OC #20: Reina Dela Luna (Harry Potter)

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Congratulations, BabyNekoCiel ! You're the 20th OC (AND THE FIRST HARRY POTTER OC!) in my book. So, you've won: A read, vote, and comment on one of your stories. Congrats! Now, on to the rating :3

Name- Reina Dela Luna (Queen of the Moon)

Odd that a male's name is 'Reina'! Harry Potter takes place in the 1980's, right? So perhaps you should change it to KING of the moon or something XD (Rey Dela Luna?)



Gender- Male

Yaaaaay a male Harry Potter OC :D

House- Slytherin

Yaaaay a Slytherin OC :3 But I'm still waiting for the day I get a Hufflepuff OC  (^.^)


Sexuality- Homosexual

Appearance- "Do we have to?"(yes) "I don't wanna" (too bad) "Ugh...." Reina is a natural born albino with deathly pale skin and pale white hair ending at his midback usually tied in a ponytail or pigtails although it's hard to tell if his eyes are bleeding or if they are a really pale turquoise depending on which lightning he's in. "I'm done"(no you aren't) before I was rudely interrupted he looks like a corpse to most people a girl corpse to be exact with his bangs covering his eyes almost all the time and the creepy smile he gives most people stay away . He wears the average school uniform with three earrings on his left ear (moon sun and a star) with a moon ring on his middle finger ask him about any of these he will give the creepiest glare/smile ever that it'll haunt you in your sleep .. "Shut up"( No)

Yipes! Scary appearance! Most people would make their OCs look attractive. Making him unappealing and creepy is very unique. Good job!

Personality- he glared at you and huffed . Reina's personality is most likely of a Slytherin he will do anything to get what he wants no matter what the cost and is very stubborn and ambitious. He's manipulative and cunning which are mostly hidden by his kind and shy nature despite this he's very hard to befriend since he gets angry easily . He's creepy very very creepy his smile is like that of a killer and his voice is so ..sweet and caring that many people fall into his trap of persuasion . Although he has traits of a Slytherin he's also brave and won't back down without a fight he's insecure about himself yet doesn't show it he's fairly intelligent like a prodigy almost and very creative (no like really he can make anything out of nothing)"Shut up!" Of course, he was the one who made his ring in the first place . Remember when I said he's creepy? Yeah, he's creepy too.

Good! You didn't stick to the "Slytherins Are Evil" stereotype! Which is very good :3 When people tend to make a Slytherin OC, they make them evil, cruel, and cunning. Nothing more. But you made a good side to him. 

Blood status- Muggleborn

Yay! A Muggleborn! Most people(including myself) make purebloods.

Crush- Draco of course (odd so so odd ) "have a problem?" (..no no I do not)


Family- Doe Dela Luna (older sister) Sol

Sol Dela Luna (father) His mother well we don't mention her

Lovely names! Nice that you made them in Spanish.

Dating- No one he's too creepy to approach.

Aweh :c That's sad...

Backstory- Reina was born to a family of three his two sisters having left the house and his remaining one staying unlike his parents he was pale and an albino his mother had left as soon as he was born wanting nothing to do with him his father wanting a girl instead of a boy made him one and he hated it . During his childhood, the boy was shown as manipulative and cunning getting anything he wants when he wants he wasn't spoiled no not in the slightest . His sister feared him and his father avoided him like the plague . When his letter came he didn't really show any emotions less the smiling and what not when he arrived people were even more afraid of him so it wasn't a surprise when he sorted into Slytherin .

AWWW THIS STORY IS SO SAD!! But I would love to see his adventures throughout his school year at Hogwarts? What did he do in his first year? How was he manipulative? Answer these questions, and you'll be fine :3

Other- He's allergic to peanut butter and chocolate , has tremors whenever he's sitting down or lying down.

Lovely! Most OC makers don't make their OCs allergic to things. 

Overall Rating: 7.9/10

I loved Reina's personality, appearance, the names, and the originality! The only reason why I took off points was because of his backstory. Answer the questions I asked above, and you'll be ruling the Moon again :3

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