Prompt 9

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You live in a world with extremely strict population control rules and methods to back them up. For every child born, someone must die.  The rule is that, when a child is born, a death lotto is held for every adult who is no longer a vital member of society. This means all those who are too old to stay active in the workforce and do not have useful skills that they could teach to younger generations or those who are suffering from permanent injury and have no useful skills to teach.

Due to the inherent cruelty of this system, a hidden faction has formed in various places throughout the planet in hopes of putting a stop to the death lotto. And the only way to do that is to overthrow the government and rebuild it, from the ground up. But to do that, they need to find where the government leaders are hiding.

Not the easiest thing to do when they are constantly on the move and never in the same place at the same time.

Lucky for the rebellion, they have just found someone with the skills and equipment to track the leaders down one by one. They just need to provide the assassin to take them down once they get to the right spot. The downside? Nobody knows if the newfound tracker will be their one to save them all or will lead them into a trap.

So, which is it? Are you the beginning or the end of their hopes and dreams?

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