Return of a Titan

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     We just arrived at the abandoned house and boy is it creepy looking.

(Y/N): So how are we going in?

Rias: Kiba, Issei, Xenovia, Koneko, flush it out. Rosweisse, Akeno, and myself will disable. (Y/N) since your new at this, I want you to protect Asia and Gasper this time.

(Y/N): Alright, careful everyone.

Issei: Relax newbie, we got this.

     The forward team go into the house and after a few tense minutes, I am getting impatient.

(Y/N): *in thought* Godzilla, mind giving me a little bit of power?

Godzilla: Be warned in your current state you won't be able to use alot of it. But with training and absorbing radiation you will get stronger.

(Y/N): Just so long as I can do my job.

     Suddenly there are blasts of energy and Kiba runs out with the stray on his tail. Rias and the others ready their spells, while Issei and Koneko smack the stray into the air.

Issei: Now!

     Rias and her team fires their spells, but the demon reacts quick enough to only get grazed. It then focuses on Asia, it moves fast but I was quick enough to grab the monsters open mouth and grind it to a halt. Only for it to fire a explosion of energy and I fly backwards and hit a wall.

Rias: (Y/N)!

     Rias fires another spell at the creature, and while it does hit it, the spell did next to nothing. I recover and see the entire team struggling to take down the devil.

(Y/N): Godzilla, anything I can do to that thing?

Godzilla: Hit harder!

     I rush forward and past everyone and punch the stray with everything I had and it was knocked away from everyone else. The devil recovers and charges towards us, I then feel a surge of power rising within me.

Rias POV

     (Y/N) just punched the stray devil away with one punch, but it seems the devil is not finished yet. I then notice a light coming from (Y/N)'s back and going up his spine. The stray charges us and (Y/N)'s Eyes light up as he releases a large beam of energy at the devil, destroying it on the spot.

     After the energy dies down, (Y/N) collapses to one knee and we rush to his side.

Rias: (Y/N) are you ok?!

(Y/N): Yeah, just a little drained.

Issei: Holy shit dude, what was that?!

Asia: I don't know, but it sure was powerful.

Rosweisse: In all my years I have never seen a power like this.

Rias: I'll have to consult with my brother sooner than expected.

Akeno: I'll let him know you need to see him.

Rias: For now though, let's get him back to Issei's house.

     I summon a teleportation circle and we head home. By the time we get back (Y/N) had fallen asleep from exhaustion and is leaning against my shoulder. I try and hide a blush but Akeno seemed to take notice and just smirked, whatever she's planning it is not gonna be good. As I lay (Y/N) down on the bed, I just stand there looking at him with intrigue and something that Issei hasn't shown to me in a long time, maybe. Just then a knock on the bedroom door is heard, I go and open it and my brother is standing there.

SirZechs: Greetings, Rias.

Rias: Brother, thank you for coming as quick as you did.

SirZechs: You said it was of terrific urgency.

Rias: Right, my newest servant has a powerful entity within him. And tonight he displayed a small portion of this power, I need to know who I'm dealing with.

SirZechs: Of course. Do you remember the display?

      I do him one better and cast a spell that let's me show what I've seen in recent times. I show my brother (Y/N)'s breath attack that destroyed the stray devil. My brother looks at it very intently, this told me he knew what this was. The spell vanishes and my brother explains.

Sirzechs: Before the war between angels and devils started, God created the Earth and all it's inhabitants. Satan of course protested, he set about destroying everything at first. Until God had had enough, he stopped Satan and offered a deal before leaving Earth to it's fate. The offer was that they both create an entity that was both benevolent and destructive. Satan agreed, and the two fused their power to create a being to be Earth's gaurdian in their absence.

     I sit there taking in what my brother just told me, I look at (Y/N) and feel a shiver crawl up my spine. I also feel compassion for him though, because of what (Y/N) will have to go through.

Rias: What was this beings name?

Sirzechs: Godzilla, King of the Monsters.

Rias: How powerful will he become?

Sirzechs: Powerful enough to destroy anything or anyone who stands against him. Not even Big Red could stand against him, not by himself anyway.

Rias: Thank you, I will handle it from here.

Sirzechs: Very well.

     My brother leaves and I sit down next to (Y/N) on the bed. He then starts to stir and wake up.

Rias: (Y/N) are you alright?

(Y/N): *groggily* I think so, what happened to me?

Rias: You released a new power no one has seen for for a very long time. But please don't worry, I will help you get used to this.

(A/N): Ancient origins revealed, Rias feeling fear for the first time, and now I'm hungry. Hope you huys enjoyed and have a great day. PEACE OUT!

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