Landing in San Francisco

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Rias POV

I get back to the ship fleet that is now following Godzilla as he chases after the MUTO, I have figured one thing out though.

Martinez: Sir, trajectories indicate both targets converging on the Pacific Coast. As of right now, it looks like Godzilla's still following the MUTO.

Rias: He's hunting.

Serizawa: Rias? Are you sure?

Admiral: Have all vessels maintain current distance from target. And plot the speed and heading of these things. I wanna know exactly when and where they're going to make landfall.

Captain: Aye, Sir.

Admiral: Ma'am what did you mean, 'he's hunting'? You think it's chasing this MUTO?

Graham: Then why did the MUTO make a call only for it to attract a predator?

Rias: Because Godzilla was only listening and intercepted the signal. The call was to something else. *gets an idea* Divert course and search in Nevada! *goes to mapping table and looks at notes*

Captain: Nevada? Why would it go to Nevada?

Graham: No, that's not possible.

Admiral: What's impossible?

Serizawa: There was another spore found intact at the Phillipine mine.

Graham: But we vivisected it. Ran all the tests we could on it, Serizawa confirmed it himself. It's dormant.

Rias: Maybe not anymore.

Captain: This spore. Where is it now?

Graham: It was radioactive. It was disposed of. The Americans, they took it.

Admiral: Where?

Rias: Where you put all your nuclear waste.

Admiral: Dispatch a team to that location.

Captain: Yes, sir.

Rias: I'll be back. I need to check something.

I make back to the flight deck and look at Godzilla swimming in the water and use a small spell to hopefully talk to him.

Rias: *telepathically* We know where the MUTO is heading.

Godzilla: Good, I recommend starting evacuations from there immediately.

Rias: Already in the works..... Can I speak with (Y/n), please?

After a few moments.

(Y/n): Rias?

Rias: *starts breaking down but tries to herself together* (Y/n), it's been a long time, my love.

(Y/n): It's.... really good to see you too, Rias.

Rias: Do you think after all this is over could we meet somewhere and talk?

(Y/n): As much as I would love to, I am still a rogue devil and you and I would both get into trouble if we are caught seeing one another.

Rias: I haven't seen nor heard from you in over 5 years. Please, just one time, even if it's just for a few seconds. *sniffles*

(Y/n): ....We'll see, I still have to defeat, what did you call them? MUTO? They're a parasite that have given Godzilla trouble in the past.

Rias: Please be careful. I love you.

(Y/n): ...I love you.

(Y/n) goes dark and Godzilla picks up a little speed, I walk back to the command deck and the footage from the military drones is showing something disturbing. Another MUTO is tearing it's way through Las Vegas

Graham: It's nearly 600 ft. much bigger than the other one.

Admiral: This one doesn't have any wings either.

Rias: Sexual Dimorphism. Differences between males and females of the same species. This larger one is the female, that's who the MUTO has been talking to.

Serizawa: It must be a mating call. The female remained dormant until the male matured.

Rias: And now they're seeking radiation, to reproduce.

The admiral calls for a strategy meeting in the board room.

Guy in Suit: Current tracking models indicate that all three targets are converging here: San Francisco Bay. But if we rig a nuclear warhead with a shielded timer, put it on a boat and send 20 miles out, the radiation lures the MUTO's, the MUTO's lure Godzilla.

Captain: And we detonate, with minimal fallout damage to the city.

Rias: *annoyed sigh* You fools.

Admiral: Excuse me?

Rias: You guys are forgetting that these Titans feed on radiation, the bomb will only make them stronger.

Guy in Suit: We're counting on the sheer force of the blast to kill them. This bomb has twenty times the amount of force than fifty years ago.

Rias: This is stupid.

Admiral: If you have a better idea, I'm all ears.

Rias: Let Godzilla handle the MUTO's, he may be an animal but he is mindful of the world in which he protects. He is here to restore balance to Nature, and he will defeat them.

Admiral: And what? We just stand by and watch?

Rias: Yes! I have studied Godzilla for nearly 6 years, he-

Admiral: I'm sorry, I can't take that risk. *turns to Captain* We'll need to prep the warheads and get them moving to the coast.

Rias: *sigh of anger*

I storm out of the room and onto the flight deck to get some air.

(Y/n): *telepathically* I haven't seen you that pissed since Issei burst into our room butt naked thinking he was going to get some kinky action.

Rias: The Admiral is planning on setting a trap to lure the MUTO's away from San Francisco.

(Y/n): That's good, right?

Rias: The bomb attracts the MUTO's and the MUTO's attract you, then the bomb blows. Three birds, one stone.

(Y/n): Oh. Well, I can handle a bomb.

Rias: I know, it's just I know the MUTO's will survive too. The Admiral doesn't believe in you, like I do, like I always have.

(Y/n): I've had some time to reflect on how you and I left things. For a long time I thought you'd be better off without me constantly disobeying you, because I had a higher duty than to be just your pawn.

Rias: But I valued you more than my own position, I knew you were meant for greater things, but I also cared for you too much to let you run amok doing whatever you wanted.

(Y/n): I put you in a weird position and I'm sorry, we'll talk more later, hopefully.

Rias: Please, just be careful.

(Y/n): *confidant* No promises.

Godzilla suddenly dives and speeds off towards San Francisco Bay to catch up with the MUTO's. I want to help him, but how?

(Y/n) POV

I dove down and swam faster to catch up to the MUTO's before they could do any damage to the city, or worse lay their eggs, when I near San Francisco Bay, I can see a fleet of ships surrounding the Golden Gate Bridge and an armoured division on the bridge itself, but I also sense the male MUTO circling overhead. I stop my swimming and slowly rise from the water using my body to protect the bridge from the sporatic firing of missiles from the ships. I tower over the bridge and let out a roar, one of my claws on my webbed hands is easily large enough to span the entire width of the bridge. The entire military presence start firing at me, the missiles from the ships hit me in my gills and as they are a weaker part of my body it actually kind of hurts, causing me to stumble back a bit and slam into the bridge, taking it out. I ignore the rest of the military and roar at the sky to hopefully get the male MUTO's attention. I feel the MUTO send out another EMP burst, which is messing with my Atomic Breath, so I have to watch as the male MUTO divebombs the ship that had the lure bomb onboard. The male then resurfaces at the shore and takes the bomb further inland, while I try to catch up as best as I can.

Rias POV

I am standing in a forward military camp waiting for the humans to explain how they plan to get the bomb back under their control. Just then I see a familiar face.

Rias: Lieutenant Brody?

Ford: Ms. Gremory?

Rias: What happened to you?

Ford: *sigh* Long story. I need to find my family, my son was admitted to the shelter set up in the coliseum, but my wife isn't reported.

Soldier: I'm looking for Lieutenant Brody! *walks to us* Are you Brody?

Ford: Yes?

The soldier takes Ford to the meeting room and I follow to hear what stupid plan the humans have next up their sleeve.

Captain: Alright, listen up. The male delivered the warhead to the center of downtown. That puts a hundred thousand civilians in the blast radius, and we can't stop it remotely.

Team leader: An analog timer has been installed and the MUTOs are frying electronics within a five mile bubble. It means approaching from the ground is not an option. That's why we'll be conducting a halo insertion. Jumping altitude will be thirty thousand feet. We'll just skate the top and drop, here and here. *points to two spots inside the dome on the map* If you don't hit a skyscraper on the waa ay in, you meet at rally point Charlie. Good?

Soldier: Ma'am, any ideas where to start looking?

Rias: *thinks for a second* Underground. If the MUTOs have spawned, they will most likely be building a nest.

Admiral: Captain, when you find the warhead, how long to disarm it?

Team leader: Sir, without seeing the analog mod, I couldn't even guess.

Ford: 60 seconds if as I can access it. I retrofitted the device myself.

Captain: Lieutenant Brody is our only EOD tech to survive the train attack.

Team leader: Well, it sounds like we could use you.

Soldier: With all due respect, if that doesn't work, then what's plan B?

Team leader: The waterfront is located one klick downhill. Get the bomb to the pier, onto a boat, as far away from the city as possible before it detonates.

Captain: Any questions? *no response* Dismissed.

Team: That's it. Let's move.

Rias: *gently stops Ford for a moment* I know you're not a fan of these Titans, but remember that both you and Godzilla are on the same team. He only wants to stop the MUTOs, he's an ally.

Ford simply nods and walks off with the special forces team, I know (Y/n) is certainly capable of taking on both MUTOs but why do I still feel butterflies in my stomach. I walk outside with Serizawa to catch my breath, the Admiral then approaches us and asks.

Admiral: This Alpha predator of yours... Do really think he has a chance?

Serizawa: The arrogance of Man is thinking Nature is in our control, and not the other way around..... Let them fight.

(A/N): And I'm gonna stop us there for now and save the rest for the next chapter. I wish you all a great day/night and I hope you enjoyed and, as always, I'll see you in the next one. PEACE OUT!!!

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