Prompt 8

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An AU world in which there are people born from time to time who have the ability upon coming of age to touch the things around them and shape them to their desires. For instance, touching a roll of fabric and created clothing without the need for scissors and thread or touching stone and creating a wall or stone bowls. Touching metal and turning it into a sword or shield.

How much they could control depends on their willpower as well as their health, so trying to torture such a person to control them would only weaken them. So instead, there is often an attempt to court them, to entice them with promised favors or, sometimes, even offers of marriage into high ranking noble families.

It is unknown why or how this ability surfaces when and where it does, for it does not seem to come from a specific bloodline, hardly ever appearing in the same line more than once. But it has happened in the past, so in hopes of it happening again, people will marry them into their families regardless of what social rank they come from, even if they were a beggar on the streets before their power blossomed.

However, this is the first time that the power came to light in the form of a war prisoner, one who had been captured during an attempt at assassinating one from the Royal Line of succession. And their power, once unleashed, was the strongest there had been in centuries.

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