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(Y/n) POV

     I am spending some one on one time with Rias and she is now starting to get excited about having a baby, but I suddenly feel the presence of something awakening.

Rias: (Y/n), are you paying attention? I wanted to talk about the baby's room. I-

(Y/n): Shh.

Rias: *realizes* Darling, what do you feel?

(Y/n): I don't know, but something is coming and it's not friendly. I need to check it out, please?

Rias: Go, I'll warn Monarch and get back to you.

(Y/n): *kisses Rias* I love you. *teleports through portal*

Rias: I love you too. Akeno!

3rd Person POV

        Meanwhile, at Joint Region Marianas military base, in Guam, a suspected criminal is being questioned.

Interrogator: Look. You're in a heap of trouble, whoever you are.... *no response* Talk to me. If you tell me who you are, maybe I can help you.

????: I'm a British national.

Interrogator: British national. Care to explain why you have an Austrailian passport?

????: Dual citizenship.

Meanwhile, two men watch the interrogation from another room.

Lieutenant: We have an I.D. on him, Alan Jonah. A well funded mercenary with a long trail of dead bodies. We've been after him for a long time.

Captain: What's he doing on a military base?

Lieutenant: We'll find out soon en-

The entire base starts shaking causing alarms to sound and panic when suddenly a hole opens up in the middle of the base and a giant Titan comes out from the hole it looks a little like the Muto's but bigger and scarier. This creature has really large, armored forearms with large claws, it goes after some submarines but is interrupted by a sinister sound.

(Y/n) appears from the ocean in his 950 ft tall Godzilla form.

(Y/n): Godzilla?

Godzilla: The Alpha to all MUTO's, it is responsible for your predecessor's death. Caution advised about it's forelimbs, it uses them for powerful punches as well as digging into the earth.

(Y/n): Come on, he's tiny. How hard can he really hit? *ROAR*

(Y/n) charges in straight for the Muto, and to his surprise, the Muto punched at his head and actually hit hard enough to make (Y/n) stumble backwards a little disoriented.

(Y/n): Ok, avoid the arms then. *hears digging* Hey! Get back here!

Too late, the Muto quickly dug into the earth and escaped.

(Y/n): *groans* Don't say it.

Godzilla: Okay..... Told ya.

(Y/n): *ROAR in frustration*

(Y/n) stomps back to the ocean and disappears beneath the waves.

Rias POV

Timeskip 1 hour later

I managed to gather Dr.'s Serizawa and Graham and a couple of Monarch employees, as well as a good friend, Dr. Emma Russel, and we're on our way to the reported disturbance.

Emma: So, Rias? I understand that you have had encounters with these Muto's.

Rias: I was the project leader in Kyushu, Japan where it all started.

Emma: Japan?

Pilot: *intercom* Ms. Gremory, we're approaching the base. It looks bad.

I look out the window and see two giant holes and desroyed navy ships and other debris surrounding them, I also notice where (Y/n)/Godzilla came out of the ocean and back. The helicopter lands and I hop off first and take a look around as Dr. Serizawa tells us.

Serizawa: An earthquake hit offshore approximately eighteen hours ago.

Graham: It triggered a series of aftershocks traveling south-southwest headed straight here.

Rias: *reads chart* Right along the Ring of Fire, it seems.

Emma: Experts assumed it was all tectonic activity.

Rias: They assumed wrong. It was a Muto alright, a big one. Are there any record of prior manifestation?

Serizawa: None that we know of.

Rias: *as we walk into ruined building* Emma, I'm gonna need your expertise for this investigation.

Emma: You've got it.

????: Of course, you two are the experts on superspecies biology and behaviour. What do we tell the Security Council? The Commission? What do we tell world?

Rias: *as I continue to read charts and video surveillance* Tell them to relax.

????: *groans* You want me to tell the Secretary General of the United Nations to "relax"?

Rias: Yup, we'll handle this.

Emma: Okay, who are you, exactly? Obviously not Monarch.

Rias: *looks up and closes file* His name is Miles Atherton, and he is here as a "observer".

Miles: I represent the San Francisco Commission. We have a mandate to facilitate accountability and awareness for Monarch's activities in the wake of San Francisco.

Basically, Miles is here to make sure we take the fall should another San Francisco happen.

Emma: I know what happened in San Francisco. We both saw it, up close.

Miles: Then I'm sure you'll appreciate concerns about the secrecy and impunity surrounding Monarch until now.

Emma: Impunity?

Miles: With public knowledge, San Francisco might have been avoided.

Rias: We're scientists. It was kept secret to avoid mass panic.

Emma: Until humanity faced extinction. Then the world started asking our opinion.

Miles: All I know, ladies, is that Monarch has been operating in the shadows for a long time. And now that time is over.

Serizawa: Rias. We have word from the Japanese government. There's something they'd like us to see. Something important.

Graham: "Sensitive" was the word they used, I believe.

Rias: *starts walking out* Emma. Up for a trip to Japan?

Emma: Well, since you asked politely. We'll send you a postcard, Dr's.

Serizawa: Atherton will be joining you, as part of the Commission's-

Rias: Accountability and blah, blah, blah.

Miles: I feel obliged to express my concern. I understand both Rias and Dr. Russel have... a personal history with these creatures.

Serizawa: Rias and Dr. Russel are the very best we have. I have complete confidance in them.

Miles: I wish I felt the same, Dr. Serizawa.

Emma: *annoyed sigh*

Rias: Don't let Miles get to you, he's merely concerned with the safety of humanity, as he should be.

Emma: You're right. How is it you always seem to be right?

Rias: *giggles*

Emma: *looks out at the ocean* No sign of Godzilla or the creature that attacked the base.

Rias: Oh, don't worry, we'll be hearing from them soon.

Emma: *looks at destruction* Hmm, the submarine. That thing went straight for it. Gobbled it up, just like in Honolulu, and Godzilla barging in like that. He was looking for a fight.

Rias: I understand this is hard for you right now to hear, but Godzilla might have a natural instinct to protect. A guardian of sorts.

Emma: More like two bullies fighting for the right to terrorize the rest of the class.

Rias: *saddened sigh*

Graham: Remember, you two, exercise patience with Atherton. Monarch's situation is still.... delicate.

Rias: So long as humanity remains in jeapordy, I will do whatever it takes to keep them safe and sometimes Atherton's line we're not suppose to cross, get's a little hard to see.

Emma boards the jet first....

Emma: Well. Atherton, thought we'd be the one waiting for-

Suddenly, an older human appears from behind a seat in a orange jumpsuit and a gun first pointed at Atherton, then at Emma and I. Ugh, I don't have time for this bullshit.

Emma: Who are you?

????: I am the person aiming a loaded gun at both your pretty faces. Think very carefully about what you do next.

Rias: Hmmm, okay, mind's made up.

I cast a spell underneath whoever this is to knock him off balance and push Emma out of the way, as the man shoots at me I use another spell to shield myself. Then I rush in close and disable his gun arm by attacking his pressure points, the man drops the gun but then tries to bullrush me, I simply use another spell to stop him in his tracks and float him towards the door, I then grab him by his collar.

Rias: Get off my plane.

I then throw him out, but before anyone can apprehend him, the man makes a run for it, I decide to not go after him as two police cars start chasing him down. I quickly use my powers to alter everyone's memory so they forget that I just used magic right in front of them.

Emma: What the hell was that all about?

????: Well, that was Alan Jonah. Authorities, have an intel cache on him as long as your arm.

Emma: Tarkan?

Tarkan: Good to see you again, ladies. Monarch caught him snooping around one of our dig sites in Bosnia in 2005. Incarcerated in Pakistan, went off-grid sometime after that. The last anyone heard of him 'til base security picked him up earlier today.

Rias: He must've wriggled out of confinement during the chaos, and we were the only flight to have clearance to take-off.

Tarkan: That's right. On top of that, he had an encrypted phone on him, but we did manage to find a unsecure memory cache. It contained detailed schematics of Monarch's outposts. All of them. He knows everything about us. We're wide open to him.

Rias: I'll have Serizawa beef up security at the outposts, and I'll send a friend to keep your daughter safe, Emma.

Emma: *content sigh* Thanks, Rias. But what does he want from us?

Rias: Since he knows who Monarch is thanks to the news, he might try to gain any edge he can to cause chaos. He's a terrorist after all. *calls someone on my phone*

Akeno: *over phone* Yes, Rias?

Rias: Akeno, I'm sending you a mugshot of a Alan Jonah, make sure every law enforcment agency around the world knows he's at the top of their watchlist as of right now.

Akeno: *over phone* Yes, President. Anything else?

Rias: Yes, have Issei and Asia keep an eye on Madison Russel.

Akeno: Understood. *hangs up*

Emma: Thanks again. I know Mark can keep her safe but thanks anyways.

Rias: Of course. We're friends, I'll look out for you.

Tarkan: Are you two gonna introduce me to your friend?

Rias: *annoyed* Oh. This is Miles Atherton, he's from the San Francisco Commission.

Tarkan: Welcome to Guam, I'll be tagging along to Japan.

Emma: *to Miles* This is Tarkan Cavusgolu, Monarch's Crisis Response Unit.

Miles: And what is it, exactly, that you do for Monarch?

Tarkan: Clean up the trash.

   I close up the plane and tell the Pilot we're all ready for take-off. As we fly I continue reading over everything we have on the Titans while Tarkan and Emma talk. Several hours later the jet lands in Japan and we are all escorted to a temple I have visited before.

Tarkan: How old is this shrine, exactly?

Rias: This temple goes back to the 16th century.

Monk: But that's just the building. As a holy site, it's older. Much older.

Emma: We're near the epicenter of the earthquake, that much I know.

Rias: Shrine caretaker. Can you tell us why you have invited us here?

Monk: This way, please.

We follow the monk until we come to a huge hole in the ground just like the ones at the military base.

Emma: *surprised* Oh. I.... see.

Monk: It opened up in the earthquake. We may know the identity of the creature that attacked Guam, Ms. Gremory. This may lead to it's lair.

Rias: Well, you know what Dr. Chen says. "Myth is our compass."

Emma: A compass pointing straight down.

(Y/n) POV

(Y/n): Hey, Godzilla? What was life like for you in your past incarnations?

Godzilla: Ancient humans called me many different names throughout my existance and worshipped as a God by some. To be honest, nothing in the past is different than it was back then, not really, only humanities thirst for power and control grew.

(Y/n): Tell me you've faced off against this kind of Titan before?

Godzilla: Yes, I have. And it didn't always go my way.

Rias POV

After about an hour, people from Tokyo University gave us suits they developed for getting down caverns just like this one.

Tarkan: Nice.

Miles: "Nice"? What is it?

Rias: These, Miles, are what's going to get us down that hole fast.

Professor: Careful. It fires cables above and below, into rock. Designed right here, Tokyo University.

Miles: Is it safe?

Professor: *with a grin* Of course not!

Rias: *laughes* *readies suit*

Tarkan: *to Miles* Coming?

Miles looks sick, so no.

Tarkan: Suit youself.

Tarkan, Emma and myself hop into the chasm and the cables fire above and below us and, once they're secured, we start descending fast to the bottom of the hole. This should be interesting, I just hope (Y/n) can beat this thing when we find it, but I will be there to help even if he doesn't want it.

(A/N): Finally! I loath to admit that I started this chapter when I lost the original graphic novel, "Aftershock", but now I have a new copy and am ready to move things along in this story because you all have been so patient. Thank you so much! Please enjoy and I'll see you all in the next one. PEACE OUT!!!

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