The Hunt Begins

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Rias POV

     I told me peerage to remain in Japan unless I call for them while I hitch a ride with Serizawa to the Naval ship, USS Sartoga, where I learn that Marcus Brody didn't survive his wounds.

Serizawa: Rias, there was nothing you could've done to save him.

Rias: *stoic* I could've been faster to recognized the signs and kill this thing sooner. Everything that happens from here is my fault.

     The door to the meeting room opens and as Ford, Marcus' adult son, walks in.

Serizawa: Lieutenant, my condolences.

Graham: We are deeply sorry for your loss, but we need you help.

    I turn on old footage, via a projector, of undisclosed nuclear tests in '54.

Serizawa: In 1954, the first time a  nuclear submarine ever reached the lower depths.... it awakened something.

Rias: The Americans first thought it was the Russians, the Russians thought it was the Americans. All the nuclear bomb tests in the fifties? Not tests. *shows still image* They were trying to kill him.

Rias: Godzilla. *discreetly wipes away tear*

Serizawa: An ancient alpha predator.

Graham: Millions of years older than mankind. From an age when the Earth was ten times more radioactive than today. This animal, and others like it, consumed this radiation as a food source.

Rias: But as the levels on the surface naturally subsided, these creatures adapted to live deeper in the oceans. Further underground, absorbing radiation from the planet's core.

Graham: The organization we work for, Monarch, was formed in the wake of the discovery. A multinational coalition formed in secrecy to search for him. The top of a primodial ecosystem.

Rias: A god, for all intents and purposes.

Ford: A monster.

Serizawa: 19 years ago, we found a fossil of a much older speciman, died long ago, killed by these. *shows photo*

Graham: Parasitic spores. One dormant. But the other hatched. Catalyzed when a mining company unknowingly drilled into it's tomb. The hatchling burrowed straight for the nearest source of radiation, your father's power plant in Janjira and cocooned there, absorbing it's radioactive fuel to gestate, to grow.

Rias: Until it hatched last night.

Ford: Wait-wait-wait. You knew about this? This thing? The whole time? Why didn't you just kill it when you had the chance?

Graham: It was absorbing radiation from the reactors. We worried killing it might release that radiation and endanger millions.

Serizawa: That's why our mission was to contain it. To study it's biology. To understand it.

Rias: *sigh* We knew the creature was having an electrical effect on everything within a close proximity. What we didn't know was that it could harness this same power in an EMP attack. But your father did. He predicted it.

Serizawa: Did he say anything else to you?

Graham: Please try and remember, anything would be valuable.

Ford: I blocked out most of it, I just thought he was crazy. He was obsessed with all this, *thinks* said.... something about an animal call. Something talking. Echolocation?

Rias: *thinks* If the MUTO was talking. Your father must've discovered something talking back. Let me check again. *turns to computer and Marcus' graphs*

Ford: This parasite. It's still out there. Wh-Where is it heading?

Serizawa: The MUTO is young. Growing. It will be searching for food.

Graham: Sources of radiation. We're monitoring all known sites, but.... But if we don't find it soon-

Ford: Then what?

Rias: *turns back to the group* Nature has an order. A power to restore balance. Godzilla, is that power.

     I continue looking over the soundwave readings, while Ford is taken to Hawaii then to the mainland. I scroll through the readings until, I find what I'm looking for.

Rias: Wow. There was a response call.

       After an hour of me still trying to figure out who responded and why, the Captain approaches the Admiral.

Captain: Sir, we have new intel. We lost track of a nuclear Akula fifty Nautical miles Northwest of Hawaii. It could be the MUTO.

Rias: *interested* Admiral?

Admiral: Just got word of a missing russian sub in North Pacific. *turns to crew* Martinez?

Martinez: Aye sir. Special Forces team Sparta one is picking up a distress signal Northwest of Diamond Head on the island of Oahu.

Rias: *whispers to Serizawa* Can you cover for a few minutes?

Serizawa: *nods and gestures to go*

     I walk out of the room and head to a secluded part of the flight deck and create a teleporting circle and walk through it. My destination, Diamond Head.

      I get there and start flying around to see what I can see and as the sun starts to set, I finally spot the MUTO feasting on the radiation containers and bombs.

Rias: Alright, you ugly bastard. Let's see what you can do. HYAH!

       My spell hits and manages to geab the MUTO's attention, the parasite goes after me and I try to dodge it's attacks while also trying to find any weak spots. I start to grow overconfidant and the MUTO manages to surprise me and hit me with one of it's arms, sending me skidding across the ground. As I slowly recover, I see the MUTO going back and feeding on what remains of the sub's nuclear warheads.

*cell phone ring*

Rias: *answers* Hello?

Serizawa: Rias, he's here. *my eyes widen* He's approaching the island.

Rias: Conventional weapons aren't gonna make a dent in this thing, I fear only he could beat it.

Serizawa: The Admiral is not taking any chances when it comes to peoples safety, he will fire upon both Titans.

     I want to reassure Serizawa that (Y/n) knows better than to retaliate but I can't let my secret get out of hand. I get up and fly ahead to catch up with MUTO and maybe slow it down. I track down the MUTO passing through a train track as the power comes back on, the MUTO must've set off another EMP after my initial attack. I use my magic to stop a passenger train from derailing and get it back on the tracks. I follow the MUTO again until it comes to the airport, I try to stop it before it destroys more helicopters with another EMP, the result is 2 helicopters fall fromnthe sky and on to the airfield, where I start to hear heavy footsteps behind me, I turn around as the MUTO roars at what's standing behind me.

Rias: *grows a relieved smile* (Y/n). *sniffles*

       (Y/n)'s growth in size and power is hugely apparant, heh, as he now stands nearly 900 ft. tall and actually has some scars on his body.

      Godzilla charges and I snap myself back to reality abd get out of the way, the MUTO counterattacks and is clearly faster than Godzilla but no where near as strong, it dodges Godzilla's claws and open jaws and jumps onto Godzilla's back. The MUTO starts going for Godzilla's gills on his neck and even though it hurt, Godzilla managed to shake off the MUTO and it then decides to take flight and get away from Godzilla. Godzilla himself roars at the MUTO and chases after it by going back into the ocean, at this point it's probably time for me to return to Dr. Serizawa and help predict the MUTO's next move.

(A/N): Alright, Godzilla is back in the ball game! Let's see if Rias can help the big G and save us. Have a great day/night, hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next one. PEACE OUT!!!

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