.'' The tom growled lowly.

''Y-yeah! The one who talks too much showed it to me!'' Cheetahpaw whimpered, hiding her face. Plumtail and Rookstar both gazed at Slugcloud, earning an offended scoff from the warrior.

''Well,'' The molly began. Railface padded to her side, ready to defend his mate if an argument began. Leechstorm studied the top of the falls, wanting to go and look in case this was just a distraction. She doubted that an antelope, after sixty moons, would suddenly be prompted to barge into camp on it's own. It shouldn't have been so scared, either.

''You've not told me of the cub? Yet you tell our- Slugcloud, are you aware that Eveningstar is a scheming scoundrel who will kill our entire clan just to get her claws on a leopard cub?'' Rookstar hissed, Cheetahpaw gazing up at Plumtail as he held her tail under his paw.

''It was a lie.'' Railface grumbled. ''We found a kit- but she looked like a leopard cub. We didn't want her to be taken to that hell of a clan- so we lied. We didn't tell you in fear of you stating you found a kit at the gathering and little rat over there saying that she was told it was a leopard cub. I'm sorry, Rookstar, but we didn't trust anyone who didn't know she was already there.'' The tom gazed at his leader, a stern and unmoving face looking toward his leader.

''I've heard enough of your impulsive actions. Railface, there will be punishments for your decisions.'' Rookstar snarled. Leechstorm had padded over, through the talking cats of her clan. Some were watching the scene unfold, but most had other things to talk about. She took in a breath, not trusting that Cheetahpaw was without her mentor either.

''Rookstar. It was not an act of impulsiveness, but because we did not know who was with the apprentice when we found her. Slugcloud has been feeding the kit for the past three days- she seems no more than a moon old. We have no idea who left her in that patch of grass. Please, if anyone should be punished, it should be me.'' Leechstorm interrupted, dipping her head in respect. ''She is uninjured, but I still do not feel that she is safe without a camp to sleep in safely. We are exposed- a predator could easily pick her off if she wanders too far, especially since there is nothing to prevent her from escaping if she wakes up in the middle of the night.'' The deputy averted her gaze to stare at the grasses. ''And I fear with our visitor, if she were out in the open, she would be stolen.'' She bared her teeth at the apprentice. Railface let out a hiss, unsheathing his claws and staring at the grass bordering the clearing.

Bursting through the grass, Crowcall, panting and wheezing, let out a horrible scream. ''ROOKSTAR! RAILFACE, SLUGCLOUD! LEECHSTORM! SWIFTPAW AND--'' Her voice was hoarse, letting out a wheeze. She was old- she shouldn't push herself like this. ''Swiftpaw and Cukoopaw were seen headed to neutral territory. They brought me with, but I didn't understand what they were doing. They went past our territory, speaking of vengeance. SandClan territory, they're headed for the sorrow tree.'' She begged. Cheetahpaw scampered off into the bushes, Plumtail chasing after her. Leechstorm's heart nearly leapt out of her chest- her apprentice, one his first day out of the nursery?! Cukoopaw was with him- that wasn't any better.

''Where are they?!'' Slugcloud and Leechstorm seemed to yell at the same time. Crowcall panted, turning around and running to where she last saw them. They pushed past bushes, Leechstorm holding back worried meows and instead putting up a false 'I'm alright' face. They had reached neutral territory- which was land nobody claimed. Leechstorm was just fast enough to see her apprentice pounce onto a mouse, only to be forcefully tackled by a full-grown molly and slammed into the ground. It may not have looked like much, but the SandClanner could've easily slashed his throat. Instead, she grinned at him, showing false restraint. Leechstorm called out to her apprentice to flee, but Swiftpaw was insistent that he would be okay. Cukoopaw rushed over to him, pulled back by his mother. ''Don't, we will handle this.'' She whispered. Leechstorm desperately called out to him, the group of cats too tired to fight an experienced murderer and a cat who would follow her to his death.

Swiftpaw bounded toward Leechstorm joyfully before Spiderclaw, from the side, slid his muzzle beneath the apprentice, tossing him high into the sky. Leechstorm, breaking from her leader's grasp, ran toward Swiftpaw's shadow, the apprentice screaming as he rose and plummeted. Eveningstar shoved the molly, toppling her over and ordering Spiderclaw to hold her down. As Swiftpaw fell, Eveningstar unsheathed her claws, slamming the tom into the ground, his speed causing him to bounce off of the sand, crashing a few pawsteps away from his original landing place. The small tom twitched, and Eveningstar nodded to her deputy. Letting Leechstorm go, the molly screamed, throwing herself at Eveningstar before being bashed on the side and kicked in the belly by the SandClan deputy while the rest of the cats who had come with Leechstorm did their best to stabilize Swiftpaw. Eveningstar and Spiderclaw gave a laugh, running off. Cukoopaw, who had stayed back, ran after them, along with Leechstorm. 

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