Deep Sea Exploration

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Rias POV

     I slowly wake up in the morning but don't open my eyes as I feel around the bed for my hug pillow, but I can't find who I'm looking for. I open my eyes and look around and don't see (Y/n) anywhere. I get dressed in a night gown and a robe and step outside and see the sun is not up yet, what could (Y/n) be up so early for? I look around the ship and finally find (Y/n) on the deck in one of those pool chairs, with a pot of coffee, I walk up and take a seat next to him.

Rias: Good morning, (Y/n).

(Y/n): Good morning, Rias.

     I pour myself a cup of coffee and come to find (Y/n) likes his coffee a lot stronger than I can handle.

Rias: *sarcasticlly* You know it's not nice to leave a woman by her lonesome when she wakes up in the morning.~

(Y/n): Well, I like to watch the sunrise it reminds me of how beautiful the world is.

     Just then, the sun starts to creep over the horizon, and I have to admit it's really beautiful the way the sun reflects off the night sky as day takes over from night.

     I scoot next to (Y/n) and snuggle next to him and we watch the sun rise together. As soon as we hit this position though, we both unwittingly fell back to sleep.

    A little while later I am awakened by the sound of yelling, I recognize the voices of Issei and (Y/n) yelling at eachother again. I sit up and stretch as I yawn and watch these two fight but then I get tired of it and head to the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone. I then shower up and get changed into a one piece swimsuit and head back put to the deck and see everyone conversing and having fun, other than Rossweisse being sea sick. (Y/n) heads up to the helm and we set sail as everyone eats, I pour two more cups of coffee and walk up to the helm and set (Y/n)'s cup on the dashboard.

(Y/n): Thank you, Lady Rias.

Rias: Consider it thanks for letting me sleep with you last night.

(Y/n): Well, I'm not gonna let you sleep out in the cold.

Rias: *giggles* I hope not.

     A few hours later and (Y/n) brings the boat to a halt and says this is where we're supposed to dive. I decided to go with (Y/n), despite his protests, and get some scuba gear on. I told everyone radiation wasn't going to be an issue for me since I'm a pure blooded devil. (Y/n) loses his shirt and jumps into the water, I tell the others we'll be back soon and that we'll keep in touch when we get down there. I jump in as well and I grab onto (Y/n) as we dive deeper and deeper into the depths. We continue diving passing by some unique sea creatures, when suddenly a strong vortex started to violently pull us deeper. (Y/n) wraps his arms around me and we hold eachother tight, suddenly, we stopped. I open my eyes and look around and (Y/n) is still holding onto me, I blush as I tap his shoulder, he looks around and I give him an okay hand gesture. We pull away and look at our surroundings, I look at (Y/n) when he taps my shoulder and he points to a faint light coming from a cavern, I nod and follow him towards to cavern. As we enter the cave, I can feel heat coming from deeper inside, I turn on a flashlight and we go deeper into the cave. The heat continues to rise as we keep going, but there's no turning back now, we see ancient stone carvings as we keep swimming. The carvings are really ancient and they seem to depict Godzilla and other monsters, some as gods and saviors, others as demons or false kings. Some of these monsters I have never seen in any historical documents, I wonder why. (Y/n) and I continue to swim until we come to an air pocket and surface, we reach the shore and I remove my scuba gear and look around in amazement.

Rias: Incredible.

(Y/n): Godzilla told me there was a civilization that built the temple around this radiation source as a way to praise him for defending the planet from other monsters. But, Wow. This is incredible.

Rias: Can you absorb the radiation from here?

(Y/n): Yeah, let me try.

     (Y/n) takes a meditation position near some lava falls and I can faintly see the radiation being drawn to him and I can feel his power growing exponentially at first but slowed down as more and more radiation flowed into his body. I am broken out of my trance when I hear Akeno through a magic communicator.

Akeno: Hello?! Is this thing working?

Kiba: Maybe she at such a depth she can't hear us.

Rias: I can hear you.

Akeno: Oh Rias, sorry magic must've been acting up. Uh, we have a slight problem.

Rias: Is everyone alright?

Akeno: For now at least.

Rias: What does that mean?

Akeno: It's Diodora, again.

Rias: I'll be right there. *to (Y/n)* Hey I gotta get back to the ship, you stay here and keep absorbing that radiation, this shouldn't take long.

(Y/n): Understood. Call me if it changes.

     I simply nod at him and use a teleporting magic circle to get back to the ship.

(Y/n) POV

     Rias teleports away, I then open my eyes and get ready to swim back to the surface.

Godzilla: I admire your spirit young one.

(Y/n): Rias was obviously worried about the others so we should investigate too.

Godzilla: Agreed. You still are not able to achieve full size but what power you did recieve should be sufficient.

(Y/n): Let's go kick some ass.

     I dive back into the water and head for the vortex to take me back to the surface. Once the vortex takes me for another ride, I summon all the power I have and start to transform. Whoever is on the ship have made a grave mistake and Godzilla will deliver their punishment.

(A/N): Hey guys, sorry this one may be a little shorter. Anyways, I hope you're all doing well and continue to have a great day. See you next time! PEACE OUT!!!

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