Koneko and Gasper's Dance

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Rias POV

I am looking at the contracts that my servants have been getting, as usual Akeno is at the top of the list but (Y/n) has been moving up the ranks pretty quickly since his return. Vali's team has not come anywhere near my territory since then too. My work with Monarch continues as well, I've been helping overseeing all of the containment sites, including Mothra's new egg site, which (Y/n) actually helped get the egg in it's nest.

Koneko: President?

Rias: *looks up* Koneko, come in.

Koneko sits down looking nervous and now thinking about it, I think I know what this is about.

Koneko: Well, end of Senior year dance is coming up soon, and well... *blushes*

Rias: Let me guess, you want Gasper to go with you.

Koneko: *nods*

Rias: But you're afraid he's gonna say no or be too scared to go with you.

Koneko: *saddened sigh* Yes.

Rias: Don't worry, I think I've got an idea.

(Y/n) POV

(Y/n): *smashes rock with one punch*

Gasper: AHHHHH!

(Y/n): Huh? *notices Gasper* Oh hey, kid. Didn't see you there.

Gasper: *scared* Has anyone told you you're really scary?

(Y/n): Probably, I just never let it get to me. Why are you still wearing that girls school uniform? You'd think after 5 years of being gone, you'd grow some balls.

Gasper: This is what I'm comfortable with.

(Y/n): Fine, but no one is going to respect you if you wear that. Man up.

Gasper: I-I don't know.

(Y/n): Come on, stick with me kid, we'll make a man out of you yet.

Gasper: Uh-oh.

I first pick out an average men's outfit to wear, since it's summer I went with boxers, a red t-shirt and khaki cargo shorts and have him wear tennis shoes with white cotton socks.

(Y/n): Alright, getting the look down, awesome. Now, to a diner.

Gasper: Why?

(Y/n): So you can meet people!

Gasper: No! I don't want to meet anybody!

(Y/n): Nope, come on! Let's go!

I grab Gasper before he can run away and we leave, I decide we walk to the diner and I have Gasper talk to many people, which didn't go well. We reach the local diner, as soon as we get there I see Rias with Koneko, Rias and I spot each other and nod. I sit with Gasper at a booth and he asks.

Gasper: I wanted to ask you something.

(Y/n): So, shoot.

Gasper: I read about what you did while you were away, they're all true, right? About you beating back the Chaos Brigade, defeating monsters.

(Y/n): Doesn't matter if they're true or not.

Gasper: Yes it does!

I notice Gasper's outburst drew all sorts of attention from others in the diner, including Rias and Koneko.

Gasper: Around my parents all I heard was lies. I don't know what to believe.

(Y/n): If you want to believe in something then believe in it. Just because something ain't true that's no reason you can't believe in it.

Gasper looks at me a little confused and unsure.

(Y/n): There's a speech that my Grandfather gave me when I was younger than you and I myself have given it to young men over the years too. Sounds like you need to hear a piece of it. Just a piece though...*clears throat* 'Sometimes... the things that may or may not be true, are the things that a man needs to believe in the most. That people are basically good. That honor, courage and virtue mean everything. That power and money, money and power, mean nothing. That good always triumphs over evil, and love.... true love never dies, remember that one. Remember that. Doesn't matter if it's true or not, you see. A man should believe in those things because those are the things worth believing in.' Got that?

After some silence, I could see that Gasper was really taking what I said to heart.

Gasper: *inspired* That was... really good.

(Y/n): You think so? Thanks. So what do you believe in?

Gasper: .....That, I can do anything.

(Y/n): That's what I like to hear. Now, I think someone's waiting for you. *gestures to Koneko*

Gasper: *deep breath*

Gasper gets up and trades places with Rias.

Rias: That was a really good speech.

(Y/n): There's more to it but I was in the same position Gasper was in with his lack of confidance, but as I grew, I started to understand what my grandpa was trying to tell me.

Rias: It definitely made you a better person. Thank you for this.

(Y/n): Well, Gasper needed help, I can't leave my family hanging.

Rias leans over and kisses my lips.

Koneko: Rias?

Rias: Yes?

Gasper: Well, we're going to the dance together.

(Y/n): Ha! I knew you could do it!

Koneko: But we were wondering if you two could chaperone us at the dance?

Rias: Are you sure that will be okay?

Gasper: Please?

Rias: Well, I never did get my dance with the man I love.

(Y/n): Sure, why not.

Rias: Yes, we'll go with you.

3rd Person POV

Koneko and Gasper were happy with that and the next week sees Rias helping Koneko in her dress and (Y/n) helping Gasper with his tuxedo. The two adults got themselves all ready to go to the dance. Rias was wearing long, form fitting, red dress with a slit up her left leg, and obviously showing some cleavage, she also did her hair in a ponytail with some strands hanging down off the side of her face. (Y/n) was wearing a black tuxedo with a white shirt and atomic blue vest and necktie, his (H/C) hair is also combed a bit to clean up. (Y/n) and Gasper wait for Koneko and Rias to come down and Gasper has a corsage to give Koneko. Rias came down first and (Y/n)'s jaw almost dropped to the floor, but he quickly recomposed himself and gave her a rose and placed it in her hair.

(Y/n): You look really beautiful.

Rias: I know. But who knew you could clean up so well.

(Y/n): *sarcastic* Haha. Very funny.

Rias gave (Y/n) a kiss on the lips as Koneko came walking down the stairs, Gasper was in awe as she blushed.

Gasper: Wow Koneko, you look so pretty.

Koneko: *shy* Thanks. You don't look bad yourself.

Gasper placed the corsage on Koneko's wrist.

(Y/n): Alright, who's ready to party?!

Rias: Pace yourself there, big guy.

(Y/n) drives the four to Kuoh academy where the dance is being held in the cafeteria. When the group walks in, there are already several people already here, since the school allowed for boys to enroll here there are a few couples here as well as Koneko and Gasper. The two take to the dance floor, while Rias and (Y/n) stood with the other adults and kept an eye on their charges. Occassionally, when a catchy upbeat song came on, (Y/n) couldn't help but sway or dance in place a little, this often made Rias chuckle.

D.J.: Alright, everyone! Students and adults take the dance floor with a partner for this next song and get ready to move it!


Rias: Well, shall we?

(Y/n): *joking* Are you sure you want to show them up with our moves?

Rias: *giggles* Come on! Let's have a little fun.

The pair join Gasper and Koneko in the middle of the dance floor and the couples showed off some pretty impressive dance moves, even Gasper busted a killer solo dance before rejoining Koneko. Rias then showed how good she could move then dragged (Y/n) out to show how "old timers" groove.

(A/N): End song here.

Rias and (Y/n) went back to the mini bar and watched as some slow gentle music started and while Gasper was nervous, Koneko being there with him was reassurance enough and thankfully no toes were stepped on.


As the midnight drew, the adults were aloud one slow dance for them all being here while the students sat on the sidelines, Rias was lead out onto the dance floor by (Y/n) and she wrapped her arms around his neck and rested them on his shoulders, while his hands were resting on her waist.

Rias: You know, this was a nice distraction from all the work we've been doing.

(Y/n): Hey, it was worth it to help Gasper and Koneko, and your dress is the cherry on top.

Rias: *blushes and giggles* Thank you, for tonight.

(Y/n): Anytime.

(A/N): End song here.

The dance goes on long into the night, everyone has a great time and eventually, Koneko say's she's tired, and sick of her heels, so the group goes home and Koneko thanks Gasper by kissing him on the cheek for a good time then everyone heads to their rooms for the night. (Y/n) first goes out on patrol, as he does everyday to keep Monarch away from Kuoh when they try to track him. But he does return and goes to bed as well.

Meanwhile, in another part of the world....


(A/N): Alright, everyone just having a good time. Everyone needs that, even devils and monsters. Hope you enjoyed, have a great day/night and I'll see you next time. PEACE OUT!!!

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