Helping Hands

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So, we've been focusing on four characters mainly so far on this story, Cy, Sylvia, Titus, and Martin L. Snyder, but don't forget there are other characters too. That being said, let's see what's been going on for Max lately...

Max's POV

I glanced at my wrist watch that read 6:15, although dinner was at 6:25 I walked into the mess hall anyway. Walking into the rather large building with no front wall, I saw my friends, Zach and Johnny, sitting at a table. They motioned me to come sit with them and walked towards them. "Hey guys." I greeted them. "Hey." Replied both Johnny and Zach. I sat next to Zach. "How's your day been?" He asked. "Eh, rather boring, for me anyway." I replied, "oh yeah, did you see what happened to Cy earlier today?" Zach and Johnny both nodded, "yup, saw all of it, I was on the side of the runway when it happened." Zach said. "Me too, I helped haul Cy's plane off the runway in to its hanger, didn't look so good." Said Johnny. "I heard he's fine though." "That's about the only action that happened today." I remarked, "hey after dinner we should go do something and have a little fun." I suggested. "Like what?" Asked Johnny. "Maybe we could help repair Cy's plane." Zach suggested. I thought it over for a second, "hm, that does sound entertaining, to me at least, you in Johnny?" I asked turning to him. "Sure." He replied. "Then it's settled, tonight we go help the repair crew fix Cy's plane." I told my two friends. I checked my watch, it read 6:26. "Well looks like it's dinner time." I announced, with that the three of us went to get our food. 

Sometime later...

After finishing our food the three of us left the mess hall and walked towards Cy's hanger. There were trucks that looked to be carrying parts and tools driving into the hanger. Upon arriving at the entrance, we could see the repair crew of three men were preparing their tools and unloading the parts out of the trucks that delivered those parts. One of the men saw us and approached us. "Is there something I can do for you guys?" He asked. "No, we actually came here to help you guys repair Cy's plane." I replied. "Huh, I guess the more help the better, come over here I'll show you what to do." He told us. We followed him around the front of the plane and stood in front of the destroyed propeller. "Alright, so first what we need to do is remove the broken propeller from the plane, then install a new one, I will guide you on how to do so." The repair man explained, "but in order to do that we need to remove the panels covering the engine, so we can get to the propeller mount, wait here and I'll go get some tools for the job." He walked over to a truck and grabbed a toolbox, he carried it back to where we were and opened the lid. After some digging around he pulled out a wrench. "Ok, this is what we use to unscrew all the bolts holding the body panels down." The man explained. He fitted a bolt in the wrench and twisted the wrench in a circle a few times and pulled the bolt out of its place. "Huh, seems simple enough." Zach said aloud. "It is actually, and to speed things up." He pulled out two more wrenchs of the right size out of the toolbox, handing one to me and one to Johnny. "All three of you are going to unscrew bolts." The man said. The man handed his wrench to Zach. "Oh yeah, and since your unscrewing, your going to want to push down on the wrench on the sides and push left when you get to the top panels." He told us. He then went to help the other men with the rudder in the back of the plane. 'This is pretty cool' I thought. With that, Zach, Johnny, and I went to unscrewing bolts around the engine. After about 30 minutes, I unscrewed the last bolt on the panel I was working on and pulled it off. Zach, Johnny, and I had to remove four panels that were covering the engine, now the engine was exposed, as well as the propeller mount. "Hey, we got the panels off!" I yelled. The same repair man walked over to us. "Good work guys, now I can remove the propeller." He said, "I'm going to need help carrying the propeller over there when I dismount it." He pointed over at a truck with a long flatbed. "Will do." I replied. The man grabbed a wrench from the toolbox and went to work. It didn't take him long though, my friends and I soon were helping carry the propeller onto the truck bed. At this point I was sweating bullets and panting hard, that thing was the heaviest thing I've ever helped carry. 

Zach's POV

I was relieved that was over, that propeller was so heavy! Even though four of us were carrying it! Anyway, I heard a truck approaching the hanger with what looked to be hauling a propeller. One thought shot through my head, we were going to have to carry ANOTHER propeller. The truck stopped and turned around, then it reversed to the entrance of the hanger before coming to a stop. The driver door opened and I man got out of the truck, untied the ropes holding the propeller down, and got back in the truck and waited for us to take the new propeller. The repair man and my two friends and I carried the propeller over to the engine and set it down on the mount. The truck drove away and we continued our work. 

After some reinstalling...

Finally, the new propeller was on. The four of us stood back to admire our work. "Looks good." I commented. "Sure does, it should be secure too." The repair man said, "but we still got the wing to replace, the old one was completely tore off." Oh yeah, I think it would be best if we replaced it." Max said, "and don't we still have the left rudder to fix as well?" "No, me and the other guys did that while you were removing the panels." The man replied. "Now let's get to that wing." 

Johnny's POV

Everyone lifted up the new wing and held it against where it would be welded into place. One of the repairmen grabbed a step stool and a welder. He proceeded to weld the spars in the wing to the ones on the plane body. (Spars are like the skeleton of an aircraft, they hold up all parts of the plane). The repairman finished welding and we were free to let go. "Well boys, I appreciate the help you've given us tonight." Said the repairman that worked with us, "I think me and the rest of the crew can take it from here." "Well my friends I are glad we helped, we learned a few things along the way." Max said. 

We left Cy's hanger and the three of us went our separate ways. Approaching my shack I opened the door and closed it behind me, I took my shoes and socks off and set my shoes by the door and my socks in a drawer. I striped to my undershirt and put on some shorts then layed on my cot. The last thing I thought of before dozing off was this, Cy's reaction to his fixed-in-a-day plane.

Well guys there you have it, chapter 8 is fully assembled. Hope you enjoyed this chapter, it took me some thinking on this chapter but I came up with something, which you just read. Any ways, chapter 9 should be rolling out of its hanger soon. Till then!


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