Headed to the Underworld

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     I am on a train to the Underworld with the Occult research club. I am in a car by myself hitting a punching bag, I then hear-

Rias: Ahem.

I turn to see Rias standing there and as I look at her, I realize she is really beautiful. What's more is she knows it too, but why would she care about someone like me, anyway?

(Y/N): Yes, lady Rias? Did you need something?

Rias: You've just been working ever since we started the train ride. I figured you should take a break and have some tea with me.

(Y/N): Is that an order or a suggestion?

Rias: Just me inviting you to relax for a few minutes, that's all.

(Y/N): Alright, I'll join you in a minute. *punches the sandbag and breaks it off the chain and send it flying*

     I undo the wrapping around my hands and grab a towel and some water. I walk out of the training car, heh no pun intended, and see Rias sitting there with a some tea I assume. I sit down and take my cup.

(Y/n): Thank you, Madam President.

Rias: You're welcome. *takes a sip* You know, you don't have call such formal names all the time.

(Y/n): I guess I just don't feel I've earned that right.

Rias: *giggles* (Y/n) you saved my family from that stray devil, I think that's more than worthy.

(Y/n): *finishes his cup* So, I wanted to know something?

Rias: Ask away.

(Y/n): Why me?

Rias: I'm not sure I understand your question.

(Y/n): Why save me that night? I only met you for a few minutes earlier that morning. So why risk making your most powerful evil piece vulnerable, why was I that important?

Rias: *looks in understanding* I'll admit there was something about you that I was, attracted to, you were kind and content with helping anyone who needed it. It had nothing to do with the power that you possess. You work tirelessly to help out, like when Asia had that bully following her around, you responded first. You like making people happy, that's what I think caused me to save you.

(Y/n): I didn't think anyone cared about my well being. Before I would get pushed around left and right, going "What do you need?" "What do you need?" *sigh* I didn't care if I was miserable, I was just helping someone and I didn't have anyone else that cared so I could afford the time.

Rias: Well now you do have people that care. You've helped alot, whether you know it or not, you are important to us all now. And we will treat you as such.

     We spend the rest of the ride just talking and I think I even made her laugh. We make it to the Gremory household and oh boy do I have my work cut out for me to not suck as a devil. We walk up through the courtyard and I feel a pair of eyes watching me. We walk up to group of people who's red hair gives away that their Rias' family.

SirZechs: Hello, sister.

Rias: Hello brother. I didn't think we'd recieve the honor of having the Devil King greet us.

SirZechs: What can I say, always proud to see my sister.

     SirZechs then turns his attention to me and I quickly bow in respect.

SirZechs: We have not been formely introduced, I am SirZechs, King of the Devils.

(Y/n): The pleasure is mine, I am (Y/n) (L/n).

Issei: *mumbles to Kiba* Who's the new chick with the nice rack?


Issei: Ow! Dude, (Y/n) what was that?!

(Y/n): Curb the pervert and be respectful for once. I am sorry about my comrade, he's just dumb.

Issei: Hey!

????: Thank you for your concern, young (Y/n).

(Y/n): You know me?

????: A part of you, yes. I am here to train you with the power you possess.

(Y/n): President? I thought we were here on buisness?

Rias: We are, but you need to train and since I can't help you properly until I get a grasp on your current power output. Mothra here, will get you started.

(Y/n): *sigh* Ok, so what's first?

Mothra: First to the training sight.

     A light starts to glow around Mothra and it becomes blinding. When the light dies down, I see something that defies explanation.

Rias: Wow.

Asia: She's beautiful.

Kiba: Majestic.

Xenovia: Truly a marvelous sight.

Koneko: Whoa.

Gasper: Somehow I don't feel afraid.

     Mothra then picks me up with her mandibles and carries me off somewhere.

(Y/n): Hey! I didn't agree to this!

     I got used to it after a while and soon Mothra just decided to drop me. Only one problem, I can't fly.

(Y/n): Ahhhh!

     I land face first into a snow bank, I manage to pull myself out as Mothra lands in front of me.

(Y/n): Was that really necessary?!

Mothra: *changed into human form* Well, here we are.

(Y/n): Why are we here?

Mothra: So that we may train without putting lives in danger. You need to be careful how you use your power, because you could cause more harm than good. You must always maintain control or someone you care about could be hurt.

(Y/n): Alright, let's get started.

     We started training hard, 100 mile hikes in the snow covered mountain, using boulders as punching bags, and actual combat with Mothra, which I promptly lost big time. But for every physical exercise, Mothra and Godzilla brushed me up on the history of Godzilla and his role on earth. Apparantly, Godzilla has been on earth since long before humanity came into existance and originally kept nature in balance. When humanity was created, Godzilla protected humans by battling monsters that got out of hand or that actually threatened the world.

Rias POV

     I am sitting on my study brushing up on some history and practicing my strategies I've been making up for (Y/n) to work with the others. Even for a pawn his physical strength already matches Koneko and Rosweisse, not even Issei can stand up to him in his balance breaker. I also take the opportunity to look into the legends of monsters and fantasical beasts humanity has come up with over the years and find some of them have to do with Godzilla defending the world or a battle for dominance with another monster. One thing is for sure though, according to these legendary encounters, (Y/n) will grow to be extremely powerful.

(A/N): Hey guys, no excuse for the wait there were other stories that had my attention and I also had writers block and kinda forgot this existed so here we are. New story updates are going to be slow, I'm sorry there is nothing I can do about it. Please continue to be patient and I will try to finish this and my other stories soon.

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