The Package

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She, Vanya Gupta, a web designer in Infinite Creative. She woke up with swollen eyes and red face, heart broken! They are the proof of her last night heart out cries after her boss scolded her badly for a mere mistake that too which she hadn't committed but was committed by another colleague and her boss, thinking she is behind scolded her in front of the whole office, insulted her badly not giving her chance to clear her part. 

Things turned so heavy that she left the office building in tears, anger filled in her heart. When she reaches her home, she finds herself lonely, there wasn't anyone to hear her out, that's How the life of working I mates are who live far from their family for jobs and when such things happen, they are left disheartened and in grief and that is exactly what happens with her. 

The fact that she's all alone in the house saddened her, she cried her heart out and fell asleep while crying. Now that she's up, all those memories again started to hunt her. 

With a heavy heart and mood, she moves to the kitchen and makes herself some coffee, her heart craving for some attention and a shoulder to lighten her burden. 

She let out a sigh, it's foolish to accept anyone from her family at her place. And sharing things on call is not a good idea, her family will get disturbed only. 

She sits on the couch with the coffee mug and takes a sip - uh, such a bad taste!! She makes a face and places the mug on the table, probably it's the effect of her bad mood!! 

Tears roll down her cheeks again, she's so clueless and lonely, she feels lost. 

While she struggles with her thoughts, the doorbell rings, pulling her out of her trance. She cleaned her face and opened the door, a courier boy was standing at the door with a big package in his hand. 

''Your parcel Ma'am!” The guy says with a smile, she reciprocates in the same manner and receives the box with some confusion as she hasn't ordered anything neither her family has sent anything for her, then who sent it!? 

She took the package inside and searched for any identification but couldn't find any. 

''Kisne bheja hoga!?" She wonders but decides to open it. 

She took a scissor and cut the upper portion of it. To her surprise, she finds a soft toy, some chocolates, some other stuff and a photo frame. She holds the frame and flips only to find it to be her and a friend of hers who lives overseas. Automatically , a smile forms on her lips. She took out the stuff from the box, only to find a letter at the bottom, she held it and brought it closer to read. 

The letter reads,

        ''Dear V, I hope you find it at the best of your time. Sorry for not contacting you in the past years, actually I lost your contact and found it a few days back on a page. Though I tried to search for your phone number or even email id but all I got is your address. But see, even that works. Happy Belated Birthday my love!! I know I know, I am late and that's why to compensate for my mistake I have sent you lots of love, I hope it works hehe....  Love you!!''

An instant smile forms on her lips as she adores the gift she just received. It is truly said, sometimes you receive the most unexpected things at the most unexpected but much needed time. Vanya holds the teddy close to her chest, her mood much fresh, it seems she's not sad anymore but the happiness to be connected with an old friend has overtaken her sadness. 

The package truly made her happy.

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