A Day at Sea

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Rias POV

     (Y/n) has been progressing well in training but without radiation to fuel his power, he may be in real danger. So, today I decided to make a fun trip out of it because it's still summer break. I asked dad to lend us a boat to head out to wherever Godzilla leads (Y/n). I check over myself in the mirror one more time, I am wearing a sundress overtop my bathing suit, I go and check on (Y/n), but Akeno stops me, this oughta be good.

Akeno: So, what do you think of our new friend?

Rias: What's it to you?

Akeno: I mean he's brave, strong and handsome too. I mean, he's the whole package any girl would want.

Rias: Your point?

Akeno: Tell him how you really feel about him or I will, that's all.

     I can't even come up with a response to that, because what she said is kinda true. I do like him a lot and Akeno is right about him being the whole package, kind, brave, strong, what more could I want from him. Akeno just smirks at my silence and walks out and tries flirting with Issei, I walk to (Y/n)'s room and knock.

(Y/n): Just a minute!

     I wait until he opens the door and see he's shirtless and has some beach towels and his swim trunks on. For a 19 year old he is really well built, I couldn't help but blush a little, I am snapped out of my trance by (Y/n) trying to ask me a question.

(Y/n): Do you need something, Milady?

Rias: *blushes* Oh, I was just seeing if you were ready go? We have a big day ahead of us.

(Y/n): *grabs a white t-shirt* Yep, all set.

Rias: Great, we'll make some lunches and get dinner items and head out.

(Y/n): Alright, I have a couple of dinner ideas if you permit me.

Rias: *blushes* Of course, mind if I come with you?

(Y/n): Sure thing, Milady.

Rias: Please, just call me Rias.

(Y/n): Yes ma- uh, Rias.

     I simply smile at him and get some shoes on as he comes down stairs, then he and Issei get into another argument over me. Honestly, it feels nice to be thought of as a woman rather than just a pair of breasts. I tell the others to meet us at Pier 12, while (Y/n) and I went to the market, Issei tried to protest, but as usual, he is quickly ok with it when the other girls start fondling over him. (Y/n) and I head to the market and we pick out some dinner items and I gotta say (Y/n) is bringing some unique items, some of which I never would've thought of in Europe or Japan. Anyways, we head to the docks and find the Club members waiting for us on the boat.

     (Y/n) took the role of helmsman and we sail out to sea, the weather is beautiful, the sun is shining and the cool sea breeze feels amazing. I set up a chair on the deck and take off my sundress and stretch a little.

     I then get an idea and get (Y/n)'s attention and beckon him over when he see's me. He let's Kiba take the helm and (Y/n) comes down.

(Y/n): Yes, Rias, do you need something?

Rias: I was wondering if you could put some sunscreen on my back, please.

Issei: I'll do it!

(Y/n): She didn't ask you, pervert. *to Rias* Of course I'll help.

     I lay on my stomach and undo the string on my top and let (Y/n) put the sunscreen on. I moan quietly at his gentle touch, his hands are rough to the touch but he is really calm and gentle in his movements. My face starts to heat up as he continues to touch me, then Issei barges in.

Issei: Hey, that's my princess go find your own!

     I was about to scold Issei, but (Y/n) had had enough and punched him square in the nose and knocked him out. I retie the string on my top, as (Y/n) drags Issei to the back of the ship and hangs him from the crane over the water. Needless to say, (Y/n) got a laugh out of it while Issei was complaining for the next few hours.

Time skip 5 Hours Later

     We are all eating lunch sandwiches that Asia was kind enough to make. (Y/n) finally lets Issei down on the condition that if he makes one more perverted comment, (Y/n) will feed him to the sharks. After lunch, we decided to stop and let everyone swim around for a little bit. (Y/n) kept an eye on things from the bridge, I decide to go up and keep him company. I walk to the bridge and open the door, I walk to (Y/n) and wrap my arms around his neck. This of course, got a surprised reaction out of him, to which I start laughing a little.

(Y/n): You know I almost thought you were Akeno trying to seduce me again.

Rias: I couldn't help myself. *continues laughing* Your reactions are just adorable.

(Y/n): *tries to act tough* I'm not adorable.

Rias: Oh yes, you are~

     This causes him to blush as I tried showing off my...assets...., anyways I decide he's had enough of my seductive ways and just talk with him.

Rias: So did you live anywhere else before coming to Japan?

(Y/n): I did. I was born in Lousiana in the USA until I was 16, my dad took a job in Tokyo. We moved there and when I graduated, well you know the rest.

     We continued talking for several minutes, until we hear a scream and see Koneko struggling in the water. I was about to jump in but (Y/n) beat me to it and dived from the bridge into the water. I get to the deck and Koneko had sunk underwater, after a tense minute (Y/n) resurfaces with Koneko in his arms, he drags Koneko to shore and Akeno and I get Koneko up onto the deck. I quickly use magic to extract any water that she may have inhaled, Koneko coughes some and opens her eyes.

Rias: Koneko, are you alright?!

Koneko: Lady Rias, you saved me.

Rias: It wasn't me, it was (Y/n).

Koneko: (Y/n)?

     We all look over at (Y/n) as he coughs up a fish skeleton.

(Y/n): I think I accidently swallowed a fish while I was down there. BLECH!

Koneko: I got a cramp in my leg and lost the ability to swim. Thank you.

(Y/n): No problem, kiddo. I'll always help you guys if your in trouble. Promise. *coughs* Take it easy for a while Koneko. The rest of you we should pack up and keep sailing.

Rias: Alright, you heard him everyone!

    Everyone packs up and (Y/n) gets the ship underway while I stay with Koneko to make sure she's realky ok.

Koneko: Rias? Why did (Y/n) help me?

Rias: What do you mean?

Koneko: Well, we've only known him for a month and he already treats us like we're his best friends. I was always mean to him because he was new and I thought he was going to be another pervert like Dragon boy.

Rias: And now?

Koneko: Now, he's is really gentle and kind, even under that gruff exterior and the responsibility he now carries has made him such a strong and strong willed person. Anything thrown at him, he just shrugs it off, he still tries to see the good in everyone. He is amazing, like the big brother I always wanted.

Rias: He really is amazing, isn't he.

Koneko: Also I know about your feelings towards him, so just tell him already before Akeno tries anything.

     Koneko goes back and sits with Gasper and tries to get him out of his box. I then look up and notice (Y/n) looking at something and smiles, he then yells at everyone.

(Y/n): Hey everyone, check who's tailing us on the port side!

     We all get to the left side of the ship and see dolphins swimming next to the ship, some even leaped out of the water and spun around in midair. Asia asked...

Asia: What are they doing?!

Rosweisse: Their Common dolphins, and their riding our bow wave to save energy while travelling the open ocean!

     We watch the dolphins for what feels like hours, then they departed, according to (Y/n), to chase down food. Speaking of which it was time to get dinner underway, so (Y/n) brought the ship to a steady halt and dropped anchor. He then fired up the grill and stove inside which still had a view of the deck so he could see everything that goes on. I decide to help him while Akeno and Kiba kept a closer eye on the others, Rosweisse well, let's just say she doesn't have her sea legs quite yet. (Y/n) decided to fire roast two lobsters and boil the crab legs, mussels, scallops and crawdaddys in a big stew pot of water. I handled the roasting of vegetables and cut up some mangos and a watermelon. As I reached for something on the counter, my hand touched (Y/n)'s and we both apologize and blushed and tried to go about finishing up. Akeno looked at me with a smirk on her face and I blushed even more, I've never really felt this way about someone before, why is this different? Anyways, everyone at their dinner, which was amazing by the way, best way to eat seafood. An hour later I could see everyone getting tired so I told them to shower up and get ready for bed. I walk back out of the changing room and head to my bedroom, when I notice (Y/n) still sitting at the helm.

(Y/n) POV

     I am sitting at the helm and checking the horizon to make sure no ones going to sneak up on us in the night.

Rias: Can't sleep?

(Y/n): Not since I learned of my power, not so much.

Rias: Ok, *pulls up a chair* start talking.

(Y/n): I know what I have to do but all this new responsibility, not just to you but the whole world, I just feel like, what if I fail? What if I let people die? What if you got hurt? I would never forgive myself.

Rias: *takes my hand in hers* There will be days where you won't succeed 100%. Days when you may lose faith, days when allies may become foes, but I believe the day will never come when you can't protect us and the world. There's a saying, 'Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without the words and never stops at all.'

(Y/n): Emily Dickinson?

Rias: *giggle* Yup. The point is, so long as you believe in yourself and have hope there is nothing you can't do. And I'll be by your side every step of the way, promise.

     Rias then proceeds to kiss my cheek and we head to our rooms for the night.

Rias POV

     I get to Issei's bedroom door and try to open it and it's, locked?! I try to force it open but to no avail and I didn't want to wake everyone else up. What am I going to do with that woman?! I simply knock on (Y/n) door and I'm glad he's still awake.

(Y/n): Yes, Rias, is something wrong?

Rias: *blushes* No, but.. *sigh* Akeno locked the door to the bedroom.

(Y/n): Need me to break down the door?

Rias: No, I'd rather not wake everyone. Would it be alright if I slept with you?

(Y/n) Yeah, sure.

     I walk in and (Y/n) sets up some blankets and pillows on the floor.

Rias: What are you doing?

(Y/n): I was gonna let you sleep on the bed.

Rias: *blushes* Oh but, I kinda have a hard time sleeping if someones not next to me. So would you please sleep with me in the bed?

     Nervously, (Y/n) got into bed and I took off my clothes and got under the covers with his back turned to me. I then shut off the lights and I actually lay him on his back and snuggle close to him and fall asleep. Ready for what tomorrow may bring.

(A/N): Whew, that was a long one. *takes a sip of coffee* Oh crud, the cameras still rolling! Uh, hi, thank you for reading. If you enjoyed this chapter leave a like have a conversation with everyone in the comments and have an awesome day! PEACE OUT!!!

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